Rae Rae

Hi Rae Rae -

There are alot of people on here that are very pro-NA, me included. It shouldn't mean that we are against any other way. No one has the right to judge anothers recovery. We are all one dose away from the madness. As long as we don't use today, we are doing great..

This board is for everybody.

NA helps to teach addicts how to live successfully without drugs. Whether someone is just starting out or is on the 12th step the fifth time around; we are all still learning. If people become too insistent that their way is the only way; you can be sure they are an addict. I recommend the program because it helps me. It helped me when I was standing on the fence and not knowing what side to get off. Many people when they first come on this site still haven't strenghtened their resolve to stay clean. Many are still using and don't know where to turn. NA helps with that. Once the cobwebs get cleared from their heads, they can decide for themselves what they want to do to stay clean.

Your opinion should always be welcome.
I totally agree. Just because NA/AA works for me, doesn't mean it will for everyone. I think those of us that do go to NA/AA, talk about our experiences because that's what we know. You've been around here long enough Rae to know that you are so welcome and so needed here.
i wasn't trying to offend anyone. i an neither NA/AA pro or con. those who know me from here for the past years know i have struggled with NA. i wasn't bashing anyone or there opinions. i was simply stating for him not to be scared away or afraid to post his opinion or what his form of revcovery is, due to the majority in favor of NA. i have never knocked anyone for their opinions, and i have asked many many times for insight on NA and personal expiernces from those who attend NA here, or are Na minded.
so i'm sorry if i offeneded you, it wasn't my intention. my intention was for a new comer to feel free to voice his opinion or his way that may work for others.

Rae..I think you're missing the point darlin. We weren't getting after you for bashing anyone! We were telling you that your opinion is important here and that whatever "brand" of recovery you chose, it's up to you. You didn't offend anyone...I was afraid that you were offended.
oh, well i guess i was alittle confused. i thought you were upset about what i said.
thank you for your concern tho. i know many have different ideas and ways that work for them, and i'm open to that. i for one have tried my way and it never works, and i don't do well with NA, and maybe a new view will help. i'm tired of not getting this. over and over i get clean, and last a couple years, but every time i end up back where i started. maybe once something will stick and will help.
Maybe all it is, is you wanting it bad enough Rae. For me, that's what had to happen. I was so sick and tired of being sick and twisted...I wanted what other's in the rooms had. I wanted peace and serenity, I wanted normalcy back. I didn't want chaos anymore. I was 44 when that finally happend, it just takes what it takes.
I wasn't offended at all Rae. Just saying that everybodies opinion is important. I joked that sometimes I even change my mind.