Question Regarding Hair Sample

How does one go about getting enough (100) pieces of hair to send in for sampleing, without letting the person know that you are doing it?

Can't very well cut their hair, they would want to know why.

How can I do this? I think my husband has been using for over a year, can't prove it, just the signs point that direction
I don't believe you can because they need the hair closest to the root. You will need to ask your husband to volunteer it. Does he have a history? Does he know you suspect?
I found a 4" torch lighter in a small clothes bag that he said he used for his stereo. Then my son sound a broken lightbuld with a small bag that he said is used for meth or crack, in my husbands fishing coat pocket.

He said he hasn't used his fishing vest in over 2 years, doesn't know how it got there. Maybe one of his buddies that he does know uses put it there when they were in the garage so that my husband wouldn't see, and then they forgot about it?

So, NO I think he believes that I don't suspect a thing.
Have you thought about confronting him? I know when I was using I only thought of myself. I was loyal to only my addiction. It sounds like it is escalating and whether you want to or not you are ging to have to confront him. If you were able to give him a drug test w/out his knowledge and it was positive what would that do for you? Don't you think you already know. I personally have never misplaced left or didn't know where my paraphanalia was at all times and when I was clean, I didn't have any paraphanalia not even anything I "forgot about". It sounds like you have some decisions to make.
I did confront him and that's when he said that he hasn't used that coat in over 2 years, that it could have been put in there any time over the years.

Since we moved in July in a very tight moving truck, I don't think a small broken lightbulb could make it without being shattered.

So yes I did confront, blamed on someone else stashing it there, adamantly said that it wasn't his, that he wouldn't do that and jepordize his job, because they are subject to random drug tests and he wouldn't take the chance.
Stop playing detective - it doesnt work and it will drive you insane.

Addicts change their behaviour. They do things that we dont like.

If your husband's behaviour has changed, focus on that. Tell him that you are not prepared to accept his bad behaviour and that he must do something about it.

Always focus on what they do, never on what they say.

It sounds to me like there is definately something going on with him. You don't just forget about paraphenalia etc. At least I never did. Especially a light bulb. You are in a tough position beecause you have to set a good example so your son doesn't fall into thinking that is ok. How about just asking him to take a drug test voluntarily so you can put it out of your mind. If he has had a problem with this in the past he should realize it is a reasonable request now that you have found this stuff again. If he is not using that is.
I Hate to be contrary but I really disagree with testing in this situation.

Tests can be beaten. If he passes, you will still be worried because of the paraphenalia. Also, testing is only a point in time.. what happens 2 weeks after the test when you find something else to worry about?

This is no way to live, trust me because I have lived it.

Focus on his behaviour.