my boyfriend is a cocaine addict and had been to rehab once before. he was clean for 7 months but he started using again last year when he was on vacation. he was a lot worst in the past but even just a little bit here and there is bad to me. he thinks he can quit on his own and does not want to go to rehab. do you think it's possible that he can quit? he wants me testing him everyday for the next 30 days. what can i do to help? i told him i think he should go away again but i can'y force him. i did tell him that if he uses again i will leave him forever. any suggestions? today is day 3 taht he is clean. his therapist had put him on prescription drugs taht will help him a lot.
you can buy drug tests here is the website hope this helps good luck
i guess my question here is, is it possible for a cocaine addict to stop on his own???? (well not all on his own - with the help of loved ones) without going to rehab?????
his boss/cousin tests him every day but it's going to be positive the first week cause i think it stays in your system for abt a week.
we bought a medical lock over the weekend and i lock the door when we sleep which is the time he used to have is urges. his therapist has prescibed buspar and lexapro for now.....any suggestions anyone?????????
any advice or tips will help. i'm losing my mind.
his boss/cousin tests him every day but it's going to be positive the first week cause i think it stays in your system for abt a week.
we bought a medical lock over the weekend and i lock the door when we sleep which is the time he used to have is urges. his therapist has prescibed buspar and lexapro for now.....any suggestions anyone?????????
any advice or tips will help. i'm losing my mind.
I don't know if it is possible for them to stop without help. I to am in your same boat. My husband is a resent cocaine addict as of about 5 months now. I am dealing with this daily myself. I do know this and I have to keep reminding myself, I cannot make him change or get help, I cannot change him myself, I can fight, screem, yell, cry, beg, plead, threaten to leave, accually leave, but nothing I do is going to change his mind. The only thing I can control in my situation is the way I act and react to his doings. If you are not in church find you a good christian based church and start going, try to stop worring about him and start taking care of you. I have noticed in myself that when I stopped going to church, and started trying to take on "HIS" problem, It brought me down and I was stomped in the mud along the way. I am slowly getting back in church and I can see already a change in myself. My husband hasn't changed but the way I handle things is improving again. Take care and God Bless
My boyfriend swears that it is over and that he has quit once and for all. Being that he's been away once before, the last thing he wanted was to go back. One reason is that they would never let him continue in his career again. They were very against that the first time. He is a stock broker and makes a carzy amount of money. He works very hard and does not want to give that up. At rehab, part of the program was after you have completed the 28 days, to work at a gas station or at macys. He thought that was absolutelety ridiculous. Anyway, his therapist is workig with us to try and beat this addiction. He works for his cousin who tries to watch him as much as possible during work and I pick him up at work every day. I hold all his money, his cell phone, wallet w/credit cards and try not to be without him at least for the 30 days. Our therapist also prescribed medication to try and stop any urges and an anti depressant. He also made us get a medical lock on the door and lock down the windows. I know this sounds crazy but my boyfriend is willing to stop and said he will try his hardest. I really hope this works b/c I told him that I love him but if he even tries it one more time, I am done. My boyfriend asked us to give him a drug test every day, this way he knows taht he can't mess up. Yesterday, was a great day, b/c the test was finally negative. This week will probably be the hardest fir him as far as urges. I've been sleeping over every night and it feels great waking up and him being next to me. I am trying raelly hard. Any other advice? Am I crazy????????? As for church, I am definitely going this Sunday.
In ddition to my last e-mial, my boyfriend has been going for accupunture almost every day and he says that it really helps him relax and mostly helps with urges. His doctor told the insurance company it's for back pain and they will most likely cover it. just an fyi.