
Will you go to my photobucket account and post my pics? Cannot email. Better if employer does not know what I've been up to.
IF you can't e-mail anyone. Just post your photobucket user name along with the password. I will post it for you. You said you only had the 2 pic's you wanted to post on there anyway, right? Then you can change your password. Then when you want it taken off the board all you have to do is go into your photobucket account and delete your pic's from there and they will automatically be deleted from the board. That is your only other option if you can't do it. I know it sucks. It took me some time to learn but I have it down now. Rae

Rae are you still here? If so I'll post username and password. Thanks sweetie!
A friend told me I was being paged over here-LOL Go ahead post it.. Then wait a second and edit your post and delete the info.
There are 2 pics, but I scanned them at the same time so it's really one. Thanks!
Where did you go? Post your user name and password from photobuck wait a second and then edit your post and delete the info.Damn it I posted right under you and now you can't edit it. You will just have to go to photobucket now and change your password. Give me a second and I will post the pic then you can change it, okay.
Must have posted at the same time. Did ya get that? My edit option is gone from that post. How do I erase it now?
I know my dumb-a$$ posted right under you and it took that option away. Like I said give me a second and then you can go to photobucket and chage your password. Then you'll be all set.
Does not matter. That is the only thing on photobucket and that is not a password I have ever used for anything else.
I posted your pretty picture. Now you can go there change your password. When you want the pic's taken off the board you can go to photobucket and just delete them from there. Then they will automatically get taken off the board. Rae
Thanks Rae.