Recovery Thread To Help Doug

I want to know what do we do when we are alone like I live alone and we are at a time and place where we must take pain pills for a short time to get through or even for a chronic problem like me?

I will share a little on this some views but I want more input. It's my opinion that we do not have to relapse because we need pills. However, we have to stay so honest and so on top of what is happening that we keep it real.

The reality for me is I live alone. I've had 6 knee surgeries. There is noone to hold my pills, noone to give them to me, noone to go to my apt with me. There is me, myself and I. This I can count on. So for me because of my chronic condition with my leg I have had to learn how to do this and keep it honest.

I do not ever take a drug that I would want to take to get high. I get the ones I dont' like that will help. If I were as close out on my recovery as Doug and he really needs something for right now, I would tell my doctor no Percs. I would tell him I will get one week at a time only and drag myself in there if I only really needed them longer.

I would also pick a friend that I would be accountable to. Like I have that person in my life already. I tell her what I use, how much and when and I am honest with it. I don't cheat, dont' sugar coat, don't avoid. It's all on the table. I talk to her daily. I tell this person when I might want to do something stupid and why.

This is how I keep it clean. I know that for me I got off almost all my meds recently. I take not enough to kill the pain but just enough to be able to exercise and function. It's not a perfect world. It's okay. I never want to be where I was at one point. I know that and my desire is greater than my willing to risk it. I know my situation is a little different so I just want some people to jump in here and help.

I think Doug's fear is legit. So what do you think? How does he help himself through it? Being that he is alone.

This is how I get through.

Thanks for letting me share.
Doug hello
I dont know what you are going through as we are all different but at the same time we are addicts, well i am.
I am usually on the coke board.
My thoughts are with you this evening i do hope you go and get help.

Listen to what these people are saying to you

Best wishes Doug

Emily'ld you get so smart?

Yes, you tell your dr that you're an addict. You tell him/her to only give you a small amount. Maybe even only 3 days worth. You tell a friend. You tell the pharmacist. You stay accountable. No one should suffer. There are other options for pain meds, doesn't have to be a narcotic. If that doesn't work, then discuss with your dr what he thinks. I could never be able to know if I'm in that much pain, that I would need a narcotic. I have lost that ability to know if I'm drug seeking or truly in pain. My addict tells me that, of course I need those's really sticky for me. I let others tell me what I need.

PM I think if doug is injured he needs to seek help as we all have stated. If the pain is unbearable, then he needs to get something for it.

All of your points were excellent.

I see dougs concerns valid and admirable. As what you did for him the other night. Admirable. |You are the type of human being I would want in my corner.

Tell the E.R. Doctor if he goes, what he has just accomplished. To recommend alternatives if they can. If not then doug has a decision to make.

Only he knows what is pain tolerance level is.

If he goes to his PCP today who knows his history, tell him of his concerns, then the two together can make an informed decision.

doug, just know that a bunch of people are praying for you. Do what your body tells you to do. If you think you can do a day at a time. Then do it, if not, you know where the Doctors are.
I had 90 days in August....following a colonoscopy I had the Lupus flare from hell....ended up on oxycodone for 2 weeks....finally detoxed again....had a breast infection....again 800 motrin...tried....then shingles!!!! I was so disgusted with myself for taking them but I was in horrible pain. Now I am withdrawing from Elavil, which I took to avoid narc wd's and usage. I am swaeting and fel almost as bad as getting off the, having said all that, my point do what you gotta accountable for sure. None of us wants to go through withdrawals again,so if you must, you take the least amount prescribed. S
Experience honey experience. lol

I totally agree with you. I wanted him to go the other night! However, I realized despite all our pleading with him to go he wasn't and he was alone. I didn't feel comfortable with that so I just did the only thing I could think of.

Sometimes the pain will get bad enough a person will seek help. They just have no choice. So maybe now he's there. I was hoping yesterday he'd go to his pcp.

I absolutely know that there are ways to be able to do this without a relapse. Because I live in that world. So I wanted to share what I know for myself, invite you guys to help me with more ways to really help him see it's okay and go get help.

Thank you guys for putting in your opinions.
PM, did you mean to say Brooke ? Just want to make sure you knew my name isn't Rachel, although a beautiful name.. much better than my real one. Or my real nickname that people call me.
I'm sorry. Wow that was weird. I even saw Rachels avatar on there. I'm too tired for words today. Smile. Sorry about that. I did mean you.

And thanks for your kind words. I think Brooke is a beautiful name too. I just got my wires crossed I guess. Too strange.

How are you doing?

Dang stubborn men!!!

Doug, humble your butt and go seek some medical attention, otherwise I'm gonna have to come kick your