Positive Quote :) (regarding The Board Lately)

A person of power embraces challenges in complete gratitude. No matter the situation life may bring, discontent is never justified, rather all is experienced as an opportunity and a privilege to adventure and grow.
James Ray

I read a post on here once from Bob B. about having no justified resentments. There was a big sign in his A.A. room saying there will be no justified resentments. Regardless of what anyone would say to another group member, no matter how confrontational or ugly the accusations, each person was reminded that there are no justified resentments. You may need to consider whom you resent before you can make your own choice about whether this is useful for you. Resentments give you an excuse to return to your old ways. This is what got you there in the first place!
Stop Looking for Occasions to Be Offended
Not being offended is a way of saying, "I have control over how I'm going to feel, and I choose to feel peaceful regardless of what I observe going on." When you feel offended, you're practicing judgment. You judge someone else to be stupid, insensitive, rude, arrogant, inconsiderate, or foolish, and then you find yourself upset and offended by their conduct. What you may not realize is that when you judge another person, you do not define them. You define yourself as someone who needs to judge others.
You practice forgiveness for two reasons. One is to let others know that you no longer wish to be in a state of hostility with that person; and two, to free yourself from the self-defeating energy of resentment. Resentment is like venom that continues to pour through your system, doing its poisonous damage long after being bitten by the snake. It's not the bite that kills you; it's the venom. You can remove venom by making a decision to let go of resentments.
Everyone should look up this post under resentments.
It taught me a powerful lesson. I am struggling with judging and resenting someone in my life right now (my aunnt/landlord) But there has also been some resentments going on here. I would like people to do as I hope to do and revisit your thoughts on your judgements and resentments. Lets work to let them go.

I love this quote. I think it is imperative to be grateful. Thank you for this. I love that you are posting these positive messages!

Morning Jane...
Good topic....Resentments kept me sick for a long time and still can...Today I practice trying to rid myself of any resentments...I look at my part in things and even if it's a very, very small part, I do have a part in all things that happen....so, I own my part, change me and pray for others....
I was told that resentments will take me back out and I believe that so I work hard not to have resentments today and when I find I am resentful, I pray, I ask God to help remove the resentment, I read the BB, pg. 544 Freedom from bondage and I let it go and give it to God...I am powerless today over people, places, things and situations and with that acceptance, I am free from resentment and peace & serenity can fill my heart....

You were in my prayers this morning, Jane...thanks for the positive posts, I so enjoy them...


You are thriving and it shows in all of your posts!

Love this...thank you Jane for the reminder.
Thanks Stacey
Thanks Rachel,
I don't know about thriving. I am just trying and living believe me its a struggle sometimes LOL I guess we all know that. But I appreciate the compliment and thank you for seeing something in me that I don't always see in myself.

Much love and respect,

Edited to say Hi Cowgirl. Thanks for your recovery post this morning. I love to see that stuff your great.

Thanks for another great post. Hope you are feeling a little bit better today.

Here is the web address for rental assistance in Utah. I hope you see something that helps.




As always, Jane, you inspire!!!!!!
Thanks Jan. I will check it out again. yesterday I believe I read that I didn't qualify for the income limits. But this looks like a different site.
Anger and resentments are the dubious luxuries of normal folks .

.......I know for me that the times when I am the most pissed off are the times I need to really look inside.Of course it's also the times I am the most reluctant.Unfortunately it seems to follow a trend I have excelled at my whole life.I have be kicking and screaming in sheer agony before I wake up and realize the problem is me and my desire to have things my way.

Even as I type this I am trying to rationalize my self righteous indignation over a client who stood me up two weeks ago for an aoppointment.
The truth of the matter is this......and God does this hurt me to admit this.......I really didn't want to meet her in the first place.When she was 2 minutes late I took out of there like a bat in hell so I could get back home to leave for the beach.
When she e-mailed me back wondering if we could re-schedule I left a curt message saying that she was the one late.I was elated she didn't show up on time so I could blame her for what I wanted to happen in the first place.
Is that not displaced Victimizing?????
....and to make matters worse I am telling my sponsor all of this yesterday and I had to throw in this bullsh*t about her being a demanding surgeon and you know how they are.They think they are God's and you are on their schedule.He didn't buy it.LOL

I've got a lot of work to do on myself and don't have any business telling someone else how to behave.

Good topic Jane
I have a lot of work to do in this area, as well. For me, the same defects seem to pop up, false ego, false pride and justified anger. The good news is today I realize it and I don't hold court to rally an army to support my defense. I actually do take contrary action and am willing to listen to others who suggest I do things differently.

Is that not displaced Victimizing?????

Yep, that's it...

One of the hardest things in the program that I had to swallow was I wasn't the victim...it isn't all about ME....I could manipulate & twist things and play victim so well and I still can go there but today, for me, it just doesn't feel right anymore....

Bottom line, I have a part in things and I need complete, self honesty with myself and learn how to work on my defects...When I'm troubled about something, I share with my sponsor and/or another addict and I am so blessed today to have a support group around me that doesn't BS me, (like your sponsor, Tim) and will call me on my sh*t and show me my part....

LOL, Tim...I had to laugh as I was soooo the Victim for so long.....
Stacey-He tells me that when I start lying my right eye lid starts drooping.LOL

Damn...I've been meaning to fix that.
posted by Tim


Anger and resentments are the dubious luxuries of normal folks .

Yup, dubious is right. I don't think it helps anyone. It can kill a non-addict as fast as an addict. Al-Anon knows this too....

Its a good reminder to me that drugs were just the symptom and that not-using only allows me to find the actual problems. There is more work to be done

I do not want to be that sober horse thief.....
Hey Jane!

Beautiful post and so, so true.

Today I am grateful that my heart is open and I am not stuck on any negative thoughts or emotions. It is so lovely that this forum can always count on you to bring something meaningful and worthwhile to the table. Thank you for that Jane. You were an amazing support for me when I was just beginning. I hope you know I will always honor you for that.

I know the perfect place for you to move is just waiting. Trust!

Love...and peace.

Thanks Sarah. I will trust that I have so many supportive and loving people in my life. You included. I cannot consider myself without when I am blessed with an abundance of caring people in my life. No matter what life brings to our plates we have each other. You'all may live very far from me. But when I need support and advice your just a click away I have come to appreciate that so much.
Much love and respect,
Awww...thank you!

Hey, you know in a couple of months, I won't be that far away. I am moving to New Mexico!

I really want to spend some time in Utah. There is a cave art piece that one of my favorite artists built (or is building) there. It is at Roden Crater, the artist is James Turrell.

Maybe we can meet out west! I would like that.

Hang in there Jane, blessing are waiting to find you!
Thank you to all you women on this forum...this thread speaks volumes about the kindness and understanding you extend.

All of you here on this thread have instrumental in my understanding this disease, thank you so much for that.

This is turning into the LOVE thread...I love love!

Thank you Jane for such a beautiful powerful post...and all that contributed. I really needed to hear this too! Its so amazing to log on here and read this!!

Big hugs...ladies
I would love to meet up with you! That will be great I would offer you a place to stay but I am not so sure I will have one LOL. Oh jesus! Did you hear that I laughed about it. My heart is sinking and I can laugh at my problem now that is progress.

Kee Kee,
Agreed ! This is the love post I love you'all.

Seriously this thread has kept me going today. I am processing my resentments and just dawning on me (yet again) Hey the world doesn't revolve around me believe it or not. There is a higher power at work here and I have to trust that above all. I hit a meeting tonight it was all about unity in the program. Now I don't hit that meeting enough to feel alot of unity there. But here now this is unity/synergy at work. There are differences. But there are more similarities if I choose to look for them.

Much love and respect,

*PS thanks for the reminder of having faith. I may need it a few more times as I go in and out of sanity over the next couple of months.
Wow....talk about timing...I really needed to hear that. Normally a peaceful person I recently got caught up in an angry thread here with someone..I cannot change this person and we may well always have to agree to disagree...but it made me think and I definitely have checked my own motives and character. Righteous anger has it's place...say it and be done with it. Forgive and move on. You don't have to like it or agree....you just let it go. Thank you. Sharonn