Please Talk Me Out Of It

I have been clean almost2 weeks with the help of my wonderful doctor im feeling great hardly even thinking about oxys which 3 weeks ago i was chewing 10 to 12 a day .now my dealer just called me with 60 of them talk about a trigger. talk me out of it cause im having bad thoughts people. Make satan go away LOL PS they were 80s im curious is there anyone out there who chewed 12 80s a day and lived to beat it or should i notify riplys beleive it or not ?LOL


You have made it so far and I really admire you!!!!
Please stay strong!!!
I know you can do it!!!

Keep posting or whatever you need to do to not cave in!!!

What can we do to help you??


PS - I was also chewing 10 - 12 or more OC 80's per day!!!
I can't believe that I was not the only one!!!
I am amazed that it did not kill us!!!

So I went to a wedding this weekend after starting recovery last week. It was a Russian-Jewish wedding, and one of their traditions is to put a bottle of vodka on every table and make sure it's always replaced. Talk about a test. All I kept thinking about was that it'd be so much better to go to a meeting and share a success than share a defeat. I've gotten clean for periods of several weeks as well, and everytime I relapsed because I gave in, or thought I could handle taking pills just once. GO TO A MEETNG! No amount of will-power is going to keep you from taking drugs - your disease is unfortunately stronger than will power.
You have the power to change your phone number, or tell your dealer that you quit. Don't give up now!
swizzle thanks for responding isnt it wild that we are alive and well i honestly thought i was the only person who took that much im glad i have you to relate too wasnt even thinking about them till she called im gonna have to change my number or im gonna end up 6 feet under i know it i just needed other people to remind me of it thanks and call on me if you need the same luv tracey

You've already made huge progress by ratting out your disease here on the board. Congratulations on your two clean weeks. Take your phone off the hook, or call a friend or stay here on the board and talk it out.

Good for you. You came here rather than going to your dealer. Don't blow it now. We're all pulling for you and we know how hard it is to resist.

Matt's right. Change your number, tell your dealer you've quit. The addict brain will try to trick you. Don't let it sabotage your clean time and I promise you things will get better.

thanks matt im changing my number for sure because i know for me 1 is to many and a 1000 is not enough i have no control over my addiction i cant just take 1 and im not gonna thanks again tracey
Tracey, my advice for you is this.
Fall on your knees and say out loud this prayer.

"Jehovah, I now approach your heavenly throne through the blood of Jesus Christ. I now ask you this thing: Please help me make the decision tonight to not buy these drugs which were offered to me. I know with your help you can help me resist this horrible temptation, but I know too that I cannot do this without your help. You are my Lord and my Savior, and with you everything is possible. I ask again for your help and blessing. Amen"
( It is best to modify or slightly change this prayer, but if you must you can repeat it tonight)

Say this with all your heart and with a truthful desire to receive Him into your life. One other thing is to "push" (for lack of a better explaination) with the feeling you get in your chest when you are really excited about something, and try to make a "burning" feeling in your heart.

Do this prayer every 10 minutes for three hours or until you are tired and want to go to sleep.

This is my advice, Tracey, and I have prayed that you will be given the power from God to not take these drugs.
Ernie thank you so much i have been praying to God for it seems months to please release me of this satanic addiction and i beleive he has been trying to help me cause these last two weeks that i have been clean have been unbeleiveable alot easier than ever before I am going to keep and say your prayer because this is satan trying to pull me back in and by the grace of God its not gonna happen again God bless you and thank you luv Tracey
And thank you too gina im gonna crash now goodnight luv tracey
Tracey there isnt much I can say except I feel you have come so far.They are nasty pills to try & get away from.I hope with all my heart that you make the right choice here.Ive read your post & felt your pain & I just think your a stronger person now than you were 2 weeks ago.Nobody hun can "talk you out of it"You hold the reins here.Anyways Ill be here for you if I can help.Please take care I think your pretty cool...mj
Come on Tracey...don't give in. You've been rattling so hard for so long...don't let it be in vain. How awful...soooo tempting. But what a victory if you don't call. HUGE. Hang on...just for today. I know you can do it, but I also know these are just words. Look deep inside hon. You're made of more then that. You know God has stepped in...reach out to HIM. I love you Beck
Beck goodmorning..honest I got a feeling shes gonna do the right thing.I just got this feeling.Shes worked so hard as have you,and I just wanted you to know I see a growth in the both of you.You both add so much to this board.Im glad your a part of it..Take care to the Dr for me.Maybe we'll talk later...mj

You know the drill.. I had that problem early on in recovery. Someone said to me (Rachel). Your dealer can not possibly have enough for you, one pill is too many, and a thousand is not enough. That helped me.

Thanks everyone just had a major moment of weekness she already called and i shut my phone off .no more for me had enough torcher i know i spelled that wrong luv tracey
Good for you, Tracey. You are much stronger than you think! Hang in there. You have written alot of encouraging words to me or that I have read to others since I have been here. You can beat this, you just have to tell yourself all of the positive things that you tell us!
Sunny (Tracy)
Heya Tracey,

I remember those calls when I just came clean. Talk about a bullet right through the chest. But once I said no the 1st first, it got easier after that. I mean really, the dealer doesnt give two s***s about you or your health, they just want your money.

Now - Im almost 8 months clean! Almost 240 Days!
Het sunny your name tracey too i was worried about you cause i seen everyone looking for you i hope your doing well now think maybe the name tracey is a curse LOL
Don't do it, PLEASE DON'T DO IT !!!!!! I am struggling right now wanting to quit so bad, and knowing that you are already clean, just don't put yourself through all of this pain again PLEASE. You will be happier for not doing it because if you do, you will just feel so guilty again and again. It's such a struggle I know, but you are on your way to defeating this. BE STRONG !!!! God bless you.

If he is just half as good a mine - he will handle this in a very professional way but also be very personable. He will keep you from taking them - you have come too far - there will always be dealers out there. We can't live in a glass buble. I told my dr one time that I had come very close ro killing myself during a w'end - he asked why I had not called him - I told him that I didn't want to bother him and he said -yeah - and it wouldn't have bothered him to read my obituary in the paper. I feel I can call him about anything. if you dont have this kind of doctor, get one.

Get help fast - FLUSH THEM - you will feel brand new!!!!!

you are very strong!! i'm glad that you turned your phone off. now time to call the phone company today and get your number changed. the temptation is very bad when they are dangling in front of you like that. so glad to see that you made it thru the night without caving in. i did not mean to disappear last night - i sat on the couch for a minute and the next thing i knew, i was dead asleep!!!

yea, i can't believe either that we took that much and are alive to tell about it!!! i think we are definitely freaks of nature!!!
it just goes to show how bad it can get - and in a very short time period too!!!
i was under control with my usage for about 5 years or so. mostly stayed around 60 - 80 mgs of oxy per day, occasionally had more than that, plus 1-3 lorcets / day. i went thru in-patient detox last year, and stayed clean for MONTHS after that!!! then when i relapsed, i relapsed BAD!!!! it was then that i was chewing 10 - 12 oc 80's or more per day. i don't know why it happened like that, but it did.....

just thought you'd like to hear a bit of my story

good luck tracey!!!
i know that you will stay strong and beat this thing!!!


