
Just curious. I Know I have a cavity and I actually need two molars out. I am wondering what the heck would I take?? I have been putting it off. Even though I shouldn't. Then my analytical brain started thinking about everything like when I get plastic surgery. Yes I want my boobs done. But that would not be for another year and a half. Seriously on stuff like operations etc. etc. What do I do just scream in pain????
I will say I will NEVER go through a withdrawl like that again. I would just die on the opiate than go through that. I know that is not positive but the truth. I also had a very bad experience in there. This one nurse called me a baby. Here I am detoxing pretty bad. I asked her why are you calling me a baby? I said " That is way out of line and do you verbally abuse people like this that are down?" Something to that affect. Anyway she said real attitudish and shook her head side to side she said "Yes Miss Bianca I am calling you a baby You know what? OMG I am not going to talk about that right now. I am so getting pissed off. I am a nurse. I know protacall. I know or have compassion and could never imagine putting somebody down. Even if I was a "BABY" you still do not say that to a patient detoxing. Or a patient in general. Sorry total flashback. Really that was so hard as well. I relly got off track here. One thing that I thought about that made me smile. This other patient detoxing, on my last day we were all being goofy. I said something and he said "Bianca it's not that. Your just a f****d up barbie girl in a f***d up barbie world." We just started cracking up. That makes me smile. He was not baggin on me he was a total sweetheart. Sometimes I have to think of something kind of positive if I start thinking about that place. I dont know if it is to late to file a complaint against her. Who would take me seriously? Who looks more competant? The patient or the nurse? I also asked the dr next day when he was in if the nurses are required to have prerequisites for the detox unit He said no. In my opinion I could not go work with autism kids without knowing about the disability. Anyway there goes my main question. I just so vented rt now. Sorry. It still makes me angry. God I have to hurry and go. I been typing foreva. Prob. cuz I suck at typing. You should see me text. I have a 16 year old georgous son and he text me the other day. As I was texting him back he called on my cell and said "Damn ma! Don't tell me your still texting me back!" I said "I actually was Ty!" He started laughing and said I text like a grandma. I love him so much.
Hi Bianca,

Im not sure what your asking,but Im on Suboxone & I have had...3 surgeries since being on it.Everytime after surgery they would give me something,& it helped painwise,I just didnt feel high.

Alot of people say like Advil is really good for pain.

As for that nurse,I cannot believe anyone in the healthcare system can be so.....cruel.Yet Ive seen it over & over.I dont know if your complaint would be taken for real or not.But I know myself,I would at least write a letter to her boss.Whether thats a Dr or whatever.I would do that because ...what if shes like that with other patients?If theres at least a letter if someone else complains theres a record of yours,& it shows that she shouldnt be caring for others.

Good Luck
Your right on the nurse thing. My family was like let it go just focus on your recovery but she did flip me out in there! Of course all my emotions were surfacing anyway and I could not believe somebody would do that in that field. I did go off on her but of course that did not help or help my situation.
Just curious isn't suboxene a form of methadone? Cuz when I was looking for a rehab to go to (I should of went to the other one) a nurse on the phone told me they would put me on that. I am pretty sure she said the sub. She said as much as I was taking that was equivalent to a shot of heroine. I do not know if that is true but the stupid rehab I was in did not believe in giving that.
If you don't mind me asking what and how much were you on? Does the sub. work? How long do you have to be on it? Not being nosey just curious. The withdrawls I had in there I really never been through that much pain. I don't know if you ever had a cramp in your leg but that is how my lower back was all the way up to my neck. I had a son 16 years ago and thought labor was bad. You know how a woman might be like through labor I ain't taking anything but then their screaming give me something?(Some women) That is how it felt for me seriously! I am not whinig or saying I went through the worst just it was so inhumane to have me like that. I told the dr in there I need to be on methadone or something. He said "If you get on methadone, I'ts curtains for you." My mom is a really good writer and we are going to write the dr that is the head of the detox facility. I could go on but do not want to complain to much but I will say this that on my second day there I knew I was not getting enough phenobarb I used to be a Med Tech (no more on that one) Anyway I really know my pills so I talked to the dr the next morning cuz I had a log I was keeping track of the times med. given and how much. I also should of been on 2 hr. checks including vitals the first 24 to 48 hrs. Nobody did that either. So I brought it to his attention in front of the nursing station and he agreed my medication was given wrong then he asked what nurse worked that night I did not know her name. He checked the chart and the nurse sighned off 2 hr checks and the med tech sighned off the wrong meds. Well not enough of was I was suppose to get. The dr told me file a complaint with that one nurse and they will take care of it. Next night she was working graveyard. The next day for my meds nothing changed. I told the Med Tech specifically what Dr blank blank ordererd and he said you have to talk to him again. He would not come in till the next morning. The next mornig I told the dr and he said talk to the nurses. I said " What the hell you told me you were going to take care of this and it seems to me you do not have good communication with your nursing staff." Then he looked at me and said " They grow alot of opium in Thailand.Do you know how they detox? They stick them in a pit and put a spike fence on top. That is how they detox. Consider yourself lucky.' Then I went head to head with him. Long story Sorry so long. Good luck! Hope to hear about you. PS. Funny thing at the end last two days I was given proper meds. But they had to up the phenobarb when really I should of been weining at the end. So freakin crazy. It was like a nightmare. Except for my "peeps" in there. Ha!

I'm not really sure what you're asking, either. But as far as the dental work, you shouldn't need anything more than ibuprophen. I've had several cavities filled and never needed anything at all for pain. I've also had a tooth pulled and ibuprophen took care of it. Good luck.

Motrin 800 mg and it might be a good ideal to tell your dentist you are a recovering addict.

Then my analytical brain started thinking about everything like when I get plastic surgery

That's not an anylitical brain,it's an addicts brain.We will create excuses to feed our addiction.It's called subterfuge.
Not that you particulary want my advise but is your plastic surgery something you could put off until you've been clean awhile?

I know for me I had to start some serious work on my inside.Of course taking care of a cavity is important but a shot of novocaine and some prescription Motrin will work beautifully.

Good Luck

Yeah, ditto on Tim's response. I just had rotator cuff repair surgery and took 800mg Motrin to get through. It was still rough, but I do not take pain killers anymore, period.
I'm finding aleve to work really well for aches and pains.
We don't get the luxury of taking opiates like normal people. Unless it's major surgery, advil is your wonder drug. As far as elective surgery? As an addict, I wouldn't. Stick with the old boobs and stay clean.

Get over the nurses's none of our business what others think of us. Only what we think. When I stopped caring what others thought, life got a whole lot easier.
Good old Lisa.......she never minces words.Good to see ya pal.
You too buddy. ((hug))
You guys are right. My mind is on overdrive sometimes. Good one Tim seriously. Thanks. Lisa? Thanks. Made alot of sense. I always think the outside would help my inside. Thank God I am not rich I would prob. pull a Michael Jackson. Ha! Time to work on the inside which as an addict or maybe just me I cant fathom not constantly thinking of the outside. I guess a problem I have to fix.
Sorry Lisa I do disagree on that nurse thing. No pun intended however when a patient is being verbally abused by a staff member that is highly innapropriate. Any other situation I could care less what someone thinks of me. I am getting the plastic surgery for myself, not no one else. I like to feel great about myself.
Hope things get better for you!
Good Morning Bianca
"I am getting the plastic surgery for myself, not no one else"

That's cool.Nothing wrong with that.

The problem is that it is an elective surgery.It will rquire anesthesia and narcotics.Extremely risky for someone that has recently stopped abusing narcotics,let alone for someone who has clean time.

Going under the knife is stressful in itself.I think it would be prudent to hold off awhile.This problem with addiction does not magically go away."Feeling good about yourself" can come from within.You might change your mind after a year but even if you don't,at least you might be better prepared to have meds.

It has nothing to do with what anyone thinks about cosmetic surgery.It's still surgery.

about what the nurse said????Of course it's not right.
I've had similar experiences with doctors and nurses.When I quit spending so much in time of their company that eliminated that.Most of the times it was simply me trying to con them out of something.I always thought my rights were being violated.I was delusional most times.

Today I don't need anything from them and that's a very good feeling.
Hi sorry I didnt get right back to you on your questions.I pop in & out of here anymore.

I want to say first that my case on Sub is mine.Meaning everyone is different.I dont mind you asking & Ill answer what I can.But just know everyone is different.

Ive been on Sub for 3 years now.I started at a very high dose (24mg)Got down to 16mg,relapsed earlier this year on a different type of drug.Went back up to 22mg (?) & now Im at 18mg.The thing with me is I may be on it for life.

Now for most Sub is a temporary thing.It isnt a cure all but a tool that can help you "get a grip"sober,so you can learn to live again.Everyone has their own input on it.Brooke (on here)knows ALOT about comming off Sub as she has.

I just want to suggest you keep getting info on it before you decide for sure.

Take Care
Hi Tim! Your advice is amazing and you come across extremely smart in knowing your stuff. I am not going to woory about so called up grading myself right now as that can affect my recovery time. I am always ahead of myself and of course outside for me and probably others is easier than dealing with the inside as I feel so complex!!
I am not vain or anything I just want somebody to hold my hand and take this away. The hardest is searching within myself. I have always lived on the edge and loved it like a wild horse needing to be tamed. Boy I am difficult! Ha! Thanks! I do admire you and your inputs. Not speaking for all addicts however as myself I do lack some commen sense. Or I would not of took the first damn pill again. I would of not been to ashamed to ask for help when I was taking $ for the pills and knowing at a point how freakin sky high of them I was taking. I was losing so much weight at the end due to vomiting almost everyday and still making sure that I still had to have all those in me.
It to me is a cycle of addiction however a weird lack in commen sense.
Sorry! Probably to much info. I was an extremely spoiled child living in a big Danville house. Things looked perfect on the outside but inside that beautiful house dad was using cocaine and alot of other stuff!! Just venting here. But so funny right now I'm like having a blonde moment but I just realized something! I am actually kind of laughing that I just figured something out Tim! Growing up things looked perfect on the outside but inside was a mess. Kind of like I am the house and inside a mess. What a freakin trip that I just got this!!! Oh my god! I guess we can be a product of our environment. Wow! Hope you get what I just said. I really just came to a serious self awareness about myself.
Thank you for posting me back. Your cool!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Mj! So how do you feel on sub? I mean should I start so it will not be as hard for me? I know your not a dr I just am concerned with my relapses and if ya start off where you left off there is no way in hell I can start on 45 or 50 a day. Of course I lost count at the end I just like I said before only knew by a "friend" that said to me I had just picked up a 190 and called her like 3 days later worrying I was going to run low. I did not know what day it was or was shocked when she reminded me when I had picked it up. Then I started counting and writing dates down. I went to see a therapist on how to tell my family around that time. She really was not much help knowing EVERTHING I was doing to get them and how much I was taking. I do not even remember driving there.
Not her fault I just needed somebody to scream at me and say tell somebody!! You are slowly killin yourself on these!
Anyway sorry to get off the subject but I am concerned about that little thing in the mind that tricks ya. So I do not know if a dr will look at it like I am getting dirty again after being opiate free right now? Is it a preventive medication is what I am wondering? Or just a detox med.? I am glad that you have something that helps. Hope to hear from ya! Thanks!!
True beauty comes from within. Ever see someone so attractive yet they are nasty. Doesn't make them seem so beautiful does it? Or maybe someone who is not a traditional beauty yet you love them to death. It's the inside that matters. After a while thats what I see anyway. I know that most plastic surgeons won't even operate if they think you are getting it done for the wrong reason. (Maybe that's not true anymore) Anyway what is the rush? I used to have this urgency with alot of things. I heard the Billy Joel song called "Vienna waits for you". It will be there. First things first Bianca. You don't want to risk your sobriety over something that is not necessary. I'm sure you are probably one of the prettiest girls. Love yourself. You've been so kind to me and I look forward to seeing you answering my posts. Thats because I like you, sight unseen. Your beautiful you just don't know it! I'd like to recommend a really good book by Louise Hay called You Can Heal Your Life. It's a bit newaged. She uses the word universe alot. I choose the change that word to God but it is a very good book. Each chapter starts with an affirmation and then it explains how to use it and some exercises for each. I remember in the first chapter it is "The point of power is always in the present moment". It's a good read. Anyway I think I'm going to go reread it. Good luck and take your time with major decisions!
Thanks Alice. I think I will seriously go get that book. As I have said on some post that I will not consider plastic surgery right now. I have to focus on recovering here. Wow crazy how I will have these great days then feel totally out of loop the next. I have only been diagnosed in the past as having anxiety attacks and PTSD. I am not bypolar but that is how it feels. Not that I totally know and emphasize with people who have that. Just this recovery time around I never had so many ups and downs in my life! Maybe cuz I was taking alot. Or I did hear every relapse is tougher? I dont know but it is kinda scary.
But hey thanks for what you said! I can say I do love that about myself that I have alot of compassion however I can be to sensitive. Glad you are off those bad boys. They kicked my a** this time! Ha!
Hi Bianca

I would suggest reading as much as you can about it.that way you'll understand it more.
Forgive me because I thought you were still taking pills.I would never suggest going onto Sub unless you are still doing that amount of pills.

Going onto Sub is for helping getting off other opiates.If your already sober theres no reason to go onto it,because it is a strong drug.As I said Brooke on here knows so much more than me.Her post are very interesting & informitive.


IMO from what you have posted here, Sub would NOT be a drug for you to start taking.
If you are looking for a blocker type drug, I advise you to research a medication called "Revia" and discuss it with your Doctor.

Revia is an opiate blocker and it is not an actual opiate like Sub is. There are no w/d's from it, unlike Sub, there is no physical dependancy with Revia and it is supposed to help with cravings. While on Revia, if you were to relapse and take an opiate, the medication would block the "high".

There is NO medication to cure addiction, but Revia is part of some recovering addicts "toolbox" to help, in addition to many others for ongoing recovery.

I have always said that GETTING clean is the easy part ..... it is STAYING clean that is much more difficult!!!!
Putting a plan in place to STAY clean, taking action, and doing the hard work involved is where the addicts I know in recovery find success.