ey my name is lyndsey im 15 years old and i have a younger sister who is 12 and my mom is addicted to weed, alchohol, and all sorts of pain pills. she just told me today that she spent $4,000 on drugs on the internet and she did that today and my dad in an insurance adjuster so he is gone a lot and he is coming home monday and he is going to find out that my mom did that and im scared they are going to get a divorce because this has happened before and my dad told my mom that she had one more chance and i think she blew it today and i dont want them to get a divorce. she has been to all kinds of recovery groups and none of them help and i smoke pot and we both agreed that we were gonna stop and my birthday is dec. 22 and i plan to stop doing it then but i know my mom wont be able to do that and im worried about her and i dont want her to have to go to jail or anything. PLEASE HELP ME I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO
oh sweetie, i feel 4-u but theres nothing u can do honey, u r just a bay your self, my mom divorced my father because he was drug addict and an acholic, gee how am i an addict oh and my step father is a huge alcholic, look honey i am a addict(oviousley) here is my e-mail i am here for you ( jasmine49@comcast.net) use it and the people here are sooooo great!!!
write me back on this board and tell me whats going on?? jasmine
write me back on this board and tell me whats going on?? jasmine
Your post broke my heart. You shouldn't have to face such worry and pain at your age. You're having to grow up way too fast. Your Mom needs help, that's clear, but so do you. You should not have to go through this alone. Have you ever attended Alateen? It is a support groups especially for teens who have one or more parents addicted to alcohol, pills, etc. It's free, and confidential (anonymous). Check your phone book for a listing; if you don't find one, try calling the Alcohlics Anonymous number and ask if they can give you any information on meetings in your area. This is just one suggestion. Keep posting and reaching out, we'll try to help in any way we can. God Bless, M.
Your post broke my heart. You shouldn't have to face such worry and pain at your age. You're having to grow up way too fast. Your Mom needs help, that's clear, but so do you. You should not have to go through this alone. Have you ever attended Alateen? It is a support groups especially for teens who have one or more parents addicted to alcohol, pills, etc. It's free, and confidential (anonymous). Check your phone book for a listing; if you don't find one, try calling the Alcohlics Anonymous number and ask if they can give you any information on meetings in your area. This is just one suggestion. Keep posting and reaching out, we'll try to help in any way we can. God Bless, M.
I meant to say that u r just a baby your self and that was a great post none for me!! honey i feel 4 -u really i do you are to young to worry about such problems, please stay calm and we are here 4 u even if it is the coumpter we are still humans behind the key board and we help each other all the time, like me i relpased and i have had overwhelming support, so hang in there and keep us posted!!{{{{{{{{{[hugs 2 U}}}}}}}}}}}}} your friend jasmine
My dad was an alcoholic and he died when I was 28. My mom left him when I was 8 and we spent weekends enduring his disease. Tonight I am drinking his drink vodka and I dont know why i would do that. I should hate it.
Your dad being gone a lot is bad for you right now and maybe you should tell him that. Is he gone overnight? You should not be dealing with this. You are a child. If your mom makes these choices as an adult than she is the one who has to face the consequence. You should probably tell your dad that you need him to be home at night. If he can not be than you should think of somewhere you can be to be safe and secure. I know how you feel to be so scared. If they divorce it will bother you but staying married will not protect your mom. She has to protect herself. Staying married has not helped her yet. Are you scared for her if your dad leaves? Will he be there for you? I remember the scary nights of being at my dads house. You are going through the same thing. Go to alateen. Tell your father what is going on if he is a good man. IF you can count on him to be there for you than tell him. Maybe his strength to be independant of this problem will help your mom. I went through this.
Your dad being gone a lot is bad for you right now and maybe you should tell him that. Is he gone overnight? You should not be dealing with this. You are a child. If your mom makes these choices as an adult than she is the one who has to face the consequence. You should probably tell your dad that you need him to be home at night. If he can not be than you should think of somewhere you can be to be safe and secure. I know how you feel to be so scared. If they divorce it will bother you but staying married will not protect your mom. She has to protect herself. Staying married has not helped her yet. Are you scared for her if your dad leaves? Will he be there for you? I remember the scary nights of being at my dads house. You are going through the same thing. Go to alateen. Tell your father what is going on if he is a good man. IF you can count on him to be there for you than tell him. Maybe his strength to be independant of this problem will help your mom. I went through this.