Hi, hope everyone is doing well. I've been on oxycodone for 3 years, 8-9 5mg tablets daily. It started because of my pancreas, I won't go into that now. I need some good advice. I tapered down to 3-4 tablets per day for over a month now. Getting lower is tough. I'm 61 years of age and quitting is really hard as you all know. I'm considering the suboxone route but not sure about it. Should I quit CT or get on the sub? Any advice/suggestions greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
I tapered down from Vics and Percs and an occasional Oxycoctin. It took awhile, but I am now free of all opiates for 30 plus days. I could have caved-in and took some opiates last night for Mono, but I said No Way.
Good luck,
I tapered down from Vics and Percs and an occasional Oxycoctin. It took awhile, but I am now free of all opiates for 30 plus days. I could have caved-in and took some opiates last night for Mono, but I said No Way.
Good luck,
Talk to your Dr. tell him what is on your mind. I think quiting is the best idea you have had in a long time. Welcome to the board
Big Pete...Welcome.I dont anyone of us can say which would be better for you.All I can suggest is to keep reading here & do a web search on Suboxone.I am on the Sub Ive been on since last Jan but I also have pain issues Im dealing with so my Dr is planning on keeping me on it for a bit.Im thinking of trying to decrease after the hoiliday as I am on a pretty high dose.
For me the Sub helped me break a 20 pill a day habit & its giving me a chance to WANT to be in recovery.This site is awesome because there are so many different people here who have gone through so much.We can truley understand your fears etc.Anyways wanted to welcome you & wish you a happy hoiliday.....mj
For me the Sub helped me break a 20 pill a day habit & its giving me a chance to WANT to be in recovery.This site is awesome because there are so many different people here who have gone through so much.We can truley understand your fears etc.Anyways wanted to welcome you & wish you a happy hoiliday.....mj
I also tried methadone for two days and that helped with the cravings. I quit all opiates, after that, though I do smoke pot for Chron's Disease and now apparently I have Mono, had it before--no fun--but I refuse to take any opiates. Good luck to you.
I also tried methadone for two days and that helped with the cravings. I quit all opiates, after that, though I do smoke pot for Chron's Disease and now apparently I have Mono, had it before--no fun--but I refuse to take any opiates. Good luck to you.
Welcome Pete;
Consult your doctor and ask him/her how best to get off the pills. I've gone cold turkey, I've also tapered. Every time it was with a doctor's supervision and I had someone else (my wife) hold my pills. There's no need to do this alone.
All the best to you Pete. Getting free and clear of pills is the greatest gift you can give yourself this holiday season!
Consult your doctor and ask him/her how best to get off the pills. I've gone cold turkey, I've also tapered. Every time it was with a doctor's supervision and I had someone else (my wife) hold my pills. There's no need to do this alone.
All the best to you Pete. Getting free and clear of pills is the greatest gift you can give yourself this holiday season!
I am on suboxone and have been for 8 weeks. It is a great tool for recovery. However, I personally would not recommend it for the small amount of meds you are on. You still have to come off of the sub. and it can produce WD. If you do decide to take it, do a fast detox on it. No longer than 2 weeks. That might be easier than going cold turkey. But if you do go CT, you will feel bad for about 4-8 days. Then you will start feeling better and being able to move on with your life. I did quit on my own for 3 months. After the WD was gone I felt 1000 times better. Welcome to the board and best wishes to you. Atlas
Hi there,
I strongly urge you to taper as per a Drs instructions, the biggestrisk factor is a heart attack or stroke if your blood pressure fets out of control.
if you are going to do this yourself at home, PLEASE make sure you monitor your blood pressure, there is a beautiful and healthy young woman on the board here that suffered an actual stroke from going cold turkey.
My blood pressure is yusually ridiculaously low....cant usually stand up too fast without almost blacking out, and yet sure enough, my b/p went quite high once i cold turkeyed....
Be safe!!!!!
You can do it, you have to be 100% ready and commited, and then you can do it!
I strongly urge you to taper as per a Drs instructions, the biggestrisk factor is a heart attack or stroke if your blood pressure fets out of control.
if you are going to do this yourself at home, PLEASE make sure you monitor your blood pressure, there is a beautiful and healthy young woman on the board here that suffered an actual stroke from going cold turkey.
My blood pressure is yusually ridiculaously low....cant usually stand up too fast without almost blacking out, and yet sure enough, my b/p went quite high once i cold turkeyed....
Be safe!!!!!
You can do it, you have to be 100% ready and commited, and then you can do it!
Sorry I dont have advice. Im a CT fan but I dont have the other issues so...
Just saying welcome to the board.
Just saying welcome to the board.
Welcome to the board Pete..I would make an appointment with
your dr. and let him/her, help you through the wd process..
When I first hit the board I was so inspired I quit ct..Made it
12 days, then the anxiety, panic, all the head trips kicked in..
I freaked and relapsed..Then I went and saw my dr..and he
helped me develope a plan..Along with some meds to ease
the process..I don't think I would have made it without his
help..I am 52 days clean now and feeling great..
Good Luck,
your dr. and let him/her, help you through the wd process..
When I first hit the board I was so inspired I quit ct..Made it
12 days, then the anxiety, panic, all the head trips kicked in..
I freaked and relapsed..Then I went and saw my dr..and he
helped me develope a plan..Along with some meds to ease
the process..I don't think I would have made it without his
help..I am 52 days clean now and feeling great..
Good Luck,
bigpete- I was in a very similar postion as you. I was taking about 20-40 more mg a day than you but thats not to big of a difference. I decided to quit cold turkey! It really wasn't too bad. I was prescribed xanax at the time so that helped. After a week I was feeling okay but my problem was that I was soooo tired all the time. I work 60+ hours a week and go to school full-time so tired was not a option. I ended up taking pills again. So I went to a doctor and started taking suboxone. This is my 8th day clean!!! I really feel great.
My opion is to try the cold turkey to see if you can do it. It is better to be free of all drugs than to swap one for another. For some reason if that doesn't work out for you try the suboxone. I take 4 mg once a day, which I hear is a low dose. No matter what route you take, keep coming back here. This place is one of my driving forces to stay clean. I read all these stories and it really makes me think about what could have happened or how some people have it much worse than us and they still did it.
Good luck to pete and stay strong. I hope the ct works for you best!!!!
Happy Holidays,
My opion is to try the cold turkey to see if you can do it. It is better to be free of all drugs than to swap one for another. For some reason if that doesn't work out for you try the suboxone. I take 4 mg once a day, which I hear is a low dose. No matter what route you take, keep coming back here. This place is one of my driving forces to stay clean. I read all these stories and it really makes me think about what could have happened or how some people have it much worse than us and they still did it.
Good luck to pete and stay strong. I hope the ct works for you best!!!!
Happy Holidays,
Try CT and try to tough it out for a week or two. You should feel good again by then. Maybe not 100% but 85% perhaps. It was my experience that when I WD from a small amount it took less time to feel normal again. I think there is a differece between taking 4 and taking 40. Oh yeah, there are similarities also. Why not try to taper to 3, then 2, then 1 and none. Wait until you are sick and take the smallest amount possible to make you feel better.
I want to thank you all for your responses, I really appreciate it. I've decided to go CT tonight after work. I have 11 days off for the holidays so it's now or never. If I can't go through it then I'll have go on subxone. I'm going to give it all I got as I don't want to have to go on the suboxone. If anyone has any advive for copeing with the withdrawals I'd like to hear them. Merry Christmas to you all.
Dear Pete theres a list of OTC stuff that can help Ill bump that up for you.Also I commend you.Its going to take alot out of you to do this but I can promise its worth it.And is always people on here so you never have to feel alone in this.Ill bump that up.Alot of people swear by whats on this list.Good Luck to you & Happy Hoilidays......mj
Man- I am also quitting and scared. Ive spent so many years on dope and methadone its crazy. Ive been coming down over the last 6 or 7 months without a problem until recently. I,ve hit 35 mg(tomarrow is suppossed to be 30)- I know that I must find a sub doctor soon- but Im putting it off cause Im scared of" what if I f*** this up"
I decided to put this on hold awhile and continue the process after the holidays.
Continue my therapy and meetings and in a month I,ll get going again.
-sometimes we need to just slow down a bit ,ya know? I also am not a kid at 48 years old.Why rush now if not comfortable?
best to you and much respect
Man- I am also quitting and scared. Ive spent so many years on dope and methadone its crazy. Ive been coming down over the last 6 or 7 months without a problem until recently. I,ve hit 35 mg(tomarrow is suppossed to be 30)- I know that I must find a sub doctor soon- but Im putting it off cause Im scared of" what if I f*** this up"
I decided to put this on hold awhile and continue the process after the holidays.
Continue my therapy and meetings and in a month I,ll get going again.
-sometimes we need to just slow down a bit ,ya know? I also am not a kid at 48 years old.Why rush now if not comfortable?
best to you and much respect
Dear Jack I just want to give support to you.I understand being scared sbout NOT being able to do it,but give yourself some credit you are willing to try.Some never make it that far.Ive been on Sub for almost a year after a 20 pill a day habit.Im not going to say its some magic pill but I will say it gave me a chance to pull my head out my butt without dealing with the physical WD.I may be on it long term due to pain issues but to me taking what I take with the sub is ALOT better than how I was going.Good Luck to you & if I can be of any help please just ask.....mj
Well, I made through work all day without anything. I took my last oxycodone at 3:30AM, it's now 6:45PM, over 14 hrs! It was pretty hard at work pretending nothing's was wrong. I almost took a couple of times but didn't. I feel pretty bad but not that bad.Tonight's what I'm worried about. The restless legs (and arms) is what I can't stand. I'm taking vitamins recommended in Thomas' recipe plus an extra tablet of magnesium (250 mg) and an extra tablet of potassium (99 mg). Also (4) L-Tyrosine tablets (500mg) when I feel the need. I just hope I can make it through the night, it's gonna be a long one for sure. Any support greatly appreciated.
Thank you all so much,
Thank you all so much,