Purging Myself..literally

How bizzare that I post today after a long time and then I have food poisoning all day. I just feel horrible. I can't imagine where I got it as I have been eating like I used to do drugs. I thank everyone who posted to me today. The timing is also uncanny because we are super busy this weekend and I am unable to do anything as of right now. I used that as an excuse for not attending meetings, but the show will go on without me. It's a giant flag saying it's time to change your ways. Anyways, back to the sofa. Thank you. CAS.
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i am so sorry you dont feel good............

God Bless you.........

get well soon. thumper you always have such creative pics i just love them jax
CAS-Our bodies reach a point where they start revolting regardless what our addiction tells us.
Drink lots of water.

Poor thing. You have had more than your fair share of sickness. Get lots of
rest, as you said, the show will go on. Take care!
Lots of fluids...gatorade, water even pediayte....it will make you feel stronger. Charcoal capsules are sold in the health food store and will absorb any poison in your system and pass it through...they really work! Feel better doll......Sharonn
This stomach bug may be perfect timing actually. Drink plenty of fluids as has been stated. You will be better than cleaned out thanks to this! Curious to hear how you feel in a few days, Im betting a LOT better all around.