i am on my third day again trying SOOO hard to quit these stupid pain pills.i am So nervous i can't stand it. i even called my doc and told them to not prescribe them anymore....now i regret it. i am smoking so much i keep coughing and my chest hurts. what can i take? it hurts to cough but i can't quit smoking. Any advice AGAIN........................thanks........DAwn
Hi Dawn
What you are going thru will pass. Don't forget that. You will feel sick for a few days and then it will be over as long as you don't pick up again. You never have to feel like this again. Get some imodium and chamomile tea. Take hot baths or showers to ease the muscle aches and tension. You are going to be ok. Hang in there.
What you are going thru will pass. Don't forget that. You will feel sick for a few days and then it will be over as long as you don't pick up again. You never have to feel like this again. Get some imodium and chamomile tea. Take hot baths or showers to ease the muscle aches and tension. You are going to be ok. Hang in there.
thank you much---what is the cham. tea? what is it for? I am worried about the chest pain too......dawn
Chamomile tea is a natural herb that relaxes you and it also settled my stomach. I lived on it during w/d. If the chest pains are bothering you go to the ER. Chances are they are just anxiety and tension but don't take chances. Tell them you are withdrawing from whatever. Don't let them give you any narcotics.
Good work Dawn!
Three days is awesome. Hunker in and down...you are going to sick...real sick. Big deal...you won't die. Look at it like you have a bad flu.
Please reach out for some help right now. Is there anyone that you can call to be with you. How about some F2F help.
Addiction has alot more to do with remaining clean than getting clean. Getting there believe it or not is the easy part. Remaining that way and healing is the tough one...it can be done. I am living proof.
The life that awaits you is amazing. I promise. Anything I can do to help?
At minimum keep posting and talking about it. We have all been there and you don't have to go it alone.
Three days is awesome. Hunker in and down...you are going to sick...real sick. Big deal...you won't die. Look at it like you have a bad flu.
Please reach out for some help right now. Is there anyone that you can call to be with you. How about some F2F help.
Addiction has alot more to do with remaining clean than getting clean. Getting there believe it or not is the easy part. Remaining that way and healing is the tough one...it can be done. I am living proof.
The life that awaits you is amazing. I promise. Anything I can do to help?
At minimum keep posting and talking about it. We have all been there and you don't have to go it alone.
If u go a week without taking pills and then take them for two weeks again, are you starting over with the recovery process? I can't believe i made it a full week and then gave in to my addiction again. i feel like crap.....thanks anyone
Dawn, everytime you quit and then start using again, you go right back to where you started. Your addiction is real, it's a disease. It doesn't go away after a week. If you stay quit, you'll get through all of the withdrawals soon enough and be on your way to having your life back. If you use, you start from scratch and have to suffer all over again. It got worse each time with me.
Do you have any support? Someone you can talk too?
Do you have any support? Someone you can talk too?