
Bin reading your posts and have a question -

My boyfriend who I know had a heroin problem a long time ago has started to act a little off lately. One of the things that is driving me nuts is that he spends ages in the bathroom with the water running - what the hell he is he doing. I dont smell anything other than cigarette smoke - but I know something is going on. He tells me that as his girlfriend there is a limit on how much I should know about him - and his bathroom time is his time. Which....if he asked me what I was doing in the bathroom I would also tell him to bugger off, but I cannot stop thinking something elicit is going on in that bathroom

Try not to stress about it as you have no proof. When my boyfriend started to use again the main thing I could tell, was his eyes as the pupils go really small, also he tends to scratch quite a bit on his arms and stuff. Generally trying to cover things up and lying about where he is going, zombi like in front of the t.v (but he can be like that sober) and sleeping a fair bit, personality change. I would nag and nag and not get the truth and it wasnt until I found the evidence (used foil) that I could accept he was definately using. But the more I pushed for an answer the more he pulled away. They can hide it for a bit, but in the end the truth comes out.

Hope helps

Try not to worry might be nothing!
suspicious, over on the Cocaine/Crack Cocaine board of this website, there are recent posts describing symptoms of cocaine and crack cocaine use. i'm not suggesting he's using, but i recall those post and in answer to your question, they may be helpful to you.

Suspicious, Be suspicious. I am not suggesting that you aruge to find out the truth but be suspicious..... Trust your gut. It's been over a month since my bf died and each time I was suspicious a week or two later the truth would come out. At times not voluntarily, meaning I'd find a syringe, always broke, etc...... I can't say if your bf is using though trust your gut...... Good Luck, Dora
If you're suspicious then be wary just like everyone says. I don't know what his drug of choice is but if my boyfriend was smoking in the bathroom, he was doing crack because you need ashes from the cigarette to smoke crack..I was so suspicous of my boyfriend once that I went picking through the dumpster out back to find cans he'd use to smoke crack in! How embarrassing as some of my neighbors watched.
Back to the bathroom thing.... Yup he'd be in there for ages and forget to flush (sign) and.... running water... Sounds familiar. My bf had a heroin problem before we met, he did have years of sobriety though in the end was not strong enough to choose life over the drugs. Someone wrote that recovery is a process and not an event, how true..... D
Hi suspicious - my partners drug of choice is heroin and i hate to say this but thats how it began with me. I knew about his heroin problem ( he wasn't using at the time) but thats how it began - spending a really long time in the bathroom and then only smelling cigarette smoke afterwards. I would ask him why he needed to smoke in the bathroom??? I dont want to sound really negative but you maybe should look for the obvious stuff like bits of tin foil in the bathroom and anywhere else you can think of. Another sign (for me) is that he smokes a lot of cigs (which he doesn't normally) and wants to clean the house up!!! I know it must sound funny but thats what he's like when he's used. He always waits till he's 'presentable' before he comes home so i need to add up all the signs before i know. The ultimate sign is the small pupils - i ask him to stand in front of a mirror with me and measure our pupil size. Then there's the smell and tatse of it (if you kiss afterwards) It's such a distinct smell and taste you will never forget it. My bf hides that part so well now.
I hope things work out for you and you have just been paranoid for no reason.....but just check the pupils out - thats the only sure give away.
Take care
I think it is important to remember that not all herion users shoot. Many of them snort. I find plates hidden under things or in droors, hollowed out pens in his personal stuff, little zip lock bags-tiny ones, the actual drugs...

I have seen him with water running staring in the mirror for a long time. I think the pupils being pin pointed (in the light especially or day) is huge. Dead giveaway. Look at his and than look at yours.

Is he sleeping funny, 1/2 sitting up, refuses to lie down even though sleeping, chain smoking, nodding off when tired, slow movement, elbow in the air, constantly touching a limb or face....

Pupils are huge.

If it is suspicious than something weird is going on. You know already you just don't know what. Addicts constantly tell you none of your business. If what you think is true than you could be in for a long ride.
So what is this water runnig? At the moment that is all I have I on him -except for the leaving the house for all sorts of errands - car wash, HOW MANY packs of cigarrets can he possibly buy a day? Cash Machine - how many times can you check out your monthly statement -

At home all I have is this water running - does this mean he is injecting something?
Dear Suspicious, My bf tried to refrain from needles at many points throughout his addiction and was snorting. I beleived, though am no expert, that had the running water to drown out the sound of snorting, then to maybe rinse his face/ rinse nose in case anything was remaining. For me a giveaway was when he'd often be doing this though, claiming he'd be using the toilet, though.... He forgot to flush, and there would be no sign of him going..... I don't know if you're bf is using though often wondered as you, why is he gone again? And many other questions in my head, that I eventually found out were just lies to cover up for scoring/or using... It's a hard road, good luck. I hope your bf is not using though if he is I hope you have the strength to reach out for further help, Sincerely Dora
Dear Suspicious, I just though of a question I hadn't asked.... Do you know if he was an IV user when he did heroin in his past? Does he have any track marks or scarring on his arms? Once again this input comes without judgement or answers. My heart goes out to you as this can be confusing. Dora
Have you searched the bathroom for paraphanelia (sp)? If not, do so and remember to check inside the toilet back.
Just a thought.
Good luck,