Hi everyone.I asked the Mods if I could put this on the board.I don't know if anyone remembers last June,my daughters 15 year old died because of methodone.It was given to him by a 23 year old woman who gets a "take home dose"on the weekends.
The boys name was Evan & well he was a good kid.
Anyways,Evans mom brought this petition to our attention & I hope no matter your opinion on methodone you at least take the time to read some of the stories.They touched me deeply & really helped me change my mind on methodone matinence.
You do not have to give your name.
Thank you All for taking the time
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/peti...ition/472711451 Please just take a look
The Web site is
The website is
I clicked on the link, but its a little lengthy to read on my blackberry.
What are the major differences between sub and meth? I don't know anything about methodone except that I was on it for 7 days in rehab. It was a "blind" dose so I have no idea what mg I was taking? I an very sorry about the death, that's horrible. I don't remember the story, but I don't think I was on here much at that time. I am curious about the comparisons of the two? I know meth is supposed to be harder to get off of then sub.
What are the major differences between sub and meth? I don't know anything about methodone except that I was on it for 7 days in rehab. It was a "blind" dose so I have no idea what mg I was taking? I an very sorry about the death, that's horrible. I don't remember the story, but I don't think I was on here much at that time. I am curious about the comparisons of the two? I know meth is supposed to be harder to get off of then sub.
Without my methadone take homes I could not go to work...even thinking about not having methadone is too scary for me to even contemplate...why should the rest of us suffer because some people misuse it...i dont mix; use on top of it;give it out or even advertise that i am on it....what should i do?...go to the clinic every single morning to get my dose before work ?...the only clinic here is 45 minutes away; and 3 hours from where i work...it would be a nightmare...i have been on methadone for 7 months now; in those 7 months i have felt happy, productive, and have functioned like a "normal" person perhaps for the first time in my life...its the same old story...the good suffer for the few people who abuse it...im sorry about your daughters friend/son; not sure what the story was...but anything bought or given off the streets is always a chance...i agree that doctors and such should be more experienced and have more training in methadone maintenace...and those few people who show up at the clinic drunk, or high should be refused...if methadone is used properly; just as anything is; its a wonderful tool; its a wonderful medicine, and thats how i look at it...its a med.; i take it once a day; it helps me to function; it got me off heroin; keeps me clean and off the streets; gave me a chance...no, i wont sign; and i wont endorse having methadone programs be disabled; people abuse all kinds of medication; its not up to the world and the pharmacies to police people....if people abuse their medications; then thats on them..if you take medicine presribed for someone other then yourself; then thats on you...methadone is a good thing for many many people; the ones you dont hear about because their the ones taking it as prescribed...this makes me so angry sometimes when i read stuff like this...you ban something good because some people are using it improperly and someone gets hurt...all the millions of other people suffer because of the few who have to screw it up...jeesh....methadone is an excellent recovery tool, espeically for older people; those of us over 40 cannot do the sub...its not recommended...im on methadone; its like any other med when used properly..it has helped me so much...yes there are days when im tired of it; but im sure there are days when people get tired of taking their anti depressents and the such too; those are just days...for the most part im glad that i was able to go on it...when im ready; i will come off it...and like anything; i will come off slowly; and taper....the one thing recovery has taught me that i think is important; is that addicts always try to find the easy way; the short cut; bend the rules, slip through the loop holes...i had to learn that that wasnt the right way to live; that i must be responsible; play by the rules....recovery and methadone has helped me to become a decent citizen...i wouldnt trade my recovery for anything...im learning so much...but i wouldnt have had that chance if i hadnt the methadone...just my two cents for the day...
Hey Con,in my post on the petition,I was very clear when I wrote I have mixed emotions on the methodone,,,BUT there must be a safer way for those who need it to get it.I put that right on the petition,because I know people who truley (like you)have gotton their lives back from it.So even though it CAN be a danerous drug,it still has "helpful uses"for those who really want a life back.
However Con,you know that there are alot of people who use the methodone,who actually play games with their lives & others with it.I just feel there MUST be a safer way for people like yourself to have methodone.This petition in no way want to end methodone,,only to have some sort of better system in place where these kids arent dying.There has to be a way to help both sides in this.And really if everyone was responsable like you are there would be no need for this petition.However we both know that not all addicts can be trusted.
Thank you for your input Con.Because I do believe as you do that it does help many,but it also kills in the wrong hands.
And know I had no itentions of offending anyone.BUT theres just gotta be a safer way.
Even with a safer way,it still should be monitored better.Con I respect & understand totally for not signing,all I ask is maybe seeing both sides because honest not all people are like you & THATS where the safty net comes into play
However Con,you know that there are alot of people who use the methodone,who actually play games with their lives & others with it.I just feel there MUST be a safer way for people like yourself to have methodone.This petition in no way want to end methodone,,only to have some sort of better system in place where these kids arent dying.There has to be a way to help both sides in this.And really if everyone was responsable like you are there would be no need for this petition.However we both know that not all addicts can be trusted.
Thank you for your input Con.Because I do believe as you do that it does help many,but it also kills in the wrong hands.
And know I had no itentions of offending anyone.BUT theres just gotta be a safer way.
Even with a safer way,it still should be monitored better.Con I respect & understand totally for not signing,all I ask is maybe seeing both sides because honest not all people are like you & THATS where the safty net comes into play
As per my previous post...seriously, what's the difference in someone getting a script for a months worth of sub. Then getting a few days of meth.? People abuse both and we all know that. I don't think ANYONE on here that's on sub would like going to the dr every day to pick up their dose. Sub is sold on the street just like meth. And sub is supposed to be deadly when mixed with other drugs and or alcohol. Why should it be treated any differently? I would really like to hear opinions on that.
Out of all of us "regulars" on the pill board, is anyone on meth maintenance rather then sub? I know a few were entertaining the idea, but I don't remember if anyone followed thru?
Con, I am very happy that the meth has helped you so much. I know you really struggled with it in the beginning. I'm glad you found some sort of peace. Your a great person and you deserve a great life.
Out of all of us "regulars" on the pill board, is anyone on meth maintenance rather then sub? I know a few were entertaining the idea, but I don't remember if anyone followed thru?
Con, I am very happy that the meth has helped you so much. I know you really struggled with it in the beginning. I'm glad you found some sort of peace. Your a great person and you deserve a great life.
Hello,MollyJean and Lynn......i have to agree with Con totally,ive been on methadone for 8yrs.....it also saved my life and any normal future i may have had,i may be on it for life but i look at it as a great tool in my recovery after abusing heroin and benzos for many years.......i take it as prescribed no leakage onto the streets with me....i just look at it as a medicine that i take to stay clean.I have custody of my great 9yr.old daughter and hold down a decent skilled job.....none of these important things would have happened without methadone as a tool.Also one thing disturbes me in Europe(im in Ireland)ive never heard of people on any more than 100/120ml.......but from what i have gathered in the U.S people can be on greatly increased doses such as anywhere between 150ml. to over 200ml.no addict needs more than 100ml. to get them outta the grips of opiate addiction,so maybe we should look at the prescribing policies at many of yer cash based clinics,coz all someone getting over 200ml. will do for the day is nod off,or sell the xtra juice.As said above you never hear of the sucess stories,just the bad side like the young lad M.J spoke of....which do need to be addressed,but not by trampling over folks like me and Con who have beaten addiction and lead decent promising futures....i know no witch hunt was the reason for yer earlier posts,but as i said its given me my life back and countless others out there who should be considered.Take care all.......Davey
Mj, or anyone else who cares to join in- do you feel people on meth maintance should have to pick up their dose every day after they have been on the program and earned the right to take it home for how ever many days allowed? I personally don't see the difference between that and sub.?
I dont know the answer,however I just feel there must be a safer way to go about it.
Believe me when I signed that (& if you dont feel you want to I understand)Anyways,before I signed it I have thought & been told by Drs that if I cant hold on the Sub Id have to go on that.And Ill be honest here.Years ago yes I bought methodone pills.I guess they dont give the pills out,or at leastmy Dr cant.So I thought for years Id end up on it.But since reading some stories on there Ive decided Ill no matter what,Ill try my best to stay on Sub.
Now totry to answer your question Lynn,to me the difference or at least one,is that from what Ive looked up methodone can & does intereact with many other meds including effexor.
I suppose the difference lays in the effects.
Sub has somethingin it to block the opiate high giving a person a chance to try & learnto live a sober life without W/D
Methodone gives you a higheffect.And its much easier to OD on Methodone.
So far Im enjoying this thread,as it seems like a healthy debate.My problem is I totally understand the responsable people who are on matienence.All Im saying is there must be a safer way.A safer way for those like Con who is taking it for the right reasons,as well as keeping it out of youthful hands.
I did want to say that I think you both are wonderful & Im so glad that this drug has helped you.You 2 are the ones I mean when I say "There must be a safer way to get it to the people who really want a better life & not just a better high.
Believe me when I signed that (& if you dont feel you want to I understand)Anyways,before I signed it I have thought & been told by Drs that if I cant hold on the Sub Id have to go on that.And Ill be honest here.Years ago yes I bought methodone pills.I guess they dont give the pills out,or at leastmy Dr cant.So I thought for years Id end up on it.But since reading some stories on there Ive decided Ill no matter what,Ill try my best to stay on Sub.
Now totry to answer your question Lynn,to me the difference or at least one,is that from what Ive looked up methodone can & does intereact with many other meds including effexor.
I suppose the difference lays in the effects.
Sub has somethingin it to block the opiate high giving a person a chance to try & learnto live a sober life without W/D
Methodone gives you a higheffect.And its much easier to OD on Methodone.
So far Im enjoying this thread,as it seems like a healthy debate.My problem is I totally understand the responsable people who are on matienence.All Im saying is there must be a safer way.A safer way for those like Con who is taking it for the right reasons,as well as keeping it out of youthful hands.
I did want to say that I think you both are wonderful & Im so glad that this drug has helped you.You 2 are the ones I mean when I say "There must be a safer way to get it to the people who really want a better life & not just a better high.
I have gotten "high" off sub. After I stopped taking it for its real purpose and was back on pain pills, I waited about 24 hours and took 8mg's of sub let me tell ya, I was up cleaning my house like a bat out of hell (yoy know the drill) I guess when you take it everyday (well I know) it regulates itself. But my confusion lies here....if it "blocks" the high, then how come you get a buzz for the first day or two?
As far as the distribution factor, I feel just like I do about any RX.
As far as the distribution factor, I feel just like I do about any RX.
Yes I have too(gotton a buzz)but it was for the first day or so than,my body regulated it.
With the methodone I just got higher & higher.Thats another reason I myself cannot go on methodone.Because I dont trust myself.
I think both drugs/Sub are both very benefitcal(sp?).I do,but just feel that both drugs should be closely monitored,by Drs.And yes I do know theres alot of good Drs just like there are bad.
Like I said this is a good healthy topic (wellfor me it feels good)but I will if members are uncomfortabe with the post and/or web site Ill ask the Mods to take it off.I really didnt start this post to "put down" methodone.Im only hoping to maybe see a safer way to help those who truley needit & are responsable.
And both Davy & Con Im glad you posted,because I agree there are many like you both.And Ive enjoyed your input very much.
Take Care
Lynn sorry,I forgot to answer your question.Please know its just my input,but I think our bodys adjust to it quickly.How Im not sure why but I think it does.
Ill be on in the morning & would love to continue talking.So hopefully Ill talk with ya in the AM
Good Nite All
With the methodone I just got higher & higher.Thats another reason I myself cannot go on methodone.Because I dont trust myself.
I think both drugs/Sub are both very benefitcal(sp?).I do,but just feel that both drugs should be closely monitored,by Drs.And yes I do know theres alot of good Drs just like there are bad.
Like I said this is a good healthy topic (wellfor me it feels good)but I will if members are uncomfortabe with the post and/or web site Ill ask the Mods to take it off.I really didnt start this post to "put down" methodone.Im only hoping to maybe see a safer way to help those who truley needit & are responsable.
And both Davy & Con Im glad you posted,because I agree there are many like you both.And Ive enjoyed your input very much.
Take Care
Lynn sorry,I forgot to answer your question.Please know its just my input,but I think our bodys adjust to it quickly.How Im not sure why but I think it does.
Ill be on in the morning & would love to continue talking.So hopefully Ill talk with ya in the AM
Good Nite All
Have a good night, talk to you tomorrow
My thoughts Sabrina...
Both easily abusable if one chooses, just as each can be great tools if one doesnt
Each are on the streets illegally, each are abused by those who are opiate addicts as well as the opiate nave
High school age and I know this as factanything and everything is readily available, the kids know exactly what methadone and sub do in terms of wd, they also know how to get high on each, how to mix with other things for a better or more intense effect. They also know many of the risks and are shown here at least in our high schools.
Here a good read, as they are and have been looking into the increase in methadone related deaths.
But on the flip side how many stories could be told that show the side that works
There are similar petitions floating around for Oxy which is killing the children where I live at an alarming rate
I am not sure we need anymore petitions, but we definitely need education all across the board in every segment of society that deals with our children on any level and from before the fact, not after.
It has to start with the kids to start to effect a change.
We need to break the silence and stigma of addiction.
And you know some of us have been around a long time, everyone in time giving back in thier way...most in the room. If what Kat put up is true, all those people passing through the door of AA, well where are they on a community level. Maybe this is something that could help efffect a change. Everyone in this madness no matter what side already knows all about the problem, but then how to make the rest of the world believe there actually is oneto care there is one....
Love to all,
Both easily abusable if one chooses, just as each can be great tools if one doesnt
Each are on the streets illegally, each are abused by those who are opiate addicts as well as the opiate nave
High school age and I know this as factanything and everything is readily available, the kids know exactly what methadone and sub do in terms of wd, they also know how to get high on each, how to mix with other things for a better or more intense effect. They also know many of the risks and are shown here at least in our high schools.
Here a good read, as they are and have been looking into the increase in methadone related deaths.
But on the flip side how many stories could be told that show the side that works
There are similar petitions floating around for Oxy which is killing the children where I live at an alarming rate
I am not sure we need anymore petitions, but we definitely need education all across the board in every segment of society that deals with our children on any level and from before the fact, not after.
It has to start with the kids to start to effect a change.
We need to break the silence and stigma of addiction.
And you know some of us have been around a long time, everyone in time giving back in thier way...most in the room. If what Kat put up is true, all those people passing through the door of AA, well where are they on a community level. Maybe this is something that could help efffect a change. Everyone in this madness no matter what side already knows all about the problem, but then how to make the rest of the world believe there actually is oneto care there is one....
Love to all,
Tina as always your words are full of food for thought & well informed..(you do amaze me)
Now I sort of feel bad for putting that here.
I know & you know I do that both drugs are harmful.I suppose it was reading those stories that hit home.That plus knowing the 15yr old who died.
Maybe Im just running in circle,because I know people are right.Kids willget what they want.
Tina in Annes school you can get anything,even stuff I wouldnt think theyd want (eg antidees)I cant help but have my feelings on it.
When I first got into "outpatient"2 Drs had told me I could go on methodone,well back than that was a dream come true for me.I remember buying the methodone pills years ago & LOVED them.
As I read that petition,I read story after story about people dying after being on it for only a couple days,& well for me it made me more determined to NOT take it.
I guess Ill end this by just saying...take a look & read some stories,if you dont want to sign thats ok by me.However,I feel the stories on there may be able to touch some.
Take Care
Now I sort of feel bad for putting that here.
I know & you know I do that both drugs are harmful.I suppose it was reading those stories that hit home.That plus knowing the 15yr old who died.
Maybe Im just running in circle,because I know people are right.Kids willget what they want.
Tina in Annes school you can get anything,even stuff I wouldnt think theyd want (eg antidees)I cant help but have my feelings on it.
When I first got into "outpatient"2 Drs had told me I could go on methodone,well back than that was a dream come true for me.I remember buying the methodone pills years ago & LOVED them.
As I read that petition,I read story after story about people dying after being on it for only a couple days,& well for me it made me more determined to NOT take it.
I guess Ill end this by just saying...take a look & read some stories,if you dont want to sign thats ok by me.However,I feel the stories on there may be able to touch some.
Take Care
To be fair here is the good side of the medication.
As others have said, it comes down to Educating oneself on all Medications, not just meth, but sub, oxys, etc.
Sabrina, there is importance in this
Remember I look at most things differently.
Methadone deaths have increased here by 467 percent since 1999.
They are up in the UK as well
Did you know in the same time period marijuana deaths rose 200 percentthis one seems strange to me
Now think about this...
You found out about this because a child diedand this is how it plays out over and over, mothers usually having lost their child get involved
I have meet so many wonderful people in the past year and I think the mothers who have lost children to this have had the most profound effect.most now heavily involved, they dont want their children to have died in vainadvocating for the education of parents way before the fact, not only about drugs and the warning signs but how to cope, how not to react, where to seek help and guidance
What I think hits hardest is hearing the what ifsif I only knew, if I talked about it, didnt hide it, one mother said all I did was cry those three years ( meaning the 3 years her child was in and out of active addiction before she died)there is a lot of open talk about the shame attached, the pain, the fear of believing, and how parents have a hard time with it being their childand sadly many only became involved after the fact
I wonder what would happen if parents, people in general became involved way before the fact
Is that possible
Imagine the effect mothers could have way before the fact, because the effect I see with them after is huge
Love Yah
Remember I look at most things differently.
Methadone deaths have increased here by 467 percent since 1999.
They are up in the UK as well
Did you know in the same time period marijuana deaths rose 200 percentthis one seems strange to me
Now think about this...
You found out about this because a child diedand this is how it plays out over and over, mothers usually having lost their child get involved
I have meet so many wonderful people in the past year and I think the mothers who have lost children to this have had the most profound effect.most now heavily involved, they dont want their children to have died in vainadvocating for the education of parents way before the fact, not only about drugs and the warning signs but how to cope, how not to react, where to seek help and guidance
What I think hits hardest is hearing the what ifsif I only knew, if I talked about it, didnt hide it, one mother said all I did was cry those three years ( meaning the 3 years her child was in and out of active addiction before she died)there is a lot of open talk about the shame attached, the pain, the fear of believing, and how parents have a hard time with it being their childand sadly many only became involved after the fact
I wonder what would happen if parents, people in general became involved way before the fact
Is that possible
Imagine the effect mothers could have way before the fact, because the effect I see with them after is huge
Love Yah