I have a question....For all those who have been clean from "everything" when does the anxiety start to disappear or does it ever?
I am on Day 4 and prior to that I had some clean time and only relapsed for a few days.. so I know that my w-draws are not as bad this time.. The only problem is I cannot get rid of the anxiety.. In the last Five years, I have not had a substantial amount of clean time so I never had the anxiety go away... I wake up and my chest feels like it has a ton of bricks on it. My chest still feels like it has a ton of bricks on it. I know that I could do this if I thought the anxiety would go away.
Taking something for it.. Is not an option for me.
Thank you for your time. Hope everyone has a good day.
Good Morning Amdijo.
I know that first few weeks my anxiety was off the charts.I was convinced I had a real biological need for something.An A/D or Xanax......yeah,right.
My sponsor kept saying "Tim....it will get better.You don't need anything".I thought he was so full of sh*t."I'm dying here man....Throw me a bone."
I grudgingly kept doing the next right thing.Exercising,making meetings and talking on the phone.At some point...I think about day 9 or 10,things shifted.I noticed a change in my perception and that I was not dreading going out my door.All that anxiety was part of the w/d's and eating right,getting my natural endorphins activated and processing took care of about 90% of that.
All that immense fear was really a biolgical aftermath of opiates leaving my body.I took substances to stop that so it only makes sense when I no longer have them to help me,there's going to be a pay back due.
Stick to your guns.Don't immediately assume you need to take something.I was told early on that you should wait a year before you consider an A/D because of all the changes you go through.
It sounds like you are doing all the right things.
I know that first few weeks my anxiety was off the charts.I was convinced I had a real biological need for something.An A/D or Xanax......yeah,right.
My sponsor kept saying "Tim....it will get better.You don't need anything".I thought he was so full of sh*t."I'm dying here man....Throw me a bone."
I grudgingly kept doing the next right thing.Exercising,making meetings and talking on the phone.At some point...I think about day 9 or 10,things shifted.I noticed a change in my perception and that I was not dreading going out my door.All that anxiety was part of the w/d's and eating right,getting my natural endorphins activated and processing took care of about 90% of that.
All that immense fear was really a biolgical aftermath of opiates leaving my body.I took substances to stop that so it only makes sense when I no longer have them to help me,there's going to be a pay back due.
Stick to your guns.Don't immediately assume you need to take something.I was told early on that you should wait a year before you consider an A/D because of all the changes you go through.
It sounds like you are doing all the right things.
Thank you so much. I refuse to take anything. I have never needed it before and I am not going to. Not to mention.. I am pregnant so it is not even an option. All Benzos are Class D's so not good for baby.
I do want to add this...
I have read this board for a few years and I feel bad because I always come here and ask for help.... I have never given anything of myself. I want all of you to know that I am going to try to be better, I have just been too "sick" to help others..
To everyone... Thank you for helping me when I do post and know that I know all of you pretty welldue to lurking for few years :)
Have a good day...
I think my anxiety kind of went down since I read your post/
Thank you so much. I refuse to take anything. I have never needed it before and I am not going to. Not to mention.. I am pregnant so it is not even an option. All Benzos are Class D's so not good for baby.
I do want to add this...
I have read this board for a few years and I feel bad because I always come here and ask for help.... I have never given anything of myself. I want all of you to know that I am going to try to be better, I have just been too "sick" to help others..
To everyone... Thank you for helping me when I do post and know that I know all of you pretty welldue to lurking for few years :)
Have a good day...
I think my anxiety kind of went down since I read your post/
You gave back something to me.It's doesn't always have to look like a specific action.I think anyone who is brave enough to be honest gives back more than they ever know.
Have a good one.
You gave back something to me.It's doesn't always have to look like a specific action.I think anyone who is brave enough to be honest gives back more than they ever know.
Have a good one.
Hey its totally understandable. We all came to this board in pain and feeling sick. We only should contribute when we can and when we feel it in our soul. Your day will come. You will move on with your life some day and put all this behind you. When you do you will be that much wiser. Stay away from the AD drugs...they are not good for you. Don't believe the hype...and that's what it is. I spent a couple of months trying to ween a friend off Zoloft. It was worse than my addiction to Lortabs.
Th benefits of nutrition, prayer and exercise far outway anything you get in a pill.
Th benefits of nutrition, prayer and exercise far outway anything you get in a pill.
I was on Lexapro for years and somehow while taking all the other pills I just forgot about those.. So I will NEVER go back to it becuase I remember trying to stop taking them before and I got very sick.....(when I was not taking so many pain pills)
I just am taking nothing.. nothing at all except vitamins and Tylenol PM to sleep.
I just really wish the darn anxiety would go away.. that would really help. I have to work so I am here today and I just am praying the phone does not ring.
I just am taking nothing.. nothing at all except vitamins and Tylenol PM to sleep.
I just really wish the darn anxiety would go away.. that would really help. I have to work so I am here today and I just am praying the phone does not ring.
I drank a lot of chamomile tea in early recovery. It helps...not a lot but at least I felt like I was doing SOMETHING. Hang in there. It really does get better.
After 3 years, I still get anxiety. It's just life....the key is to not let it control you. You control it. KavaKava helped me in the beginning, now I just hit a meeting or talk to my sponsor and friends. That usually gets rid of it.
What is KavaKava.. I just need to be careful since I am pg... The anxiety has really subsided already today.. which is nice. Having a good day. Thanks all!
Hi Amdijo...
KavaKava is an herbal supplement but if the anxiety is passing without taking anything, maybe riding it out would be the best for you and your baby....I know early on when my anxiety level would start rising, I would breathe through it, assure myself I was okay and I would pray and ask God to help relieve my anxiety....After awhile and a lot of praying, I no longer suffer from anxiety and for that, I am so grateful....
Keep sharing, keep breathing, take your pre-natal vitamins, eat healthy & drink lots of water....Take good care of yourself....this too shall pass...
And remember, you are a miracle....
Take care,
KavaKava is an herbal supplement but if the anxiety is passing without taking anything, maybe riding it out would be the best for you and your baby....I know early on when my anxiety level would start rising, I would breathe through it, assure myself I was okay and I would pray and ask God to help relieve my anxiety....After awhile and a lot of praying, I no longer suffer from anxiety and for that, I am so grateful....
Keep sharing, keep breathing, take your pre-natal vitamins, eat healthy & drink lots of water....Take good care of yourself....this too shall pass...
And remember, you are a miracle....
Take care,
Hello amdijo,
Congratulations on day four!!!!!!! Four days pill free isn't easy. Pat yourself on the back. You have made it to "hump" day. Each day will get a little bit easier from now on.
The stress and anxiety you are feeling now is normal. Don't try and wish it away, it isn't going anywhere. Consider it a good thing. You are feeling this way because you are 4 days into your freedom from pills.
Eating right helps a lot. I ate fresh fruits and vegetables when I quit. Bananas helped me. I also took a "one a day" vitamin. Drink lots of water, it helps pee the pills out. Getting out of the house helps. Go outside and let the sunshine on your face. Force yourself to walk. Walk to the corner and back, or walk one house length and back. Don't over do it. A small bit of exercise helps with the anxiety.
I agree with you about not taking a pill for your anxiety. I am one of the people who think you should stay very far away from any kind of pill or alcohol during this time. We need to get back to normal and putting chemicals in our bodies now continues to mess us up. In a few weeks if you are having difficulties see your doctor and by all means take something . We are all different and we all must do what works for us. Quitting isnt an exact science.
Keep posting, it helps to talk about. Start a trivia post if youre not in the mood to talk about your detox. I really enjoyed them when I quit.
PS There isnt a rule that you have to answer everyones post. Answer when you feel comfortable. It is hard to come up with sage advice a lot of the time, especially now.lol
Congratulations on day four!!!!!!! Four days pill free isn't easy. Pat yourself on the back. You have made it to "hump" day. Each day will get a little bit easier from now on.
The stress and anxiety you are feeling now is normal. Don't try and wish it away, it isn't going anywhere. Consider it a good thing. You are feeling this way because you are 4 days into your freedom from pills.
Eating right helps a lot. I ate fresh fruits and vegetables when I quit. Bananas helped me. I also took a "one a day" vitamin. Drink lots of water, it helps pee the pills out. Getting out of the house helps. Go outside and let the sunshine on your face. Force yourself to walk. Walk to the corner and back, or walk one house length and back. Don't over do it. A small bit of exercise helps with the anxiety.
I agree with you about not taking a pill for your anxiety. I am one of the people who think you should stay very far away from any kind of pill or alcohol during this time. We need to get back to normal and putting chemicals in our bodies now continues to mess us up. In a few weeks if you are having difficulties see your doctor and by all means take something . We are all different and we all must do what works for us. Quitting isnt an exact science.
Keep posting, it helps to talk about. Start a trivia post if youre not in the mood to talk about your detox. I really enjoyed them when I quit.
PS There isnt a rule that you have to answer everyones post. Answer when you feel comfortable. It is hard to come up with sage advice a lot of the time, especially now.lol
Hi Amdijo;
It's natural for you to have anxiety while your brain is detoxing from opiates, some people are spared this, most aren't.
Your brain chemistry is in the process of normalizing, and if you didn't have an anxiety disorder before you started abusing opiates, then it's unlikely you damaged your brain and created one.
I don't really remember how long it lasted, I want to say maybe a week , but it definitly would taper off come back a little then taper more. I was sure I had done serious damage to my brain and I would always need some type of drug in my system just to function.
What really helped in the beginning was exercise, especially out side, that would calm me down alot and tire me so I could sleep a little better.
Talking to people also helped alot, what I did also was, I viewed the pain I was going through, both psychological, and physical, as my addiction trying different tactics to get me back on drugs........Leg cramps and diarhea didn't work, how about a litte anxiety and insomnia.
I gave all those problems to my addiction, and I was the part of my brain that wanted to get off and stay off the drugs. Sounds weird, but it worked for me.
In fact in early recovery, a psychiatrist wanted to put me on meds, for sleep, depression, and anxiety, I declined the meds, because I wanted to see where "normal" for me was. With time and work all my symptoms left, and I feel, and sleep better now than I ever have. (18 months clean).
I go to meetings, work the steps with my sponsor, meditate, read alot on recovery, and exercise vigerously, oh yea, and I pray alot.
Just hang in there, it will get better,
It's natural for you to have anxiety while your brain is detoxing from opiates, some people are spared this, most aren't.
Your brain chemistry is in the process of normalizing, and if you didn't have an anxiety disorder before you started abusing opiates, then it's unlikely you damaged your brain and created one.
I don't really remember how long it lasted, I want to say maybe a week , but it definitly would taper off come back a little then taper more. I was sure I had done serious damage to my brain and I would always need some type of drug in my system just to function.
What really helped in the beginning was exercise, especially out side, that would calm me down alot and tire me so I could sleep a little better.
Talking to people also helped alot, what I did also was, I viewed the pain I was going through, both psychological, and physical, as my addiction trying different tactics to get me back on drugs........Leg cramps and diarhea didn't work, how about a litte anxiety and insomnia.
I gave all those problems to my addiction, and I was the part of my brain that wanted to get off and stay off the drugs. Sounds weird, but it worked for me.
In fact in early recovery, a psychiatrist wanted to put me on meds, for sleep, depression, and anxiety, I declined the meds, because I wanted to see where "normal" for me was. With time and work all my symptoms left, and I feel, and sleep better now than I ever have. (18 months clean).
I go to meetings, work the steps with my sponsor, meditate, read alot on recovery, and exercise vigerously, oh yea, and I pray alot.
Just hang in there, it will get better,
If your preggers, Kava is not for you. You showed that you can get through the day without anything, just hang in there. Every day brings a challenge but it's worth it to face it clean and sober. You're worth it and so is your baby.
Thanks.. I am doing well.. Just taking vitamins and Tylenol Pm to sleep... Thanks for all the info.
I really feel better.. This is the first time in 5 years that I think..."I can do this" it is a great feeling... I have cancelled all Doctors appointments and let the nurses know that I am an addict.. and cannot be prescribed ppills.
I really feel better.. This is the first time in 5 years that I think..."I can do this" it is a great feeling... I have cancelled all Doctors appointments and let the nurses know that I am an addict.. and cannot be prescribed ppills.
That's a huge step A. You should be very proud of yourself.