I have been dating this guy R for about 3 and a half months. After about a month of dating we had sex. Shortly into it he gave up and confided in me that he was on herione and that we should stop. He then told me that that was one of the handful of times that he had done it and I believe it to be true because the next time we had sex he came quickly and we had sex twice so I assumed that he wasn't an addict but just a strange guy. After that everything seemed to be going fine sexually and in the relationship as well. Except for small things that I chalked up to personality traits like being very spacey or lack of affection at times. It wasn't until two nights when we had sex again that he did not come. I asked him about and he told me that he was on herione but that he is not an addicted. Although he did admit to doing it within the week as well and that his roommates are addicted that moved away to keep the habit but instead relasped. Should I believe him when he says that he doesn't do it regularly. He goes to college and lives a normal life. Is it possible to do herione in recreation or do you think this is or is the beginning of an extremely serious issue.
whoa way to much info!! you really don't need to go into detail on you personal sex life.
Recreational - thats what we all say in the beginning
and now its 10 yrs later. i have been clean for 8 days. (a first in a year or two)
you really need to be careful, before your relationship goes any further. being an addict is a full time very selfish job. as his addiction gets worse so will his actions. really consider what you want and if he can give it to you. good luck and feel free to post.
p.s. addicts are very good at hiding things they don't want known
i'm married with 2 kids and have a job and go to school. you would never know to look at me or talk to me. i have hidden this for almost 10 yrs
Recreational - thats what we all say in the beginning
and now its 10 yrs later. i have been clean for 8 days. (a first in a year or two)
you really need to be careful, before your relationship goes any further. being an addict is a full time very selfish job. as his addiction gets worse so will his actions. really consider what you want and if he can give it to you. good luck and feel free to post.
p.s. addicts are very good at hiding things they don't want known
i'm married with 2 kids and have a job and go to school. you would never know to look at me or talk to me. i have hidden this for almost 10 yrs
It is possible, but usually only for a short time. If you keep doing it occasionally enough the cravings will get stonger or he'll come across a situation where it is readily available to him for too many days in a row, then when he tries to stop like he used to be able to he goes through withdrawals. What I didn't realise the first time I went through withdrawal was that the longer I use and the more I use the worse the withdrawal will be. Call me stupid but I was pretty naieve about drugs at the time.
For me I didn't know how many days in a row would be too many, and I thought Id have to be using a s*** load more to even be eligable for them. The first time sucked. I had been sniffing heroin, maybe 5 bags a day for 2 months. Boy did I get a shock when I tried to stop. It was awful at the time, so decided I would have to start shooting it so we could afford our habits. Wow, now I only needed a bag day, which increased quite quickley and we tried to quit again. This time it hurt 10 times more then the first and if only I had done it then, cause even though it wasn't pleasant the first time, the second was unbearable and we both went on 30 day methadone programs.
But it was pretty much all downhill from there.
Is he shooting it or snorting it? Are you sure he is not already using it everyday because as long as you can afford it you, you can funtion great on it. It is easy to hide too, I used without my husband for a whole week before I confessed and he had no idea. We used to have great sex on it, though neither of us could come it was always really intesnse and we'd lay in bed afterwards cuddling and planning our future, it was always special. But there came a day when we realised we never had sex when we were sober.
If he is doing it occasionally now this is his best chance of winning, it wont take long till he's in a place that takes years of work to recover from.
Take care luv,
For me I didn't know how many days in a row would be too many, and I thought Id have to be using a s*** load more to even be eligable for them. The first time sucked. I had been sniffing heroin, maybe 5 bags a day for 2 months. Boy did I get a shock when I tried to stop. It was awful at the time, so decided I would have to start shooting it so we could afford our habits. Wow, now I only needed a bag day, which increased quite quickley and we tried to quit again. This time it hurt 10 times more then the first and if only I had done it then, cause even though it wasn't pleasant the first time, the second was unbearable and we both went on 30 day methadone programs.
But it was pretty much all downhill from there.
Is he shooting it or snorting it? Are you sure he is not already using it everyday because as long as you can afford it you, you can funtion great on it. It is easy to hide too, I used without my husband for a whole week before I confessed and he had no idea. We used to have great sex on it, though neither of us could come it was always really intesnse and we'd lay in bed afterwards cuddling and planning our future, it was always special. But there came a day when we realised we never had sex when we were sober.
If he is doing it occasionally now this is his best chance of winning, it wont take long till he's in a place that takes years of work to recover from.
Take care luv,
RECREATIONAL HEROIN USE - somthing i've tricked myself into thinking i could do time and time again.
once a month, once a week, 2-3 times a week, EVERYDAY until death, jail or u wake up and get in a program.
then when u think u got it and s***s goin good. Hmmm im strong enough to just get high tonight??
repeat cycle..
this is not everyone, just my outlook.
im 24 and used dope for 5 yrs. I always thought i was very strong minded and could get off dope. ''when i felt like it'' but the past 3 years has proven that wrong. i want it, i had clean time, i just always come back to this fuked up life style.It usally starts with me being clean and doin well.Then forgeting everything i know about staying clean and telling my self im just gonna use tonight.
Now i sit here tonight, last night and the night before sick as a mother f***er again. tryin to build up the balls to tell my mother '' who thinks im still clean '' that she needs to drop me off at detox again. i'll see u in 90 days when i get out off what ever program will take me this time mom thanks for the ride.
once a month, once a week, 2-3 times a week, EVERYDAY until death, jail or u wake up and get in a program.
then when u think u got it and s***s goin good. Hmmm im strong enough to just get high tonight??
repeat cycle..
this is not everyone, just my outlook.
im 24 and used dope for 5 yrs. I always thought i was very strong minded and could get off dope. ''when i felt like it'' but the past 3 years has proven that wrong. i want it, i had clean time, i just always come back to this fuked up life style.It usally starts with me being clean and doin well.Then forgeting everything i know about staying clean and telling my self im just gonna use tonight.
Now i sit here tonight, last night and the night before sick as a mother f***er again. tryin to build up the balls to tell my mother '' who thinks im still clean '' that she needs to drop me off at detox again. i'll see u in 90 days when i get out off what ever program will take me this time mom thanks for the ride.
Heroin saps your sex drive, and no, it is nearly impossable to come while youre on D. Get out while you still can, or risk going down a very very nasty road. Leave his a** in the dust. It sounds brutal, but youre gonna have to trust me on this one.
I have met heaps of people who say they are only going to use on the weekend,or once a month or just sometimes,Ive heard plenty of those things,but Ive never ever known anyone who can keep it to just what they say at the beginning.
have to agree with all the comments! My son aged 38 had done just about everything from aged 16 ( cannabis) but his move to London escalated it all! There was a time when people may have used reacreationally..and probably still is...but with HEROIN..NO! The cravings just get stronger and stronger till you're hooked..and then the BIG trouble starts! Lying, Cheating, Styling, Fraud! Then the trust is goe..his/her self esteem drops to an all time low and the problems one person had get entangled up with yours! Tried the "tough love" approach but think I am still being "used". I'm 60! , you must be in your 20's.....why are you holding on to someone who is obviously going to break your heart and your bank balance!And as my son told me, heroin totally destroys any sex drive!NOT lecturing, but take it from me, to help him, which is admirable,you may get caught up too, and lose your zest for life, despite it's ups and downs!My quote the other night was as follows and I hope it helps you!
You don't drown by falling in the water.
You drown by staying there.
All the best from Bette X((((((((((and a hug))))))))))
You don't drown by falling in the water.
You drown by staying there.
All the best from Bette X((((((((((and a hug))))))))))