I am happy to say that I have not ben obsessing over the use of using these last days.
Thank you for all the encouragement and I am planning on attending a meeting tonight. I am not sure what I expect to get from it just yet. I am not sure how I feel. My feelings xhange form day to day. The other day I was sure I needed to go to help with my recovery. Today I am not so sure. All of this back and forth. My mind is still not clear I guess but I am feeling so much better. I am very happy for that.
Also I enjoy reading all the post form everyone. I would like to ask a Q to anyone who will answer
How many are in 12 step programs?
What is it that you on an individual bases get /take form going?
How many are not in a program and have you ever attended on a reg. basis and why did you stop?
HI eyes - I first went to a meeting about 1987. It was an AA meeting. Alcohol was my biggest problem. One night after my husband went to bed, I put some pizza in the oven and passed out. He awoke to the smoke detector blaring and smoke throughout the house. I had to get help. I had been trying to stop for years.
I was terrified but I went and it helped. I haven't had one drink since that day. I went to a few meetings and got alot out of them. Some of the steps sounded easy but the one about making amends ..well I couldn't see that.
Anyway I continued to smoke pot and do some various drugs. I had been hooked on pain pills after an accident but succesfully withdrew for a few years. Ended up back on them and was on and off til October 2008. (Mostly on) I went a few years ago to NA but never got involved. This time I wanted it to be the last time. I wanted to do everything I could to stop for good. I was terrified and beaten down but walked thru the doors again. I was welcomed with open arms. I laughed at the meeting. I could identify with the insanity of those in the rooms. Even though I was never homeless, out of work, lost my kids, slept in a park, etc. I still identified . The drugs had me, hook, line and sinker. I decided to jump right in (at my pace) and FOR ME I think it is the answer. I always wondered why, why am I like this? I'm finding out that the problem is deeper than shaking the drugs. That's where the steps come in. It is a spiritual program to help you find out about yourself. A deep look at self with the promise of a spiritual awakening at the end. I figure I have nothing to lose. In addition to getting help, you are also giving help. Even though you feel you only have four days, someone may be lurking on the board who is inspired by you.
I would strongly suggest that you go with an open mind. You have nothing to lose. Lots of luck and I hope that my story helps. Alice
Congratulation on the four days. It really is huge!
I was terrified but I went and it helped. I haven't had one drink since that day. I went to a few meetings and got alot out of them. Some of the steps sounded easy but the one about making amends ..well I couldn't see that.
Anyway I continued to smoke pot and do some various drugs. I had been hooked on pain pills after an accident but succesfully withdrew for a few years. Ended up back on them and was on and off til October 2008. (Mostly on) I went a few years ago to NA but never got involved. This time I wanted it to be the last time. I wanted to do everything I could to stop for good. I was terrified and beaten down but walked thru the doors again. I was welcomed with open arms. I laughed at the meeting. I could identify with the insanity of those in the rooms. Even though I was never homeless, out of work, lost my kids, slept in a park, etc. I still identified . The drugs had me, hook, line and sinker. I decided to jump right in (at my pace) and FOR ME I think it is the answer. I always wondered why, why am I like this? I'm finding out that the problem is deeper than shaking the drugs. That's where the steps come in. It is a spiritual program to help you find out about yourself. A deep look at self with the promise of a spiritual awakening at the end. I figure I have nothing to lose. In addition to getting help, you are also giving help. Even though you feel you only have four days, someone may be lurking on the board who is inspired by you.
I would strongly suggest that you go with an open mind. You have nothing to lose. Lots of luck and I hope that my story helps. Alice
Congratulation on the four days. It really is huge!
I for one do not prescribe to the 12 step way, but I validate it's success. Just not for me. I have been to many meetings with friends who are 12-steppers. Matter of fact I have been to 12 step meetings in Texas, Nevada, Florida, New York and many countries in Europe. I stay busy & keep my mind and body healthy. Exercise and superior diet was crucial to my recovery and was the key component to a fast recovery from withdrawal symptoms. My faith and competitive will keep me sober. Will be four years sober next month...
I have a very good friend who just became a sponsor at his local 12 step group and I doubt very much if he would be alive today had it not been for the program. He and I used together for YEARZ!! He's a great guy and good family man, but the beast was killing him and 12 step meetings got him back on track.
I have a very good friend who just became a sponsor at his local 12 step group and I doubt very much if he would be alive today had it not been for the program. He and I used together for YEARZ!! He's a great guy and good family man, but the beast was killing him and 12 step meetings got him back on track.
I have never been to one, and have been successfully clean for only 1 month (almost). I have been seeing a treatment counselor, but I don't really think it helps me... I think my biggest helper is physical activity (or even mental activity - like reading). I used because I was bored... I don't know if everyone is like me, but that is my story...
So, how did the meeting go? I hope it was helpful. I totally believe in the success of AA and NA. I had a huge problem going to meetings for years because my mom was an alcoholic and she made me got to alanon as a pre-teen. I was so resentful and mad at her. She never talked to me about anything she just thought the meetings were what I needed. Turns out I needed a mom. Anyway, that's a different story but I was turned off by the thought of meetings for a long time. Then when I went I realized how helpful they really are.
Matt, a lot of people are in the same boat as you. I personally started using pain pills because I was bored and had low self esteem.
Matt, a lot of people are in the same boat as you. I personally started using pain pills because I was bored and had low self esteem.