
I have been in active addiction for about 6 years now. I cannot imagine doing anything without a pill. It has been so bad that I have stole them from anyone that I know has them just to get my by. Hoping that noone will ever know it is me. Well, I have been caught by my own family members and it was very depressing. Back in December I found out I was prego and IMMEDIATELY stopped taking the pills. I went through about 5 days of withdraw and it was horrible. The whole time I thought, I cannot do this to that baby. Unfortunately, I miscarried about 8 weeks later.

Two questions:
Does anyone think that I miscarried because of the pills/withdraws?
Does anyone think that taking the pain pills makes it harder for you to conceice...

I am now two days clean from when I miscarried and plan to stay that way, I just was wondering what you all thought. Thank you.


Congratulations on your two days clean.

I will answer your questions with a question asked by others in the NA/AA programs I have attended:

"what are you going to do differently to stay clean?"

I needed to answer this question and leave others for another time.

Good luck.


Welcome to the board.

I don't know what opiates do to conception and rates of miscarriage. I had miscarriages before I ever abused painkillers.

I'm really sorry for your loss. I'm sure you're trying to think of ways you could have done things differently. It's natural to want control but it won't do much more than hurt you right now. Those are questions you should run by your doctor before you try again.

But they're moot anyway because you're clean now. Congratulations on three days!

Keep coming back.

I guess... I am just not using.. That is how I am staying clea.
WELCOME!. Not using and being in recovery are two different things. The good thing is you have stopped using congratulations. Two days is a big deal anyone who has used at all knows that is amazing. So good job. However, its a pretty well known fact that if you don't change something or everything basically about your life your chances are quite a bit less at staying quit. So the basic suggestion is getting some sort of support. Do you have that? And by what are you doing differently I think GP means you can't do the same thing and expect different results. Its a good idea to learn different ways to cope. If you have used for so long chances are you used the pills to cope. So it may be wise to learn some different ways to cope rather than popping a pill or two. You made it hear that means your trying at least one thing different. Keep reading and posting and you may learn alot more and decide you want to do things differently and that maybe your way isn't the best way anymore. Just suggestions there is no wrong way to get sober just do it!
Well, I am not one that used becuase anything is wrong. I used I think just becuaes it made me feel good. Like a warm cloud holding me. But in the end it just got too much and I realized.. WOW I have a big problem. I have a wonderful home, hubby. dog, job and a great family. I just chose to make it a little better with pills. Does tha tmake sense. So I have really nothing to change... But... Some way some how I always go back to the pills. I have not used today either..

So day 3

ps... Last week I did a week long taper and it was hard but I have done it cold turkey and that was harder.
Read my story on the signature line. None of us began using to cope.
Congratulations on Day 3...that's so awesome and each day gets better and better...

I'm sorry for your loss...I suffered a miscarriage once (wasn't very far along) and it was a difficult time...I do remember it took my body a bit to readjust and once I was feeling better mentally & physically, I wound up pregnant again...My advice is just don't worry about it...It will happen when it's time...keep doing the right thing, let your body heal and the miracle will happen...

Keep up the great're doing awesome...

Take care,
posted by amdijo


So I have really nothing to change... But... Some way some how I always go back to the pills.

Its not the outsides that need changing (the house, the hubby, the dog etc, etc). Its the insides. Because "making it a little better" with pills is a sign that what you have is not good enough for you, for whatever reason. And my definition of hell is not using drugs but not doing anything to change my perceptions or my actions, which is what led me to think that drugs "made things a little better".

I have a great job, great spouse, nice house all that "schtuff". Nice outsides, what about the insides? You may do it by "just not using". Like I said, my definition of hell......