Please Read And Respond O/t

My dog was away at Petsmart Hotel 8/18-21. Prior to going she had boosters of all her shots. I treated her with frontline and a heartworm med before going. On 8/24 I took her to the groomer. She had a bath and haircut with this strawberry-lemonade shampoo. When I picked her up the groomer said she has a little scab on her shoulder. (called it a hotspot)

By Wednesday she was covered in redspots, biting her paws, itching and rolling around like crazy. I took her to the vet and she was red all over. A huge giant hotspot under her chin (do dogs have chins?). the doctor said it was probably an allergic reaction. Also her eye was watering. She gave me a steroidal spray for the itch, benedryl 3x day for itching, an antibiotic (I thought it was to prevent infection). She said if it doesn't work (the spray and benedryl) call and get a steroid pack. Her chin/throat area was shaved and washed with a steroid. I used the spray and it must have been painful. She ran away, etc. Anyway the sore started to get better but she threw up 3X. She has had three days of the antibiotic. Now she won't eat her dinner and threw up again and is lethargic.

I'm thinking maybe shes pooping out the antibiotic and not getting it. I stopped the benedryl because she stopped scratching and the spray doesn't seem to hurt so much.

Anybody have any experience with anything like this. I weighed her and she hasn't lost any weight since Monday. Should I take her to the ER?
She's never been like this and never had an allergic problem before. We haven't changed anything and she always goes to the same groomer.
I just know that with my dogs? I treat em like my kids and if they're sick, they go to the vet, pronto. I would take her in as soon as you can.
I'm taking her to the ER. Thanks Lisa.
Let me know, ok?
She's okay. We went out in torrential rains to the ER. She was probably having vomitting and diarrhea from the antibiotics. He said they do that sometime. She had gotten them on an empty stomach today. She got a little bit of fluid under the skin, some probiotics and some kind of immodium for dogs. We were in and out in a little over an hour. He was a nice doctor but when he turned his back I went in the medicine cabinet for doggie pain meds. JK JK
Oh my God! crack me up!

I was gonna tell you that there probably wasn't anything to worry about but I thought you'd probably already left for the ER. Antibiotics can make humans react the same way. I'm glad your pooch is ok though. I'm bored and lonesome tonight and you just made me laugh! Thanks darlin'!!!

Alice...HAHAHAHA! Glad you kept your sense of humor.

I would definitely bring it up with the so-called pet hotel...sounds more like a pet ghetto. Bring them your before and after vet stuff and tell them that there is a serious problem when a healthy dog gets that sick from such a short stay.

Glad your pupperoo is okay...whew,

Peace ~ M&M
I wouldn't take the dog back there. I almost lost a dog once because they sedated her in order to groom her. Bad reaction. I told the a******* not to sedate my dog but they did anyway.
I don't trust groomers. Period. I groom them myself.
Hi Alice,
I'm glad everything turned out okay. I think the vet bills and the grooming should be covered, somebody messed up. But as long as your pups okay then its all good. Everytime I've given just about any dogs antibiotics, they're stomach freaks out, its like the perfect storm. Good to see you. Love, Roe xo
Hey Alice.I bet it was the antibiotics.I had to give JoJo some when a horse stepped on her paw and almost severed it.She got really sick when I gave her the antibiotics so I made sure she ate something first.I'm glad she's feeling better.
So glad your dogs ok Alice and your last remark was too funny. I spit coffee on the key board. Perfect timing my dear.
It's no use, Alice. Vet exam rooms are a big no-score.
Well she threw up all morning. I cooked her bland chicken and rice and sprinkles the probiotics on it. She won't eat. She always eat. I discontinued the antibiotics because she's not scratching and I don't want her to get worse. Joe cleaned up 7 throw ups while I was at yoga. I'm going to give her another day or two and hopefully she'll start to get better.
Giving her a bland diet is the best thing. Feed her the chicken by hand, little at a time. Make sure she's still drinking water. Is she peeing and pooping?
Cooked carrots & cooked brn. rice. An old recipe; that works. No meat! Found through the yrs; low sodium chk. broth helps entice them to eat this. About 1/2-1 tsp. mix well. Hope r baby is better soon. I will say a prayer.
She rallied and did eat a little bit. I took her off the antibiotics. The doctor said he didn't think her neck was infected.

If you want to see her, go to AbbyKong on You Tube. My kids made it a couple of years ago.
Hi AliceP,

How are you doing?

I'm so glad to read your puppy is doing better. It is so sad when our little furry friend is sick.

I laughed so much when you wrote you had checked the vets medecine cabinet. That is just too, too funny!


Alice, check out my post on the H board; I will not get high today because...
Hey Alice,

So glad your doggie is okay. Just something else to worry about, huh?

You mentioned that your boarded her at Petsmart and wanted to share a funny story about them. You know I got a dog in January, right (I think I emailed you a picture of her). She's a mix of dachshund, beagle and bassett (she's basically a hound dog). Anyway, she's got the short dachshund legs and the huge basset paws that are turned out in the front. She hates for anyone to touch her paws so I can't clip her nails. A couple of months ago, I took her to the Petsmart salon to get them trimmed, and it was quite the experience. One groomer tried it and couldn't do anything by herself so got another groomer to help her. They had the chain around her neck and muzzled her (she has never bitten anyone) and she through a fit. She looked like she had rabies. They undid her and handed her to me. Her eyes were red as roses! They kicked her out and banned her from ever coming back!!!!! So we have to go to the vet now for a pedicure and it takes three of us to hold her down while the vet trims them. So my little Maggie is a Petsmart reject.

My aunt drugs her dog before any grooming, but the addict in me will not allow it.
Sounds like a job for the dog whisperer. :)
Glad to hear from you MIchelle. Keep up the good work!