The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.
Anthony Robbins.
This is a favorite of mine. I say it a little different. If the time comes in your life that the whole world is being an a****** it is time to look in the mirror and see who is realy being the a******. When I look in the mirror of the relationships in my life I see what I have put into them. Today I will speak and think with gratitude instead of grumbling and thank someone for something good they've done for me. If I do I am building the relationships in my life and improving the quality of my own. Have a great day.

My friend's BF actually said this to her in the middle of a fight, and of course she went ballistic. After she cooled down, she admitted the truth of this and passed it on to me a few years ago. It's a hard one to take in. It's so much easier to blame the other person and play the victim.
Or to quote Tim (? I think he said this somewhere), "The truth will set you free, but first it's going to piss you off."
You're right, Jane. If we work on ourselves, the unhealthy relationships will drop away.
MY GOD! I looove that sign. LMAO. Gina you always have something to keep me on my toes. That's some good stuff.
Jumped on over here to see Just Jane's little bouncing heart. Hey, Jane.
That sign rocks. Ain't it the truth?
That sign rocks. Ain't it the truth?