Prayer For Sammy

I know you cannot read this but Thinking about you.

Sleep well. Things will be okay.


P.S today I found out A prospect of mine a possible monster account had disappeared. Found out today she had her baby at week 24.

Surgeries the baby is fighting like a M-fuker and though things can change in a second well it looks good today.

And for dear Sammy well anybody on this forum all the lurkers please pray for her. Although I have never met her yet F2F she has shared a lot about herself..

I have been seen alot in my short life. Met many people. She is quite special.

I always thought how strong she is yet these setbacks remind me how really fragile this dear woman is.

Man she is "special" and well please pray for her in this hour of need.

Hey Dear Sammy,

Love you! Something's on the way in the mail for you. ;)

Talk Soon,
I don't know what is happening with Sammy...I knew she was having some tests run, and not really sure what tests, or for what...but I do know every word Jeff says is true.

Sammy, I am sending love to you, and praying for you.

I have enjoyed immensely every post and email we have shared.

I sincerely hope all will be well with you.

Much love,

Wishing you a speedy recovery. Prayers already sent out.
Take good care of yourself and get plenty of rest.
Sammy My prayers are with you.
Please know that thouigh you are a strong beautiful woman,if ever you need to talk & just vent...Im here for you.After all youve done for me its the least I can do so email me.
Your such a classy lady & I proud you think enough of me to ALWAYS reach out to me.

Dear Lord,please keep Our Sammy safe & whatever she may be going through help her to ease it all.Know she is loved & such a good human.
Lord keep her safe & happy & healthy

Hi Sammy....

I hope that you doing okay. You are so strong and have been through so much...I am praying for you and your family. You are needed here so come back quick...I miss you.

God Bless
You're in my prayers, Sammy....

God bless
Sammy your a one of a kind. This place aint the same with out you. God speed in your recovery.
Sammy, You are in my prayers tonight. Shantel