
Just curious, but methadone and sub I hear are the hardest drugs to come off of, is that true? If so, why do doctors put people on those to get off of something that is easier to come off of than the above mentioned ones? Just wondering.
The thing that got me thinking was Julie with her toothache. How can she get pain releif, or anyone for that matter, if your on a drug that blocks the effects of pain releivers? I don't get it.
Don't know about subbies, but i know that coming off methadone is way worse than coming off Heroin. It takes longer to come out of you and the rattles last much longer than heroin does. I've heard of people still rattling weeks and weeks later after getting cut off methadone in prison. Why do the docs put people on them so freely??? don't know the answer to that, would like to know though.....
Yea, and its kind of scary because as I understand it, there are only a handful of doctors that can put a person on sub, and the problem Julie had, how many doctors in your everyday life, like er doctors, gp's, whatever, would know what to do if someone was in serious pain and needed something else, how would they know what to put them on?
Also, doctors do not know much about pain meds in general, probably only what the pharmaceutical companies tell them. I was at a doctor a long time ago, trying to get percocet. I asked for it (acted dumb) told him I had them once before and they worked really well and he told me that what he's giving me is much stronger than percocet, and it was vicodin 5's. OMG. He didn't even know the difference.

And my doctor, who I get my rx's from. I was taking 0.5mg three times a day of xanax. Without telling me anything, I went for my every month visit and he changed it to 1mg xanax. I have to bite them in half, theres quite a difference. I go on Wednesday and I'm gonna ask him why he did that.
I can't say anything either way about sub because I don't know much about it, I think its good in a way, from the stuff I've read about the people here coming off of their doc's with them; but its new and how much do doctors really know about it? If theres an emergency, what do people do who are on sub?