I am new to this board. I am wondering does anyone know what happens if you or the baby test positive for marijuana?? I have quit but I dont know if it is going to be out of system by the time the baby is born. I have been clean from heroin, meth and coke for a year but only stopped using marijuana in the past month. Please help!
When are you due? When did you quit?
I am due april 8 but will be induced prob on march 28 and i quit feb 28.
Why would they drug test you? I think you would pass the test. My daughter was born Aoril 8th 2004. I wasn't tested for anything, then again I wasn't using anything either so I wouldn't have minded. I know how it is to be pregnant and you should pee it all out of your system in 1 week. So you should be fine! Let's just pray the baby has no complications because of your drug use during pregnancy. Congratulations and I hope everything goes ok for you and the baby! Rae
They drug tested me at the doctors office. I did not know that they were going to test me. I just went in to a visit and they were like you tested positive for marijuana and I asked them when they tested me and they told me. But they didnt tell me or anything. So I know they are going to test the baby when I have her. I have quit but like I said I dont know if I have enough time for it to get out of my system. I think I am going to go buy one of those home drug tests. Does anyone know if they are accurate?? Thanks everyone for your posts.
The home tests should be accurate. If you stopped smoking now just keep drinking lots of water and take your pre-natal vitamin. You should have stopped the day you found out you were pregnant but it's too late for that now... Just pray the baby is healthy and tests negative. Good luck, Rae
Well I went and bought one of those at home tests and it came out negative for THC in my urine so hopefully that means that it is out of my system. I know that I should have stopped using when I found out I was pregnant but I cant do anything about it now. I do pray that my baby is ok and at my doctors visits they say everything is going normal so hopefully that means the baby is healthy. Thanks for writing back to me. I really appreciate the support and help.