My problem is I can not find anywhere to talk with people with the same mess going on. My husband is an addict but also has rheumatoid arthritis so has to take meds for pain. He has been doing this addictive behavior for 6 years. The last two yrs. have been a nitemare That's when he went on permanent disability. When it all started in the beginning, I would fight about it, hide the meds and then it finally got to where I bought a safe and would lock up his meds and then when time, give what the doc subscribe. Even that he learned to hold them in his mouth , like he took them but would spit them out and wait till next dose to double up so he could feel the high!! I finally took them out of the safe and put them in his care. I told him do what you are going to do. I can or will not enable you any more. That ended up that a week later, I woke to him so messed up ,I had to call 911. All they did was take him to hospital, drug tested for any level that would kill him. Then they told me there nothing they could do. If you choose to be an addict that is your choice. I left him at the hospital in tears. He manged to walk the 3 miles to our house. I did not let him in. The next day after him sleeping in the garage for a nite, I let him in and told him rehab or get out. I think he picked rehab because he had NO where to go. We have been married 34 yrs, I am 52 yrs old. I have Multiple Sclerosis. I can take no more. He always uses the excuse that he has Rhem arthritis and they tell me that they have to treat him for pain. So I do not understand how he will ever beat this because he will always be prescribed something. At first it was percots, then vicodin, then they took him off and put him on ultram, increased his prednisone so then it was ativan to calm down the jitters for so much anxiety. That is what he abused last week. That and vistaril!!!! I know my typing is horrid right now. I am so stressed. The kids are grown and I am alone.
Welcome to the board. I myself am an addict so I really can't give you any advice other then to check out the family/partners of addicts section on this site. there are alot of really great people over there who can support to you. I am sorry your are going thru such a rough time, good luck and Please check out the family board, you'll be glad you did!
thanks angela
Yes, hello, the families/partnes are great for advice. I hope they can help you.
Hello and Welcome
My husband was diagnosed with RA this past summer and they gave him mexotrtholate to try to stop the progression of the disease and small doses of prednisone for pain. Right now they are trying to wean him off the prednizone and see how the pain is. They never gave him narcotics for the pain. However he and I are both new to the disease so I'm not sure how the whole deal really works. I do know it can be extremely painful. Like the others said, maybe you'll find more help on the "Family" board. I am so sorry you are going through this now with you also suffering from MS. Try to be strong and really, seek out the Families Board. They have been and are in your position.
Praying for both you and your husband,
My husband was diagnosed with RA this past summer and they gave him mexotrtholate to try to stop the progression of the disease and small doses of prednisone for pain. Right now they are trying to wean him off the prednizone and see how the pain is. They never gave him narcotics for the pain. However he and I are both new to the disease so I'm not sure how the whole deal really works. I do know it can be extremely painful. Like the others said, maybe you'll find more help on the "Family" board. I am so sorry you are going through this now with you also suffering from MS. Try to be strong and really, seek out the Families Board. They have been and are in your position.
Praying for both you and your husband,
Thanks Lilypad!!
MY husband has had RA for now close to 12 yrs. They have tried everything. After awhile the meds stop working on him. His first drug was the mexotrtholate & predizone. They kept increasing the predizone until he was taking so much that it was driving him crazy with anxiety so then they added ativan or xanax. Well now afer everything has failed , he is taking Rituxin every 6 months. It is given at the Dr office. Alot like Chemo. In fact it is a cancer drug used in lymphoma. Over the years he would get more pain meds till he has become so addicted. He uses his diease to justify this. Now he is a full blown addict. He lies so much that I can not tell if he is really in pain or just wanting the high.
MY husband has had RA for now close to 12 yrs. They have tried everything. After awhile the meds stop working on him. His first drug was the mexotrtholate & predizone. They kept increasing the predizone until he was taking so much that it was driving him crazy with anxiety so then they added ativan or xanax. Well now afer everything has failed , he is taking Rituxin every 6 months. It is given at the Dr office. Alot like Chemo. In fact it is a cancer drug used in lymphoma. Over the years he would get more pain meds till he has become so addicted. He uses his diease to justify this. Now he is a full blown addict. He lies so much that I can not tell if he is really in pain or just wanting the high.
I'm feel for both you and your husband. I have RA too, and it is an extremely painful disease. Today I can barely walk, and have to use a cane, but tomorrow I'll be fine. It's how the disease works. Generally, treating RA with narcotics is contraindicated because of the risk of dependency, and increased drug tolerance. However there are doctors out there who will treat the pain with narcotics as your seeing, I had one that gave them to me like candy. It's how I got caught up in the madness. There are many alternative treatments available, and your husband should familiarize himself with them. Not only that but anyone that has a disease which causes chronic pain really should see a therapist on a regular basis. It not only affects us physically, but it has a huge impact on us psychologically. Its very fustrating when your body won't work for you, and can be extremely depressing to see others do simple things that you can not. Just seeing women playing with their kids on the beach has me in tears. I wish both of you luck. Take care of yourself above all else. Your husband has to work through his own issues, and hopefully he will before it's too late. It took me years before I found my way out.
I'm feel for both you and your husband. I have RA too, and it is an extremely painful disease. Today I can barely walk, and have to use a cane, but tomorrow I'll be fine. It's how the disease works. Generally, treating RA with narcotics is contraindicated because of the risk of dependency, and increased drug tolerance. However there are doctors out there who will treat the pain with narcotics as your seeing, I had one that gave them to me like candy. It's how I got caught up in the madness. There are many alternative treatments available, and your husband should familiarize himself with them. Not only that but anyone that has a disease which causes chronic pain really should see a therapist on a regular basis. It not only affects us physically, but it has a huge impact on us psychologically. Its very fustrating when your body won't work for you, and can be extremely depressing to see others do simple things that you can not. Just seeing women playing with their kids on the beach has me in tears. I wish both of you luck. Take care of yourself above all else. Your husband has to work through his own issues, and hopefully he will before it's too late. It took me years before I found my way out.
I just read your story, I was late earlier and missed the whole posting.
I was on pednisone before and it can make you crazy, too, like the opiates. So perhaps the ativan is for the shakiness of the prednisone? However, it is a benzo, one of the most highly, I believe, addictive things you can take, horrible to stop. I am unfamiliar with Ultram, and R. Arthritis, how its treated, but, I know when it flares up, its reallt painful.
I see the rehab was a last option, and may not have helped much, it takes a lot of work on the persons part and he has to want to get there.
Take care of you, and I know that your kids are grown, maybe an older child can help by discussing this with him?
I wish there were more answers, but, hopefully the f/friends can help out!
All my best,
I just read your story, I was late earlier and missed the whole posting.
I was on pednisone before and it can make you crazy, too, like the opiates. So perhaps the ativan is for the shakiness of the prednisone? However, it is a benzo, one of the most highly, I believe, addictive things you can take, horrible to stop. I am unfamiliar with Ultram, and R. Arthritis, how its treated, but, I know when it flares up, its reallt painful.
I see the rehab was a last option, and may not have helped much, it takes a lot of work on the persons part and he has to want to get there.
Take care of you, and I know that your kids are grown, maybe an older child can help by discussing this with him?
I wish there were more answers, but, hopefully the f/friends can help out!
All my best,
Thanks Paleogal and lucky. Just finding you on here is making me feel better.
We have been here, working on our recoveries, and I know myself, I decided to do it. No one forced me, I wasn't ready til I was ready. I had had enough of being sick and tired all the time. My heart goes out to you, take care!
We have been here, working on our recoveries, and I know myself, I decided to do it. No one forced me, I wasn't ready til I was ready. I had had enough of being sick and tired all the time. My heart goes out to you, take care!