Read Cowgirl Not Fatal.oxywithdrawl

OxyContin Withdrawal
People very much want to go back to use again, instead of suffering through OxyContin withdrawal. - Bill Stewart, supervisor for Ashland, KY regional mental health agency

OxyContin addiction has been described as having a high similar to heroin when crushed up and snorted or injected after being diluted. When patients or abusers stop using the drug, the experience of OxyContin withdrawal will also be similar to heroin. Anyone who is using OxyContin legitimately and does not have an abuse or addiction problem should still expect to taper off of the painkiller to avoid complete OxyContin withdrawal. Some individuals develop an OxyContin addiction after beginning to use the painkiller as a legitimate prescription.

OxyContin is made up of oxycodone, a synthetic opiate resulting in feelings similar to heroin. Since the painkiller was made as a time-release structure, when abused the time-release is bypassed leaving the OxyContin abuser with a feeling of being high. The body becomes used to having OxyContin in the system and when stopped the withdrawal symptoms are felt within the body because it is no longer getting what it has adjusted itself to receive. Being able to get through OxyContin withdrawal is like any other illegal drug addiction and by using detoxification it can help reduce the number of withdrawal effects an addict will experience.

OxyContin Withdrawal Symptoms

Flu like symptoms that can include:

Cold flashes
Muscle pain/ bone pain
Involuntary leg movement
Severe stomach cramps

What you have failed to understand is that when you are puking or pooping blood while on high doses of Oxy, you have a problem. A big problem. People die from siezures. Oxy w/d causes siezures. Some people have high blood pressure, oxy w/d cause rapid heart beat. Can cause heart erithma (sp). People die from that as well.

Bottom line, if your w/d from something as lethal as oxy, benzo's or barbituates, seek medical help. Yes, you could die.

Don't be irresponsible by telling people they'll be fine.

CG- He could be vomiting blood for a different reason. I did in September. It was terrible. It wasn't a widthdrawl. He should go to the nearest ER and be checked out. Vomiting blood is a sign of a underlying condition. Either an ulcer, pancreatitis or other digestive disease. It's pretty serious.
My point exactly. I told him to get to the ER and he did...he is now in the hospital getting the help he needs. His wife let us know.

Telling someone that they will be fine during w/d when in that kind of physical shape is irresponsible. We are not Drs here. I wouldn't want that on my conscience.

CG- He is going through an intense painful period. When I was vomiting blood, I went to the ER. They stuck a tube up my nose and down into my stomach, while I was awake. It was terrible. Then they drain the blood from your stomach and flush it so to speak. It was like someone was poking my eyes from behind them. Don't mean to be so graphic. It was one of the worst experiences of my life.
Please all of you remember.
The symptoms listed in any book are the general symptoms experience by most people.
Sometimes people do not have the normal symptoms.
Withdrawl causes a very big stress on the body.
This stress in return can cause other symptoms NOT listed in a book.
Some of these symptoms can be serious or even fatal.
IF you are having any questions about your symptoms you should discuss them with your healthcare provider.

Good Point Pm....wish someone, doctors included would have told me that that the hubby could have delusions, while detoxing......Which he did, that wasn't real fun to witness.............
Isn't that what I've been trying to say???????????????

Geeze, am I having trouble making myself understood these days?

Yes that is exactly what you are trying to say Cowgirl.....I am sorry I should have mentioned you too.....I have never seen the delusion part listed, but I have seen seizures.......
Sending Love you way,
ah hell you all can have some!
Calm down Cowgirl.
I wasn't trying to start an argument.
I was just restating it in another way to try to help people understand
what we read it books isn't always how things go in the real world.

You won't vomit blood from withdrawl. No one misunderstood you. You were right. This poor guy is going through hell right now. Or he has already gone through it. I can tell you from first hand experience. When you vomit blood, your mind races a mile a minute. And then you go to the ER and they put you through the worst hell. I think you are kind to care about him and offer solid advice.
Well again my 2cents..
my position has always been this..... while detox from opiates which ever is NOT lifethreatening typically all other things equal and if you are in good physical health.... unlike barbituate or alcohol w/d which can very definately be life threatening.... however the fear of the w/d should never be a reason as frequently is for some not to try to quit... and while is it for some miserable that being miserable is not a reason to pick back up... it is a reason to go seek outside professional help and that being miserable phyically and phycological which is often the very reason why tapering for most of us doesnt work either...
Now having said all that.... I would hate to be the one that told someone not to go to the ER and have there loved one come back here and post that something bad happened to them because they listen to me when I told them that the other person that told the the opposite to go to the er was 'just trying to scare them'.... that is something i could not live with... not on my conscience.. as I may be a nurse I am not a doc nor do I know there medical history or am I in there skin to know what they are really feeling..
just my 2cents...

Ter-Bear, as a nurse, you know if you are vomiting blood, get to the nearest ER and get there quick. Thank God this person did. I did and it probably saved my life.
We all know our own bodies and know when something is wrong.

If you're going through withdrawals and it feels like the flu or a virus, keep yourself hydrated, rest, and you should be fine detoxing on your own.

If you're going through withdrawals and you're so weak you can't stand up, you can't stop vomiting (or are vomiting blood), you're heart is beating weird and doesn't stop, you can't urinate..... If you just feel like something is very wrong.... then go to the doctor and get them to check you out.
PM..Ok, I calmed down. Sorry, I thought you had misunderstood what I wrote.

I got a little defensive over this post because I felt so strongly about the guy getting help and then he listened and did just that. This board may very well of saved his life.

Thanks for setting me straight that I wasn't just talking to myself.

Love you
CG- If you pushed him there, you saved his life.
I'm sorry also for the misunderstanding.
Dang girl I had to reach over and slap ya one cuz you're singing to the choir!
I'm really glad he got the help he needed and wonder HOW IS HE?

pm time slap me harder!

I wonder how he is too..I'll start a new post for his wife, hopefully she'll see it. Sounds like she needs help too. I'd like to be here for them. Their journey has just begun.

Love you