Realy Need To Hear...

Im not trying to crowd the board with posts or anything, but i just wanted to say that after reading all the posts from everyone on here, IM PROUD of all of you that have taken a stand and are doing great at it..........and for those of you that i dont know and are trying to take a stand, well, im proud of you too, for doing what needs to be done in this addition process!!!! Not that it might matter to some of you that dont know me already, but i remember a time, not so long ago, that i wanted to hear those words from someone. I didnt care if i new them or not, it help a bunch for me and im finally in a spot to where i can say it back to someone now!!!! For all of you that helped me along my way i thank you from the bottom of my heart and for all of you that downed me along the way, i thank you too/if it wasnt for all the difference in opinion of my situation i would have never of made it!!! (does that make any sence)???

Anyway i dont want to make this long(im known for the long posts) i just wanted to get that off my chest and let you all know that i have enjoyed reading all the posts today.

Your Friend, Christina*~~~*
This board has honestly helped me more than anything - any therapist, counselor, doctor - Some of you have heard me say this before but before you can help someone - you have to walk in their shoes. I even had a female therapist at Charter who said she had never had any problems - we really needed to hear that - it just made us feel like bigger losers at the time. We are not losers, we got hooked on this stuff and it can and will kill us if we don't (stay) stopped. I still say to work in rehab -you need to be a recovering addicts - We could tell the ones who were - they would tell us and it made such a difference - the others just don't get it. Don't get me wrong - if "to get it" you have to get on drugs first - then just let those people not get it. They just shouldn't be working in Rehabs. Maybe some are good but that's my experience.

I love you guys - haha

Niblet I hope your doing well so many things have happened on here we could write a book.Take care mj
Hey Mj how are you doing?I am doing really good today?I am so loving this I never felt better..................Jessica
Hey Christina,

Thanks so much. Your words of encouragement couldn't have come at a better time. Addicts helping addicts is a beautiful thing.

Hey Christina,
It is nice to see you. I hope that life is treating you good....
Just wanted to send some love your way and tell you that you are missed....
Take care,