Pregnancy, Heroin, Buprenorphine ???

My little sister has been a heroin addict for the past 6 years she is know 20weeks pregnant with her first child I have done everything I can to help get her clean she finally took her doctors offer on getting on buprenorphine 4mg a day I thought this was it she's going to get the help she needs she will be able to take her baby home.. Well that's not the case she started using meth after getting on buprenorphine and know I question whether she's using buprenorphine,meth and heroin does anyone know whether or not this is possible??? Are mom does watch her take her buprenorphine in the morning but her boyfriend has told me she will give him a peace of it here an there he also admitted to get her heroin and meth but like I said I know she'stake some what of her buprenorphine and can anyone tell me what other name this perception is called "buprenorphine" ? Please any information would help and thank you for everyone's time I do appreciate it

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It's a small dose. One doc started me at 16mg a day once,I didn't feel right so I stopped after 2 days. I hope she stays on buprenorphine short term. For it will be hard to get off of.
Ya you can pretty much do any drug once you start including heroine I have myself. It can be dangerous for someone who has a lot of it. The buprenorphine block the receptors in the brain from feeling anything so you do more and more cause you can't feel it and you really want to and the heroine builds up on you system.have to be cautious.

If it's buprenorphine alone is it subutex.?

I hope this helps.
So your says she can use heroin while on buprenorphine because it's a low dose? I know you can use buprenorphine and methamphetamine at the same time but I thought you couldn't mix bup an heroin but she's been acting different to heroin like and when her boyfriend told me she is still using it's very sad to watch my sister do this but it's the hardest thing to EVER deal with because she pregnant with my nephew
Hi. On any dose of buprenorphine you can do other drugs like heroine. But the higher dose of bupe the less you will feel if anything at all.even at 4mg a day you won't feel much so it's just a waste. Unless you skip a day or 2 of bupe then do some strong heroine that probably has some fentynal in it then you'll feel it.
It's just when you first go on bupe that you don't want heroine in your system.

Some people have said they were on it for a week and they were fine. Or 2 or 3 or 4 weeks. Short term so they don't become dependant.and ween down to like .25mg.
I should add that the buprenorphine stays in the body for a good 3 days. When I stopped for 1 or 2 days I would feel nothing from heroine. Big waste of money and heroine. But if I stopped 3 days at least then I felt it.
I think bupe is great for a short term detox. But for me I can't handle long term use. Everyone is different..I felt it was setting me up for failure...I couldn't feel and I need to was driving me mad! Alone with not being able to sleep.

As long as she is not taking suboxone. I hear subutex is OK for pregnant women. They booth have buprenorphine..
Okay how do I know what prescription she's taking I asked my mom and she said that's the name on the bottle buprenorphine? And thank everyone for your replys I means a lot I appreciate it I
Sure I will have a ton more questions for you I'm glad I found this its nice to talk to people who understands
An like I said are mom will watch her take her meds in the morning but she's not even taking her 4mg it makes sense know... Will her "sub" doctor drug test her? She just started on them she's been to him twice the first time he did text her but said it makes the insurance cover it faster if we have a negative test
Hi . The meds should say subutex. It's buprenorphine without naloxone . Naloxone is not good for baby. Suboxone has buprenorphine and naloxone.. which is bad for pregnant women.

Yes the Doc will drug test her.
Okay I'll check and see thank you guys so much
Okay I found out what prescription it's it's buprenorphine it's the Subutex
And I counted them an she is 7 days short already I don't know what to do...from all the research I have done an Her obgyn has said from the beginning it's VERY BAD for the baby to go through withdrawal from heroin or buprenorphine so Im at a lose right now I don't know what to do any recommendations
Hi. Is it possible to go to the doctor and ask for more subutex? Just be honest. Tell the Doc your short of meds. If you can't get more then try taking 2mg on some days. Probably won't even feel the difference. Just tell the Doc you double dosed cause you were feeling crappy and now you need more.

Hi again. Do you have a good doctor? I'd just be honest with him. I read some interesting stuff about taking bupe all through pregnancy or weening off before baby is born. There are tons of blogs on drugs . Com..
I think reading what other preg women had to say might help you a lot. Tons of stories. They're personal experiences.
Her doctor is okay but I don't think he will be okay with her being this short already an when she does go see him she will test dirty for heroin methamphetamine and buprenorphine in her system so I would imagine he's not going to be happy with her all I know is that none of it's far to my nephew who has no choose I'm any of this and thank you for the recommendation I will be great to talk with other women who have been where she is thank you all so much
Your welcome. Hope everything will be ok.