Recovering Heroin Addict Booze As Well ????

hello does any one know if now ive given up heroin which has been about six months thank god .
i dont really miss it any more as it took my life and spat me back out a mess and six months in rehab.
but im told from some people that you have to be totaly clean and others who are quite happy having a few drinks i dont know what to think any advice ???
Hi Paul, glad to see you r doing well.CONGRATULATIONS !! I think this is more of a personal thing......the program teaches complete abstinence and wil not consider yu clean if yu do anything...I myself practice complete abstinence.....Was never much of a drinker, but did like my weed........probably only drug I actually miss is weed..........and with the holidays coming i would fancy a glass of wine or so, but i wont..I have 2 1/2 yrs clean without anything and figure it foolish to pick anything up at this point.........I do know that there r ppl on this board who do drink occasionaly and have no problem........
Hey Paul, good job. I'm about 19 months clean 12 months off methadone. I had drank now and then during the early part of my recovery. I got pregnant stoped drinking all together. I had my baby dec.7th i had ONE beer since then on my birthday the 13th dec.. I have found drinking "sometimes" has lead me to being too carless, it has caused H cravings. I think for me I can drink every so rarely often as long as i'm not getting wasted. At one time i also thought i could manage H every so often i could clearly not. I know it's not the best thing to be doing "drinking". It's always a slippery thing drinking leads to poor judgement damages the body can cause depression all of which in the end are not helpful to staying clean. I think it's a real personal choice if you already know you can't control your drinking it's a great ideal to not even DRINK. Yes, i have drank and still not used but, it is playing russian roulette. I know this is a very unclear answer sorry. ALSO my recovery has been solo no NA no support no meetings just me and this board.
Based on my observations with an ex bf who had been shooting heroin for over 30 years.....when he tried to cut back on his heroin intake...he'd claim he'd used pot to stave off the cravings...but...then he literally started smoking pot 24/7 which eventually led him back to the smack.

Okay...he was busted for possession and trafficking and is now on probation....he never liked to drink before...but now he will drink.....and he started smoking pot about a year into his 5 year probationary sentence...because he knew when he was going to get his UA...and the dude has to go to meetings 3 times a week and used to claim that as long as he didn't use heroin it was okay to drink and smoke pot....but of course he doesn't tell that to the folks at the AA meetings.

Of course i know that he never stopped using heroin really after his last bust...but now mr superman know it all work his own hanging out with old dealers and users....but he can handle it and not get tempted as he only smokes weed and drinks beer.......and if pigs could fly..etc etc etc

myself...i am a recovering alkie/pot head....19 yrs almost 8 months clean....remember the ex bf used to tell me i could handle smoking pot with him after all this clean time.....but i never took him up on his offer..

drug is a drug is a drug is a drug.......back in the day...when i was boozing and running my own program...i use to play the substitution game...the lesser of two evils hype.....never did my youngest brother....but at age 29...he took his life as he couldn't play the game anymore and i guess in the end you could say he substituted his he saw death the lesser of two evils....the other his hellish addiction.

rest in peace my little brother....

ILL come back to this- but I echo zgirls post
Thankyou mary ,z girl ,ms tres. its so what i needed to hear i think deep down i knew in my hart i couldnt drink .
At the end of the day its all mind altering but some times i miss the good old days before heroin smashed my life apart.
But then they wasnt that good because i used to get smashed on booze any way more than my friends so may be i was heading down the alky route .
It scares the hell out of me the thought of going back out there ,its such a sneeky thing sometimes my head will tell me i can use now and again ,also forget just how bad it was in active addiction .
which is rubbish its the pits of hell as you all know.
thankyou again i tell you what its really helped your al lovely people.
zgirl thanks and well done on 19 months
ms tres thanks to you .two and a half years clean well done
and mary thankyou well done on 8 months and sorry to hear about your brother

I dont know why this is,and I have no data to back it up- - but many heroin/mdone addicts that get free of the drugs-wind up drinking alcoholicly.

Ive known a few.I even shared one friends story,his repeated attempts to stop the drinking,and his evenutual suicide

Maybe its cheaper ,your really not comfortable being clean.and issues were never confronted. I dont know,but I do see a lot of old timers turning to drink after they beat a long time heroin habit.

Just a sad observation
Good for you Paul. Six months is a big milestone.

You have to keep it green as they say. NEVER forget that awful life. Around six months each time I was clean I figured I could use recreationally. NOT. A half bag would lead to full blown out there and in the gutter.

For the drinking and this is ONLY me. I was never a big drinker either. I can't handle a hangover anymore I know that. I have had a glass of wine here and there on special occasions. Even drank that stupid Hypnotiq when I was in a wedding. A very small amount. I don't have a problem with it and don't associate drinking with heroin. Only me though.

Like Jack said and he unfortunately seen it first hand with friends that alot of heroin addicts do become full blown alcoholics. Billy Holiday I believe drank her Blues self to death. I've read it's not uncommon.

So, if when you drank pre-heroin and got sloshed it's a safe bet you'll mess up.
As for that Tres chick. You think she said she loved her weed? That's an understatement. That girl was like a rastafarrian in America. Loved her weed.
I'm proud she ain't touched it. I love that chick.
Paul mate..well done on the 6mnths.but i also found when i was cutting down on my heroin different times in the past...i would start on the beers not much maybe a6pack every other night(im also on methd.7yrs.)but i started to get a taste for the stuff&realised i was just swapping one crutch for i wasnt easy as booze is the most accesable drug out there.Also i deff. agree with Jack(again)a lot of folks who have kicked smack&are on methd...start into the bottle in a big way...the change is scary both physically&mentally for them.Now for me its only a few beers every now&then..but i know my limit&stick to it big time.
Take care....Davey