Please Help Me With Vicodin Withdrawal

This is the first time I have ever visited this or any website dealing with addiction. I have a 5 ES vicodin habit a day. I am not really an addictive person, but have been dealing with head and neck pain for several years. FOr many years I took a "cocktail" of a vicodin or half a vicodin with Excedrin Migraine and took Soma at night to relax my neck, ease the pain and help me sleep. I developed an ulcer and could no longer tolerate the Excedrin. I had been taking Aciphex for my stomach but teven that no longer worked. I had at one time taken 8-10 Excedrins a day, along with 2 1/2 Vicodin ES, up to 5 Soma's and 2 Acipex. Now I just take 4 1/2 to 5 Vicodins and 2 Soma's and maybe 1 Excedrin. I am planning on going cold turkey to get off the Vicodin completely. I am afraid that i have run out of any recourses to deal with pain, the pain that made me turn to Vicodin in the first place. Can anyone out there please help me to prepare for this? I want to know what to expect. Is getting off of 5 Vicodin a day as hellish as taking 20 or 30? Has anyone out there tried a juice fast while detoxing? That will get everything out of the system faster, but has anyone done that?
Welcome, I'm fairly new myself. 5 Vic's per day doesnt' seem like that much, but everyone's different. I'm betting you could go cold turkey, but I would recommend a support system for the psychological dependence on the vic's. Other posters here will be able to give you more first-hand experience with vicodin addiction. Although I've abused my share of those, my DOC is Fiorinol.
The head & neck pain is a b****, I have the same thing. These days there's not much you can take safely OTC. Advil, Aleve and Motrin all kill your stomach, & Tylenol is bad for your liver! Massage and cold packs help for me.
I wish you success, and I'm glad you're here!
I shouldnt even be talking because i have tried and failed a few but your post caught me.
When i tried it was bad for me. But thats because i had to deal with work and kids and a full time job and everything eles that gave me the excuse to keep taking them
I do however know what the w/d's were for me at the time.
If you want to know. Just let me know and we can talk.

Your Friend, Christina.
Hi Ninsky. I also think that your withdrawls won't be extremely bad because the amount wasn't alot..but you will still probably get sick.
It will feel like a bad case of the flu. I also deal with pain, but I really was amazed after I got clean that the pain really wasn't that bad..
I do have my days, hurts like hell, and can really get you down.
But it is better than being hooked.
The first week probably will be rough, and the mental stuff will kick in after.
Good luck, and user posted image
Hello and WELCOME!! always nice to see new people or new names hehe..
you have taken the first step addmited that you have a problem, thats ggggrrreeeaattt! i am so proud of ya ..... ok well in my opion your not taking alot at all, hell i would slam the Norcos 10/325 8 at a time! thats nuts... and i was up to 30 a day.....ewwwwww...can you do a slow taper?? i have so much to say, ok you say that u still have pain? are you still in pain?, if so wtf are you going to do?? have you talked w/your doctor about getting off of the pain pills??
let me know if your still with me or not and i will keep going..
Little Beach, i needed to add as well that about the pain getting better after we stop using, soooo TRUE!!! i thought that for years i had cronic back pain , noone could tell me diffrent, no sire bob, i needed pain pills & then when i went into detox and was totally off my back was 100% better!! no more waking up w/pain then popping pills to start me day off, nope is so cool...see what happenes is that afer prolonged use of pills our body is not able to repair its self, it doesnt allow our bodys natural morphine to work, which actully cause more pain & doctors around here will not keep u on any pain pill for to long because of this reason, that & all the abusers that is...but yes its true, and please by all means i am not saying your lying about you pain, because i am sure you do, but the pills are probablly making it worse in the long just a fyi is all......take care................................
I agree with Kerry. Five Vicodin ES's a day is 37.5 mg of hydrocodone a day, I believe. Getting off them will probably feel like having a bad case of the flu for a few days; restless legs; the runs; fatigue and difficulty sleeping. Stock up on Immodium A-D (for the runs), motrin (for achiness), and a banana or two (potassium for cramping); drink lots of water (flush out the system and stay hydrated); take long walks if you can (good for the restless legs); take warm baths with Epsom salts or long hot showers (again, helps with the achiness); and decaf teas with chamomille or Benadryl (helps with sleep).

I don't know about the juice fast you mentioned. Hydrocodone is usually out of your body w/in 3 days, which is pretty fast anyway. Drinking lots of water will help also.

You may find that, even w/out an addictive personality, staying off the vicodin can be very tough mentally. If so, you may want to consider counseling, a 12-step program, or some other type of face-to-face support. Good luck to you. Glad you posted. M.
Thank you to all of you who replied to my post yesterday. Do any of you think that my habit of 5 Vicodins (and Soma) warrent checking into a detox clinic. Other than moral support and a comfortable place to be while detoxing, what do they do there to make withdrawal easier? I saw one woman on Dr. Phil who had a 30 a day habit and he sent her to a clinic in Texas. The last I heard, her mother said that she felt like she had been "hit by a truck" for the first few days, although they had wonderful new technology to make the withdrawals as painless as possible. Another thing is ----I don't know if I can afford to do it. I have insurance but they don't seem to cover much. I also thought about going to Hawaii for a couple of weeks to a fasting retreat. One thing is, I don't have kids so it is only the time off of work that will hurt me financially.