Read Articles

I just finished reading all the articles that you all posted regarding addiction. And it has helped me a lot.I can better understand now why my b/f has been staying away etc...

I just have one question, does an addict need drugs on a daily or weekly basis, I know it may have to do with the degree of addiction but can some one that is bipolar not taking medication for his condition function.....

I notice that at times when he calls his voice is very low and not very clear, other times he is talking very fast.....

No they don't have to be on the drugs everyday. My bf is an addict and he's not on them everyday. I can't speak for all addicts but my bf has triggers that makes him want to use like having money, and anything that upsets him like a fight we had. Not that its my fault, its like saying its his bosses fault for paying him! He usually can live like a normal functioning human being until a trigger and then he uses. Last year as soon as he got money, the first thing he'd do is run home to do crack, he could hardly wait its like he'd get this crazy look in his eyes. He would pretty much abandon me at the mall or wherever we'd be at after he'd cash his check and go do crack. Even if he buys something that is worth pawning (jewellery, etc) it would be a trigger you know? So no, a full blown addict doesn't need to be on drugs everyday. If he doesn't have money for crack he usually just does pot, or has a beer. Its like he needs to be high on something.
I'm glad to hear that reading these posts have helped you, it sounds like you are doing a lot better!

Oh ya I forgot to mention that I did some research online (because my bf has ADHD) and I read that a lot of people who do drugs are really self medicating from some sort of disorder. A LOT of crack cocaine addicts are ADHD or bi polar.