Pregnant Women Using Speed
My sister did use meth during the all time she was pregnant.
So far the baby is ok, and her Doctor knew that she was on meth. while preg.
Now another close friend of mine is doing the samething, I won't be able to stop her from doing that, but I just want to know what do U say to someone in that situation? and what can she eat, drink or do to protect the baby and her self, that is if the drug goes beyond the placenta?

Thanks alot 4 anything u can advise use.

Hi Neeta, I went to Here are some stats on meth use while pregnant: 54% of babies born early, preterm. The normal rate of birth defects is 30 out of 1000. Babies born to meth mothers 163 out of 1000. Hope this helps. Linda
Well I guess if no matter what you say she is still going to use then that will be on her.The sad part about it that may be something her baby will have to live with should anything happen. I think it is ridiculous for a pregnant woman to be on anything while pregnant. Unless it is medically required. Saying that what do you mean what can she do to protect the baby such as eating and drinking? If she is into taking drugs while pregnant then she may not care about the health of the baby. She should be taking prenatal vitamins and eating fruits and veggies. The baby forms in the first 3 months and those months are extremly important because they baby is forming. I would talk more to her. I know I have 3 children and I have been addicted to pain pills on and off for years but NOT when I was pregnant. When I had my son in 1998 I was taking percocets and smoking cigs and I quit both cold turkey the day I found out. Then last year I was taking vicodin when I found out I was pregnant I quit cold turkey again. My baby is 9 months olds now and it was worth it for her sake. I know a lot of woman pregnant that used during thier pregnancy and all I could do was suggest stopping drugs but that has got to be up to the person.In my opinion I think it is disgusting, for someone to put their own personal plessures above the love they should have for thier unborn a baby. So good luck to you and may yor friend be blessed with a healthy baby, Rae
So good luck, Rae
This is a subject that absolutely drives me nuts. How can someone can put their own desire to "get high" above the healthy development of a child ??? Why a mother cant give 9 months of their life to insure every chance for healthy development I will never understand .My girlfriend currently has a relative that just got pregnant , she already has one child that shows many symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome, and now she is having another??? well I wont get started , I just feel like locking her up , cause she wont stop drinking , Alcohol is definitely the worst , the effects are documented , Linda has stated the stats for meth , Diet and nutrition are extremely vital to the babies health as was previously posted , but if a person doesnt care enough to not use meth important is anything to a developing child???? both before and after birth?? stay in touch please?? let us know how things go. It is an extremely important topic when so many have trouble dealing with meth addiction . best wishes.....AL
I was addicted to speed in 1993, the year I became pregnant with my first child. I was 23. I had been using meth daily for 3 years. The moment I found out I quit CT. NO BIG DEAL. I did not suffer withdrawals. I cared more for my unborn child than my drug use. DUH.

I have never used meth again. My child was born healthy and happy.

You need to do whatever you can to get your friend to understand that she is hurting her child. How old is your friend? If she lives at home with her parents I would tell her family. Show her some pictures of some premature babies that were born to selfish meth addicted moms. Premature babies are harder to take care of than term babies. Ask her if she wants to offer her child a better lifestyle than what she has been living. Its not to late. You obviosly care about her or you would not have posted whatever you can.


I used every Friday when preg. with my second baby but was kind of in denial about being preg. Only stopped when I really took on board I was havin a baby but was too late. My boy was born 2 weeks after stoppin but he was still 5 weeks early. He seems fine phisically but needs extra help at school. The guilt of what damage I'd done was enuf to stop me using through my next 3 pregnancies and I'm so glad.
My advice if its any use is to keep remindin your friend she's having a baby. Going on about the drugs would never hav worked for me as I tend to dig my heels in (my life my choice) but talk about the baby, make her realise theres a baby involved, as like me she may well be in denial.

Good luck to your friend

Buffy x