
please talk to me
I am not rae and I could not tapper to save my life but I can and will talk to you about recovery.... or even why I dont recommend tappering....

If you want tell me a little about yourself.... I am 35 years old and a single mom of a 7 yr old... I have been clean for a few years... I love my life for the most part... recovery hasnt been easy in the beginning but it does get easier.....

Wecome to the board... stick around and congrat on your decision to give recovery a try...

God Bless
thank you so much for talking with me, I am a 55 years old mom of 2, was 3 but my 14 year old son died of cancer. If i can live thru that i feel i can do this and live thru it. It all started with a lot of dental surgery and honestly a friend gave me a lortab for the pain and thats what really got me going. It made me so functional that i kept taking them and got scripts also from my doc. I hate it so much as i said before i have cut down to about 8-10 a day from 20-25

what else can i say, i hate all of this, sometimes i wish i wasn't here, my family would never believe this, sometimes i feel i am invisible to them that they haven't figured it out
Hi navah welcome to the site hun i dont think we have spoken yet so im just saying hello (((((((hugs)))))))) and your not all alone jackie xxx
Hey I am back now. Had to run my 6 year old to school. I am so sorry to hear about your child. That is so sad. I have a daughter that will be 14 in May and I couldn't imagaine. So again, I am so sorry for your loss. Sounds like you have down a lot of weaning down on your own that is great. Some can do it and some can't. For me right now I take 5-10 mg a day of vicodin.. I am about ready to stop it though. I have quit several times altogether. Like from Aug 2003 til April 2004. I have actually done good for the last 4 days only taking 1 pill. I play mind games a lot with myself and ONLY allow myself 5-10 mg a day and that is it. So Teresa is better to talk to about being totally clean than I am but I am here to help or offer advice if i can. I have been clean several times throught the past several years and I know what I need to do and just haven't brought myself to do it yet. So take care and if you need to talk i am here. Rae
Hi Navah,

I posted to you on your other thread about my tapering experience. I'm a married father of two, been clean coming up on 8 months. From what you've written, I was in a very similar position as you -- the outside world was unaware, which only served to increase the isolation of addiction. If you're not ready to confide in your family or venture into group settings, have you considered getting professional (confidential) counseling as a means to begin getting honest with somebody and receiving help? There's a saying that this disease of addiction wants us dead, but first it will settle for getting us alone......I remember how that felt. You don't have to do this alone. Peace, M.
You are right. I just posted to you on her other post. It is all about telling someone about your addiction. There is so much shame in taking pills and telling others. When you do however, it lifts a huge weight off your chest and you are finally able to get help. I remember back in 2002 after a 2 year addiction to methadone, I decided to quit. I went 10 days of living in hell, seriously I prayed to die the pain was so bad. Then i called my best friend she lived about 45 minutes from me and I told her about the addiction. I cried so hard on the phone to her and begged her for help. She told me to drive down and stay with her and she would take care of me. Physically the withdrawl was so bad I didn't know how I would even drive 45 minutes to get to her but I did. I know that was the best decision I could have ever done for myself. Cause now my secret was out and I had to follow through with recovery. I stayed with her for about a week and went through the very worst of it. It did help telling someone and having someone care for me. So my point is if you can find someone to confide in then do so. It is hard living everyday with an addiction and nobody on the outside to talk to. Take care and if you need to talk we are all here for you Navha, Rae
Is there anyone you could confide in? Maybe that would really help you!! Just a suggestion!!! It has worked fr me in the past! Rae
Navah..you've got more than the run of the mill problems on top of the addictions.... losing a child, God, I can't even imagine and I won't pretend than I know how you feel. You've got some deep dark stuff that you need to deal with and you can't do it alone. I'm sorry, but I'd be addicted to if I had to lose one of my children. Please seek medical help and counseling...you don't have to do this alone and suffer through it.

Navah I just wanted you to know though I can't feel your pain I can feel the shame of addiction.The shame is what makes most afraid to reach out.I'm glad you did N I'm sure we all will do what we can.mj

Navah.......when I read your story it made my heart hurt. I am so sorry for what you have been through, and yes, losing a child would cause me to stay addicted, but that would kill me , wouldn't it? I admire your courage and honesty here. You have already tapered half way down to nothing! That is a great start!

As the others posted, having help is huge! You will be amazed at how loving and caring some people are when you share your addiction problem with them. It is rare, but many finally accept it for the disease it is, and not just a social stigma. It would so very helpful if you could find a person like that to talk to and help you through this. Also, counseling may be your answer.

Coming to this board in my early days of w/d was one of the best things that could have happened. There are so many here who know what you are going through and will listen and offer adviceand loving support. Keep posting and praying! Let me know if I can do anything to help you. My DOC was also hydrocodone, so I can surely relate to you and the place you are in.

Take care, Carol
thank you all for caring, it has been a very hard life sometimes i don't even know how i breathe. sometimes i don't think i want to. coming to this board i feel will help me, i have a feeling don't know what for sure but just a feeling. i will be here everyday, even if i do not post everyday know i will be here at one time or another, i feel love here, and from people who do not even know me, i wish all of you well and hope you get all you want from life and that it goes easy for you.

Again i thank you
NAVHA you will find love & understanding here.If your having a hard time sometimes just reading the post feels good.I just wanted you to know your not alone in this.Yes you will have the hardpart but please know all of us will do whatever we can to ease your tired soul ok????mj
thanks molly jean, i think if i come here every day and read the posts it will help me a lot. thanks for caring so much and love to you and hope all good things for you
The hardest part is asking for help, the rest is easy.... We can be here for you whenever you need to vent or chat, but please understand that nothing beats face to face support. You don't have to live with this shame and let it eat you alive. How would your family feel if they lost you? Your other 2 children need their mom until they're old and grey... Shame will keep you from asking for help, it will also kill you.

I started counseling about 2 weeks ago and wish to god I hadn't waited as long as I did to get the help I needed, to get to the bottom of my feelings... it's painful, but so necessary in our recovery.

So glad your here..
