Please If Anyone Could Read My Topic Stupid Or Na?

I need to make sure that I am protected.......I guess I should just assume the worst about his casual sex if he is having it.....but I wish I knew for sure,.,.,.I want to believe him but I know I shouldnt.
feeling hopeless,
I can almost assure you that yes he was and is having casual sex with women he would of never even given a second glance at before he started using. I didn't want to believe it for a long time either. He never wanted to be with me, but I had bought some condoms and they were dissapearing out of his car rapidly. Said he kept losing them. At least sometimes he might of protected himself. I went to the doctor and luckily no STD's, no HEP C, no AIDS. I know this is not what you want to hear. From what I understand smoking crack is like a all over orgasam. Porno & Sex chat lines and websites are very common with addicts. They get very stimulated by them, and seek frequent sex ,sometimes they can't perform. Its all part of the lifestyle. Yes, he might have something, but crack also supresses the appetite. Theres nothing you can do for him. But for your own safety, make that doctor appointment now. God women, I feel your pain. You are in my thoughts.
Kate........thank you so much for replying. I guess i didnt and dont want to admit it. But talking and reading posts and research I am getting myself more educated about this demon. Which the more i learn the more scared i get. I am definalty going to the doctors first thing. Everytime I think it cant get anyworse...... again thanks so much for taking the time to read my always everyone is in my prayers..........