Rapid Detox

Anyone thinking about doing rapid detox, I woul'd recommend it...
I was taking about 20 percocets a day at the time..My girlfriend
at the time put me on a plane and took me to this rapid detox doc
in Connecticut..This was 98. It was the worst frickin experience of my life..
They put you under general anesthesa and inject you with Naltrexone
which is an opiate antagonist..It locks into the opiate receptor sites
in your brain and blocks out the opiates...Anyway, when you wake up
you are in the middle of the worst wd day of your life...
I would recommend tapering otc meds, and the support of this board...

Doog-I had talked about this in a previous post.Ill just copy and paste it.Im too lazy to write out the whole thing.

Actually Wired Magazine did an interview with me in the last February's issue about Rapid Detox.I was not very kind but they printed it anyway.I think its another way for people who are trying to profit off desperate people who will try anything that will save them from going through withdrawls.I was particulary nasty to the b**** who sold me the whole ideal, took my 12,000, then when I got home and told her how miserable I felt she said"What the hell did you expect, at least your not lying in a corner puking your guts out."Dude....I f*cking trashed that b**** and the reporter wrote almost everything I said verbatim.She was a c*nt.
The gist of it was I was looking for a quick fix again.The only redeeming factor is that Ive filed bankruptcy in October and most of that money was on there.
I dont recommend it to anyone.There are some real horror stories.I also went out to the Beverly Hills clinic.Who gives a rats a** if Liz Taylor went there.She can afford to get detoxed every couple of years.She has to have IV Demerol to get her teeth cleaned.Yeah, it works great.
Im sorry I missed that thread, or maybe its best I did.I still have a resentment.They treat you so good until your paid up then they force you out of the hospital with a "good luck".

The clencher is they only call the people who were successful and then get their statistics from them.Its like a 98% success rate.What a joke.
You want to hear the twisted part of this whole story....The b**** that signed me up said I would have a full morphine drip 6 hours before the procedure.I was like"all right, where do I sign?"...I also got out there a day early and they had to fill my scripts so I wouldnt go into withdrawl"