OK, who is this?

Is it "The happiest little elf?"
Nope..next try!
I asked my 6 year old what he thought it was and he said i don't know mom some guy with a stupid hat!! LOL... Kids say the damnest things... but I have no clue. Give us a hint. Rae
I asked my 6 year old what he thought it was and he said i don't know mom some guy with a stupid hat!! LOL... Kids say the damnest things... but I have no clue. Give us a hint. Rae
His name is Tom..one and only hint
Tommy Terrific......cartoon character of the 60's
Mom wins!
He looked so familiar..... thanks for the trivia
Ha-Ha no wonder my 6 year old didn't get it..He knows his cartoons.. Rae
I REMEMBER THAT GUY, HOW DID THAT SONG GO, Something like "Tom, tom , tommy terrific, if no one can, Tommy can"?
Boy, talk about triggering memories. Remember that supid show "Romper room" I remember being home sick from school and the mornings would suck with terrible tv shows.
Boy, talk about triggering memories. Remember that supid show "Romper room" I remember being home sick from school and the mornings would suck with terrible tv shows.
How about Captain Kangaroo with mister greenjeans or Bozo the clown.
Okay everyone be honest who was on Bozo the Clown when they were a kid?
Okay everyone be honest who was on Bozo the Clown when they were a kid?
hahaha bozo signed my cast in 4th grade i had a broken arm
almost forgot bozo grew up 2 streets over from my mom woah lol
I knew there had to be someone here. I live 5 miles from BigBird. He lives on an estate in CT right over the Mass border.
my mom grew up on east side of michigan in st claire shores. so either she was lying to me or bozo moved hahaha
I will still swear that Mr. Rogers was completely obbsessive, compulsive.
Ya know the need for the shoe changing and all..
Ya know the need for the shoe changing and all..
Kerrry, I always wondered about that guy too. Lmao, Kat
Geeze, are we dating ourselves or what? I remember Romper Room all to well. We had a local show here called JP Patches, I think he made me afraid of clowns...
I was a little darker though as a kid, after school I would race home so that I could watch Dark Shadows. Still hooked on Soaps..
I was a little darker though as a kid, after school I would race home so that I could watch Dark Shadows. Still hooked on Soaps..
John, this is for you...

OK guys, remember these three?