My !8 year old daughter was introduced to coke then crack about 7months ago, by who she believes is a wonderful boyfriend. He taught her how to use my credit card to get cash, how to steal, sneak out of house,pawn our things ect.
This is a girl whose nickname was giggles because she laughed all the time and just wanted to have fun.
We a warrant that he is not allowed near our home or to call our house. He has been arrested for coke, drunk driving, buying pot. He is 24 still lives at home and my daughter says she loves him.
He is using her. We had to put locks on all the bedroom doors and hide anything of value.
Almost 23 weeks ago I cought her in another lie.. Picked her up at this guys house. Talked with the mother- wasn't her sons fault my daughter has issues!
The son cursed me out in front of the mother and my daughter. And this is who she wants to be with.
I called my huband while I had her told him to meet me. She was in the back seat thriowing anything she could find at me, hitting me smacking me etc.
Told my husband she needs help can not come home.We had been doing research before.
She is in rehap out of state. Saw her for the first time Sat for an hour All we were allotted. Says she is leaving in Nov. This guy is picking her up.We told her she can't come to our home.
Yesterday I found out for the first time that it was almost always crack she did.
I don't know anything about that rug. I do know of 2 people who od'd on it.
I am fighting for my daughters life. If anyone is willing to help me by e-mailing me 'Your Story' and let me send it to her I would be so thankful.Maybe something someone says will get to her. Right now her thinking is veryirrational. Thank you
im so sorry to hear that....its hard to help someone if they dont think they have a problem...sometimes if you push...the fall ...and if you stay out they fall anyway.But dont give up on her for anything she may do or he might do....dont ever stop talking to her or seeing her...even if she is with him...all she might need is some attetion.....i dont do drugs but my mom does crack and althought i dont know how to help her i try to do anything to show i care....and i always ask her to please get help because she needs it....over situation is quit opposite because im only 18.....but just remember to never stop helping her.
Please give your daughter time to recover. She has a lot to go through before you see your child again. Even though she is 18 her mind is much younger. I promise you she doesn't want her parents to leave her though she might act like she doesn't care about you. Think of this as you are at war, but not with your daughter, but with the drugs or even the devil. You don't give up no matter what happens, no matter what she says or does. It might take time, but in the end you will have your child back and her love... Don't forget God won't let you down. Just ask. Big Heart
Pray for your daughter and know that her behavior is caused by the drugs, don't take it personally, she is just not herself. Continue to love and embrace her but set limits and boundries to not enable her, make sure she will stay clean before she moves home, don't give her money, give her food, give clothes. Get yourself a support group, people who can understand what you are going through. Realize letting go maybe the hardest thing you have to do but it maybe what saves your daughter. Tough Love is hard, but nobody deserves to be treated the way your daughter has treated you.
I also have an adult daughter addicted to crack and probably pills also. She lives in Vancouver and I live in the prairies. It hurts sooooo bad that I cannot help her my heart is breaking. Saw her for a few minutes last week while visiting family and assured her that I loved her and missed her. She could be living in a "cardboard condo" right now as was being evicted from her house. How tough do we have to be? I ache every minute and pray that one day she will overcome this addiction. I want to drag her home and force her into rehab but I know she has to make that choice. I pray to God to give her strength to recover.
I am a drug addicted daughter.your posting and replys have given me another reason to keep quitting, my mother.
Aurora, you brought joyful tears to my eyes to hear that you have another reason to keep quitting. I have faith that my daughter will eventually want to quit also, not just for me but for herself also. Keep strong, we all love you!!!
Much love and support to you Aurora. Get yourself a support group to help you through these tough times, remember people places and things are the key to getting sober and above all admitting you have a problem is the first step. Hope and pray you are doing well today.