
Strange...... maybe a bit gross, but I gotta come out and say it:

Having recently tapered off suboxone after an opiate addictiion, I am thrilled to be poopin' again!!!!!

Hey, it's not the best part of getting clean, but it's pretty cool.

Sorry if it's T.M.I.

LOL..I needed this laugh. You're healthy and that's a good sign!
I thought you were calling me,,poopie,,,hehehehe
Congratulations.It's one of the most fabulous feelings in the world.Does Suboxone make you constipated? I guess it would since it is an opiate.
Going to the bathroom and having your sex drive back make you feel human again!
I'm glad your feeling healthy!!
for those of you who are still on suboxone or methadone & are having problems going to the bathroom, i found an awesome product called "poopdoc". this stuff is awesome.being backed up can cause some really bad health problems.(especially for those of us who have been on opiates for years) your body is full of toxins & it feels so good to release them. i know that this is a nasty topic but hey "sometimes s*** DOESN'T happen"! HA HA! seriously though, this product worked wonders for me.