
I found a really good article in my newspaper and wanted to post it here. Can anyone tell me how? Thanks, Shantel
Shantel, just post the link to it.
Copy the link and paste it here. It should stick!
Misty, I have no idea how to cut & paste is there a easier way? Shantel
Shantel...find the webpage first. point to the line that says ADDRESS right click on the last number/letter and it will turn blue when you click the right button on your mouse. it will come up with a box that says CUT COPY on COPY...come back the the board and start your post and right click again and click on PASTE
You can go to once there scroll down and you will see the title opinion on the left then click on letters. Once there you will see a article called drug addiction does not discriminate. Thought it was a good article. Let me know what you all think of it. Shantel
Shantel, Here it was a sad but true.....Jan

Drug Addiction Does Not Discriminate
To The Editor Of The Day:

On Sept. 10, 1996, I lost my 20-year-old son, Ian James, to a drug overdose, just before he was to enter a rehabilitation program. Ian had used marijuana, tobacco and other drugs in high school. At one point, he was picked up by an officer at Cranbury Park in Norwalk. The officer said, If I ever find you in this town again with any drugs, I will arrest you. Now go home.
I insisted that Ian go into counseling at that point. I had such high hopes and thought we had caught the addiction early. I thought it all went away, until I received the phone call from his biological dad stating he was snorting heroin in college.

At first, I was ashamed. I didn't want to tell anyone about his problem. He was going to a day treatment program and we thought his problem was being fixed. The problem wasn't fixed. I found him just before 6 a.m. Ian died in his sleep. Neighbors told me my cries for help to 911 were heard two blocks away.

Addiction does not discriminate. It doesn't matter who you are, what race you are, how financially sound you are, if you're homeless or if you have a family who loves you dearly. It can happen to anyone. Drug addiction destroys the addict and the family. It robs the addict of money, spirit, and finally, it robs the addict of his soul. My son Ian was a good, kind person who suffered from a terrible disease. We miss him every day.

Editor's note: The writer, president of the Courage to Speak Foundation, will present a free program about the dangers of drugs at 6:30 tonight at Cutler Middle School in Mystic.

Thanks Jan for posting it for me. Tried to do it this morning but I was at work. Did you see it this morning in the paper? Made me think. Shantel
Yes thank you both. I have come across stories of overdoses before, however I never paid too much attention. My friend died of an overdose just a few weeks ago. It has still not really set in, she was 26 years old. She was also a smart, kind, funny beautiful woman who was absolutely amazing when she could stay clean. She came from a good family, who loved and supported her to the bitter ends. I don't know if her parents thought she was Ok because she had been to rehab, but they certainly were not expecting this.

So sorry for the loss of your friend...we know not the day or time when we will be called...All's I know is I don't want to rush things by my own hand...


Just bumping this thread up for anyone who missed it. Shantel