Prayers Needed Please

please pray for me to have the strength to do what i have to do at noon today.
i have to put my beloved dog trixie to sleep, oh God help me.
she is 4 mos shy of being 17 yrs old and i need to be grateful to God for all these years He has blessed me with her. my other dog is 14 and declining too plus my german shephard will be 10 in march, jewels
Aww Jewls I'm so sorry, I know that your pets are your babies. I will say a prayer for you bc I know how hard this is for you. Sending out prayers and hugs sweetie. {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}
I'm so sorry and I will say a prayer for you. 17 is a good life for a doggie but that doesn't make it any easier. It always hurts to lose someone you love. My condolences to your family.

I'll be praying for you. I understand your pain. Pets are like members of our families. I have an eight year old beagle named Duke, actually he's my daughter's dog. She got him for her fourth birthday. She loves him so much it worries me how she'll deal with it when the time comes. Best wishes.
Julie, sweetheart. I am so sorry that you have to do this. I couldn't imagine the pain associated with that. I know that you are strong in your faith so rely on that now and you will get through. You are doing the most kindest of things you could for your doggy. How selfless of you to end it's pain and suffering and send him to doggy heaven.

How fortunate your beloved dog was to have you as a pet parent. The life that he lived was so very amazing. Filled with love and joy, what more can a pet ask for.

I am sending light and love your way. They say that pets go to assured you will be reunited with your doggy again one day.

Big Hugs...may you dig deep and find the strength you need.
its over.......
i never cried so much as i have since sat when i realized it was time. my eyes are so swollen and i cant taste anything. feels like a cold be it isnt. i took trixie around the house and in the yard for the last time and had her say goodbye to all the other animals here in the house, 2 dogs my kitty and bunny.
then i wrapped her in a warm blanket and put her on the passenger seat of the my van and started on that most dreaded drive i have been always fearing.
kee kee i did rely on my faith and asked God to give me the strength and He did.
when we arrived there i spent the last half hour loving and holding her in the van before the noon appt. with my tears dripping onto her fur and as sick as she was she kissed and licked me.
i finally got the strength to walk in the vet clinic and they had instructed me to leave her in the car and they would come get her and to do the paper work first,
the vet technician mary who has known me for 16 yrs hugged me and held me and that was so nice then we both walked to the van and i told her to make it quick and she opened the passenger door and picked trixie up and i gave her one last kiss and told her i loved her. i watched until i could see her no more as mary walked across the parking lot wth her and entered the clinic.
i miss her and as evening arrived and it got dark outside it was harder, but i am relieved to know she is no longer suffering.
thank you for all who posted, jewels
Jewels, it sounds like your last day with her was spent as she would have wanted it. I know that you are mourning her loss but she will be waiting for you in heaven and will run to you and kiss and love on you when it is your time to go.

Jules, My heart aches for you. I know what you are feeling. I had to put my 18 year old himalayan cat to sleep last year. It was absolutely the hardest, most painful thing I've ever done. I will share with you a website that has helped me: It's where little doggies and kitties go to play after they pass on. Check it out. And while you're there, search for my Prince Rhue. I'm sure he's there welcoming Trixie and showing her the ropes. God knows how we miss them May her memories keep you warm and smile, if just for a moment. Love and prayers, Michelle
So sorry Jewels....I have been working and going to school for vet tech and I see a lot...the first euthanasia I was crying in the bathroom as to not upset the owner..I put my 15 year old cat down last March and it just about did me in. Against my own feelings..I did adopt a new kitty and now I am so busy with "the boys"..Dog and cat that I do not dwell on Booty's passing. People w/o pets have no idea how much it hurts....I know it won't ease your pain...but when their spirit leaves their old tired body they are renewed and playing in Heaven.I know of your strong faith so try to focus on the gift of freedom you are giving...out of pure love. They can't talk and it is up to us to do what's best. I have not been around much but I will check in. My personal e-mail is Take care sweetie,Love, Sharonn
I'm sitting here in work crying cause I feel so bad. Pets are so loved because they just give and give and ask for nothing in return. They are always forgiving...just pure love. I'm sorry for your loss. My Mom was friends with this really nice nun named Sr. Muriel. She came knocking on my Mom's door one day and told her that she heard she was sick. My Mom invited her in and they became friends. My Mom told sister that she wasn't a catholic and thought she came to her door in error. She said no I just heard you were sick. Anyway since my Mom's passing I have become friends with Sister Muriel. She is about 75 and takes two buses everyday from the suburbs to the inner city to minister to that neighborhood. After my Mom passed I told her that I was glad she wasn't suffering anymore and that I knew it was coming, etc... but that for some reason I didn't expect it to hurt so bad. I missed her so much. She said, "that is the price of love". I never heard it put that way before but it was so true. Hope you are feeling better this week. It takes time to come to terms with death. Take your time. You did your best.
Jewels...Im so sorry I didnt see this sooner.I know (more than Id like to)just how heartbreaking it is.17 is pretty old.Im glad you were blessed by the love of a pet.To me a pets love compares to my daughters love.Its so real & pure.
I know your dog must of been like family to you because you are an animal lover too.

Huny I hope the pain fades quickly & happy memories are what remain
Love mj
a week has now passed....
my God is so good to me for all the nice support here and just "out of the blue" a girlfriend called and said i was thinking of you this morning.... how you doing? i told her what had happened and she cried over the phone to me, believe me guys when i tell you that God hears and sees all our pain, for instance, i was styling marcella's hair last week at the nursing home and she was so depressed as she was missing family and said no one comes to see her, all of a sudden a woman walked into my beauty shop and said marcella!! i have come to see you! i dont know what happened but i was driving by and decided to stop by and see you! the woman was her grandsons ex wife! they still are on good terms and now this woman is going to come more often! i told her it would make marcy feel so much better, marcy's only child was murdered in a robbery.... breaks my heart to hear her pain. but this visit came just after marcy revealed to me how sad she was feeling and the little sweetheart that she is was crying as i was putting rollers in her hair. PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!

sharonn i so remember the day you had to put your kitty to sleep, i cried with you here at home,
chelle, yes i was directed to go to rainbow bridge by my sister in law, i will look up prince rhue. i so hope we are reunited with our animals in heaven,
thank you all for your words of support.
yesterday my vet clinic had an open house for the new construction done to their building, veterinary science at its finest!! everything is so high tech, surgical suites, wound care room, etc and now my vet clinic has just opened up the ARC... animal rehab clinic, physical therapy for animals!!!! they have an aquatic and a land treadmill, this adorable gym for animals, human gets PT now dogs! yeah!! my ginger, my collie is 14 and her hind legs are starting to give out on her and i was told that i could bring her to the ARC for some physical therapy to strenghthen her back legs!!! i made the appt and my son is going to split the cost with me! God bless him, for that, i also have a german shephard heidi who is 9 and a kitty tommy who is 4 and bunny bun bun who is 5. yes indeed these animals are my furry children and i love them like a parent loves their human children.
the vet assistant melissa who i have known for 16 yrs took me on the tour and i asked her if she knew about my beloved trixie and she told me she was in the room when she was put to sleep and it comforts me to know she went quick and peacefully and melissa agreed that trixie was soooo sick and that i gave her the best gift ever and that trixie was with her toby now. that helped me alot as i was starting the process of questioning myself as to... did i do the right thing? could i have saved her? does that come with the grieving process? my vet approached me and hugged me, he sent me a beautiful card and he thinks that trixie had suffered a stroke by the symptoms she was going thru, she had stopped eating, drinking, doing her business outside, couldnt walk as she stumbled because her equilibrium was off and she kept drooling and hers eyes flickered back and forth.
yesterday at hallmark i bought this pretty frame to memorialize her, it says a beloved dog can never be replaced....only remembered. julie