Hey for everyone that knows or doesn't know my story I'm clean off lortab 23 days I believe. Well I have thse boils trhat I get on my butt...LOL..writting that helped me laugh. I have been cring for a hour straight. I recently had one cleaned and went under right before I got clean. There is still a hole there but not painful. Well over the past couple of days on my left cheek I have another one the size of my palm. I went to hospital to have it drained. The doctor didn't give me anything but novicane. Well the three neddles he put in there to numb it worked he cut it nothing came out. So now I have a slice in a boil the size of my palm and it hurts so damn bad. He gave me darvocet but I haven't gotten it filled. I think motrin will be fine. Just frustarted had three of these in 2 months all of which have been lanced then had operated on a week latter. I have a hole in my right cheek and left is huge...LOL..Huge pain in the A$$.
WHen I get them lanced they at least give me a pain shot first. I was cring in the room before I even got dicharged. I honestly am not looking for a high, I'm hurting. I feel hot and nauseas. UHHHHH. Light headed everything. I haven't felt bad pain in five years...maylbe that's why I'm boo hooing...... Thanks for letting me vent.
With Love
Gosh, Sarah, that sounds terrible. Do you think you have an infection? Maybe antibiotics? I have no idea what to say. Stay strong. Don't use.
wow, that makes me hurt. hot bath?
Hey Gina and Lone wolf:) Thaks for the replys and help.
Gina sweetie you always help me more than you know. Even you said I don't know what to say...but the important thing was don't USE. Thanks girl! I'm not. It's probuly better they didn't give me a shot. I don't want to feel remotely high might give me or should I say definately would have gave me stinkin thinkin!
Lone Wolf..How are you tonight? Also I meant to ask you how your wifes MRI went. Thank you for the advise. I'll probuly take a hot bath tomorrow. It's 11:32 here and have a maxi pad looking thing on it..LMAO don't want to get it wet.
Thanks again guys...With Love
Gina sweetie you always help me more than you know. Even you said I don't know what to say...but the important thing was don't USE. Thanks girl! I'm not. It's probuly better they didn't give me a shot. I don't want to feel remotely high might give me or should I say definately would have gave me stinkin thinkin!
Lone Wolf..How are you tonight? Also I meant to ask you how your wifes MRI went. Thank you for the advise. I'll probuly take a hot bath tomorrow. It's 11:32 here and have a maxi pad looking thing on it..LMAO don't want to get it wet.
Thanks again guys...With Love
Damn that sounds painful. Maybe a cold compress to help numb it a little? I don't know... I'll be thinking of you though... Hang in there.
Much Love,
Much Love,
Thank You Lox will try right now:)
With Love
With Love
Sounds like a commercial for Kotex!
Not for the weak stomach!!!
Charlie, sorry that I'm going to say this, but she is in alot of pain and your reply was not very appropriate. I know we sometimes start talking about things that aren't exactly appropriate but it generally not after a post like this one. She has got to be in the worse pain.
Sarah, I have no idea how you would get them but I don't think it's from D/T's. I thought boils were contagious? Have you been around anyone with one. I looked it up in a book I have and they are a bacteria and are highly infectious. They invade oil gland or hair follicles and cause it to swell and pus. You can also spread the infection if you touch it and then touch another part of your body. To treat: Apply hot, wet compresses with a moist towel for 3 min at a time, 10 times a day. This will bring the pus to a head and then it will start draining. Be sure when it starts draining to keep the place really clean. Keep the compresses going for 3 days after the drainage begins. The water in the towel should be warmer than body temp. but not much hotter. It says, not to pinch, pick or squeeze because it will spread. It also says to avoid oily products as this plugs up the skin. Hope this helps. Just copied it from my medical book.
Charlie, sorry that I'm going to say this, but she is in alot of pain and your reply was not very appropriate. I know we sometimes start talking about things that aren't exactly appropriate but it generally not after a post like this one. She has got to be in the worse pain.
Sarah, I have no idea how you would get them but I don't think it's from D/T's. I thought boils were contagious? Have you been around anyone with one. I looked it up in a book I have and they are a bacteria and are highly infectious. They invade oil gland or hair follicles and cause it to swell and pus. You can also spread the infection if you touch it and then touch another part of your body. To treat: Apply hot, wet compresses with a moist towel for 3 min at a time, 10 times a day. This will bring the pus to a head and then it will start draining. Be sure when it starts draining to keep the place really clean. Keep the compresses going for 3 days after the drainage begins. The water in the towel should be warmer than body temp. but not much hotter. It says, not to pinch, pick or squeeze because it will spread. It also says to avoid oily products as this plugs up the skin. Hope this helps. Just copied it from my medical book.
Also not for the weak stomach.
Another thing it says, when you can see the pus at the very top of the skin, you can take a needle that's been sanitized (Just pour some alcohol over it or use a match to clean the end). If you use the match, don't put it right on your skin afterwards or then you will be treating a burn too. Stick into it to open it up. Be sure to clean it real well after it drains out and all around it.
Another thing it says, when you can see the pus at the very top of the skin, you can take a needle that's been sanitized (Just pour some alcohol over it or use a match to clean the end). If you use the match, don't put it right on your skin afterwards or then you will be treating a burn too. Stick into it to open it up. Be sure to clean it real well after it drains out and all around it.
Dear Donna either way I think there will be some pain involved.Isnt there something OTC that can numb it?You know like ambasol will numb your gums,isnt there something like that OTC.I get lidocaine for my throat but thats a script.If I can be of any help let me know.Its so hot here in NY that Im not doing anything but hanging on the computer.....mj
M.J. I think she or someone could go to the pharmacy and find something OTC. Xyocaine (sp) is something I think you can buy OTC. I would just talk with the pharmacist and I know she would recommend something, if not maybe that Dr. would give her something or call it in.
That would be her best bet.It sounds like its gonna hurt like hell.As I said I get the lidocaine so maybe her Dr can call that in.
How are you doing today?Its hot as hell here in upstate NY....mj
How are you doing today?Its hot as hell here in upstate NY....mj
I'm doing O.K. today. We had the worse storm last night. Winds up to 70mph. I got my kitties in the basement so I wouldn't be running around looking for them in case of a tornado, so all I had to worry about was Andrew. We each had a flashlight and a blanket so we were prepared. Of course, Dave was out of town. This morning, there are limbs and trees down everywhere. They are predicting storms everyday from today till next Monday. Oh yeah!!!
Yeah here in NY too.I hope it doesnt screw up my fishing this weekend.Its so hard to breath when its like this.Somehow I gotta get a plan of action for me & the kittys.My mom is like Oh leave um they know enough to take cover,but the thought of them being left alone & scared is too much for me so Ill always stay.Of course I send my daughter down stairs to my sisters apartment but I just cant see me leaven them Id never be able to forgive my self.
How long is Dave out of town for?That must stink huh?mj
How long is Dave out of town for?That must stink huh?mj
Weve been in a major heat wave here for almost a week I hate summer here in Toronto always hot and humid and smog days and all I have is a little fan Hate it! Whinner eh?
Hi there,
Kanas Girl is right. I use to have exactly what your speaking about when I was much younger. Please do as she instructed you. It shouldn't hurt when you lance it though - when the boil is ready to pop. It should relieve it. The nice thing about it is they can go completely away and you may never get them again. It's been 20 years for me. And now my skin is great! Can I ask you if you have ever had your glucose level ever checked? It sometimes indicates your a diabetic.
Kanas Girl is right. I use to have exactly what your speaking about when I was much younger. Please do as she instructed you. It shouldn't hurt when you lance it though - when the boil is ready to pop. It should relieve it. The nice thing about it is they can go completely away and you may never get them again. It's been 20 years for me. And now my skin is great! Can I ask you if you have ever had your glucose level ever checked? It sometimes indicates your a diabetic.
Hello my friends! Sorry to hear about all of that crazy weather. I live in Florida and got hit with Ivan last year so I can realate plus it's hot here too..lol. Kansas I'm glad your kitties are ok:)
Well this is my third boil 6th surgury on my rump all together. Third boil in about two months though. I have had all lanced and also had irrogatted(sp) by surgeon because they just don't heal. NOw the irragated one I had last is about a inch deep and leaking onto the other side I do wonder after reading your help if this just keeps on spreading because of this. My husband usually lances them then I go to the Er they lance then DOc irragoates...UHH. But this one by far is the worst. I have never been in so much pain in my life.
But one the other hand I haven't felt pain in five years:) I never thought I'd be gld to feel pain..LOL. I'm just scared guys. IV antibiotics every other day and tring to figure out what is wrong. I'm in the medical field so I have all kinds of things in my head. My surgeon prayed with me cried and asked me if I believed in god. He wanted me to ask him for strength. Now I"m cring again. My hubby tells me not to worry but damn this is hard. I feel as if this could be serious. I'm sorry if I'm rambeling but you all seem like family to me and family sticks together and we all have the same thing in common so it makes it very easy for me to talk about it here.
Well this is my third boil 6th surgury on my rump all together. Third boil in about two months though. I have had all lanced and also had irrogatted(sp) by surgeon because they just don't heal. NOw the irragated one I had last is about a inch deep and leaking onto the other side I do wonder after reading your help if this just keeps on spreading because of this. My husband usually lances them then I go to the Er they lance then DOc irragoates...UHH. But this one by far is the worst. I have never been in so much pain in my life.
But one the other hand I haven't felt pain in five years:) I never thought I'd be gld to feel pain..LOL. I'm just scared guys. IV antibiotics every other day and tring to figure out what is wrong. I'm in the medical field so I have all kinds of things in my head. My surgeon prayed with me cried and asked me if I believed in god. He wanted me to ask him for strength. Now I"m cring again. My hubby tells me not to worry but damn this is hard. I feel as if this could be serious. I'm sorry if I'm rambeling but you all seem like family to me and family sticks together and we all have the same thing in common so it makes it very easy for me to talk about it here.
I'm just relieved you're going to see a specialist. At least you will have some answers and hopefully some treatment. I would definitely ask him why you keep getting this?