I just ran into a friend I haven't seen in about 14 years I was going into my dr appt she was coming out. Said she just got out of the psych ward. Was.drinking every day and tried to kill herself. So it was nice to see and old face but sad to see was kinda in the same shoes as me just a different DOC
Wow sad to hear about your friend. It just goes to show where we can end up. Neil Young said, "Every junkies like a setting sun". I work in a hospital where there is a psych ward. Having never worked in the medical field before one of the first things I noticed was that the whole hospital is generally senior citizens. The psych ward is predominitely young people. 18-35. I find it very ironic that these seniors are fighting for their lives and the alot of the young people are willing to throw their lives away. I know that mental illness is a sickness like any other but it seems alot of their problems are drug and alcohol related. Just sad. Sometimes I would have to go to psych on my last run of the night. It is a locked ward and I had to ring a bell to get in. Some of the young girls looked like they should have been going to a prom and they were sitting in a locked ward. Very sad. I always used to say to myself, there before the grace of God go I as I was walking (running) out the door. Hang in there people. If we can have compassion for all of the "friends" on this board and all of their family members we should be able to realize we are good people. We are all worthy of a good life!
Alice, the crazy thing was that she actualy looked the best I have ever seen her look. Lost weight, dressed very nice. She is on meds that make her not crave alcohol, she said it works really good.I was glad her d.o.c wasn't pills cause then I wouldn't have been able to exchange phone numbers with her and I think we could both really use a friend right now. She invited me to come to her weight watchers group at the local YMCA every Saturday morning I am going to join next Sat. Cause I don't have the $ this week. I look forward to it. I don't have to many friends outside of work and I'm not close to the work people, I like to keep it professional.
So o look forward to meeting some new people at weight watchers I could stand to loose about 20 lbs. I would be really happy with my body at that weight, Get a head start for next summer!! I am really happy for you and your recent success, you are doing so good. You should be very proud!! Very proud
So o look forward to meeting some new people at weight watchers I could stand to loose about 20 lbs. I would be really happy with my body at that weight, Get a head start for next summer!! I am really happy for you and your recent success, you are doing so good. You should be very proud!! Very proud