Prescription For Subutex

Hello, this is my first time posting a message. I really could use someones help. I'm in a very deep herion addiction and I want to get out so bad. My famiily thinks I am still clean but I have been using again for the last 6 months. I have no insurance and I rely on my unemployment which will end within the next 3 weeks. I have tried to save up enough $ to go to a doctor for the subutex but I can't do it. $500 is just too much for me. Is there anyway to just buy the subutex so i can detox at home, then I can save enough money for the doctor visit and prescription of suboxone. PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP ME!!! Thanks for listening.
Hi Im sorry your having such a rough time. Im sure someone will come along soon who uses sub and you will get alot of good ideas on how you could see a doctor or get some help without having all the money at once.Is it possible for you to go to the hospital for help?
You go for a doctor visit, get a prescription, and take the medication at home. You don't have to be in the hospital to detox on Suboxone.
I don't know the cost of the medication though, but I have heard it is expensive. Mine was covered by insurance, I just paid a copayment.
I would highly recommend it, it is a miracle. You will have no withdrawal symptoms while detoxing with Suboxone. Then you will slowly taper off the drug under your doctor's care.
Best of luck to you, and God Bless!
Dear Sarah,
I am in the UK & the process to get subutex is different in the US x
I'm sure someone will be along in a bit who can advise you ways of getting it free x
Isn't there summat called 'medicare' that can offer you free meds in the US???
Sorry I cant offer any better advice than this, but someone shall be along soon who can advise you well.
So user posted image to the board and just make sure you keep coming back x