Please Help

Please help me with these horrible cravings to get high. I am a stay home mom of 3 children and I am in recovery from vicodin. I have been sober for 3 months 12 days and I have been having a craving for some pills. I need help.!!!!
Call a friend...
Get busy, maybe clean a room, a closet, organize the kids clothes...
Can someone babysit so you can go to an NA/AA meeting?
Consider naltrexone if this is a persitent problem.

No matter what, don't use. You can do this, but if you're trying to stay clean alone it's a rough ride.

Good luck;
Well, I can definitely give you advice; whether it helps or not, I'm not sure. LOL

I've also been clean for 3 months (since January 24th). I was on suboxone, but have been off of it for about a week and a half..... In that week and a half, my cravings for vicodin has skyrocketed. I don't know if it's because, in my subconscious, I know I COULD take the pills again (you can't while on the sub), or if the sub really did suppress cravings and now they've been rereleased..... I"m not sure.

Talk to your doctor about getting put on the antidepressant Wellbutrin. I went back on it last Sunday and it has helped with the cravings, as well as the obsessive thoughts I've had about the pills (though has not eliminated them completely). It's not a controlled substance, is covered by insurance (I pay about $45 w/insurance), doesn't effect libido (like other antidepressants do), and doesn't make you gain weight (in fact, the majority of people actually LOSE weight while on Wellbutrin - I lost 8lbs in about 3 weeks when I got put on it in January- which is why it's not recommended for those who've had an eating disorder or who are underweight.

Good luck.

Hun you have waaaay too much time under your belt to turn back now.

Forget the high. Remember the recovery. Was it hell? Do you want to go through that again?

You have two choices:
Stay clean and live
Start using and evetually die or face withdrawal again.

It is that simple. I hope you make the right choice. Please, stick around the board so you remember what you went through, as if you could forget, right? But, it never hurts to be reminded. Read and post until your fingers fall off. Whatever it takes. Have you experienced an 'event' lately that may have re-ignited your urge to use?

Spend the time you use thinking about drugs and transfer that time thinking about what may be making you WANT to use. You may find a trigger, squash it and be on your merry way.
idol hands and minds are the devils play ground or something like that.. lol....

any way the point is.... jim hit it on the head.... you are isolating... giving your addiction all the room and time to run.... When i first got clean on my own... hiding it from my family... everything i did or saw I related it to my drug... wow that would be easier if only I was high... or that comericial was about a new drug .. wonder if the side effects had anything to do with uphoria... oh just anything... I was obsessing... but I was doing nothing to keep me occupied or doing any recovery work.... the fact is.. I wasnt in recovery ,,,,i was just clean... recovery is when you do things to help you stay clean....

go to meeting.... make out a gratetude list.... call someone that knows about your addiction and talk.... get a recovery book and read it..... pray and memorize the serenity prayer.... anything realated to recovery....

being clean doesnt equal recovery..

best of luck .... keep coming back..
