I have just discovered that my 19 son is a 'recreational weekend coke user ' ?? I have no knowlede of drugs at all really as I have never really been in that environment, He has admitted it through a frantic phone call but I will not see him until Friday, I need to gather as much information so I can discuss / help him, I am confused and upset. He admistted in Jan that he thouhjt he may have a drink problem, but we thought we helped him through that, could they be related ?? Have we made the problem by being too open in the rasing of him, drink has never been a taboo in our house and we have a glass of wine with dinner most nights, where have we gone wrong ? HOw can we halp him ? My heart is broken for him.
Dear Shellyb, Sorry about your son, I think the best thing is please dont blame your self for one. You didn't make him do coke.Drinking a glass of wine did not cause this addiction.He may have a addictive personaity. He really needs to get some help, But... He has to want it you cant make him if he doesnt think he has a problem.I hope it all works out for you I will keep you in my prayers as well. Kim
Kim, Thank you, I think he does want help, so I think we all have a long struggle, using this drug just at weekends can lead to further abuse ?? I alot to understand & learn from both my son & about drugs
No nothing you did caused him to start using. All addicts make the choice to use on their own. And most likely his weekend coke use will turn into more because if he isn't already addicted, he will be and he'll probably start craving it more and more.
I tried Meth about 5 times in my life but no one made me do it and it wasn't because of my parents or anything. It was because my friends were doing it and got me to try it. Thats usually how it starts. But for me, I hated the coming down part of it and it wasn't worth ever doing it again because of that, not only that but I've seen what drugs do to people and I didn't want to end up like that.
My boyfriend was a recreational user as well and it turned into a full blown addiction.
The only thing you can do is try to encourage him to get help before it gets out of hand.
Good luck...Julie
I tried Meth about 5 times in my life but no one made me do it and it wasn't because of my parents or anything. It was because my friends were doing it and got me to try it. Thats usually how it starts. But for me, I hated the coming down part of it and it wasn't worth ever doing it again because of that, not only that but I've seen what drugs do to people and I didn't want to end up like that.
My boyfriend was a recreational user as well and it turned into a full blown addiction.
The only thing you can do is try to encourage him to get help before it gets out of hand.
Good luck...Julie
Dear Shellyb,
I have so much sympathy for you and your son! You can view my situation on Cantletgo. It is of the UTMOST importance that you get your son in rehab as soon as possible. Preferably residential. He will most certainly begin to use as my son is using now. He had been an addict for almost 1-1/2 years before we even found out! He was not living at home at the time. My son is believed to be living with a drug dealer now because we told him he could not live with us and be using. I almost regret telling him that because we haven't seen him in over two weeks now. I do keep up with him through one of his friends, but he won't tell me where my son is living. He will not call us either. I have filed a theft complaint with police against him and the police have found most of my stolen items in pawn shops. They now have proof of theft and can issue a warrant for his arrest which they will be doing next week. This is a decision that I have really struggled with. This is a last resort to get him out of the dangerous environment he is in and almost force him to get help. I am hoping the judge will make it mandatory that he goes to rehab. That will be his only hope. He is past helping himself. I hope and pray this will wake him up and at least give him time to dry out a bit so he can think clearer. He also has an alcohol problem. From what I understand, this goes along with the cocaine addiction. Using cocaine makes you unable to sleep...so they drink alcohol to help them sleep. From what I have read, the use of both these drugs combined is extremely dangerous. Moreso that either one used alone.
Please pray that my son will not hate me for doing this. If this doesn't work, I am afraid I will lose him again and never find him.
Please do EVERYTHING you can to get him in a REALLY GOOD rehab facility(preferably residential instead of outpatient) before he gets in as deep as my son is now.
I never dreamed in a million years my son would be in this horrific situation. It stills seems like a horrible nightmare that I keep hoping to wake up from.
I have so much sympathy for you and your son! You can view my situation on Cantletgo. It is of the UTMOST importance that you get your son in rehab as soon as possible. Preferably residential. He will most certainly begin to use as my son is using now. He had been an addict for almost 1-1/2 years before we even found out! He was not living at home at the time. My son is believed to be living with a drug dealer now because we told him he could not live with us and be using. I almost regret telling him that because we haven't seen him in over two weeks now. I do keep up with him through one of his friends, but he won't tell me where my son is living. He will not call us either. I have filed a theft complaint with police against him and the police have found most of my stolen items in pawn shops. They now have proof of theft and can issue a warrant for his arrest which they will be doing next week. This is a decision that I have really struggled with. This is a last resort to get him out of the dangerous environment he is in and almost force him to get help. I am hoping the judge will make it mandatory that he goes to rehab. That will be his only hope. He is past helping himself. I hope and pray this will wake him up and at least give him time to dry out a bit so he can think clearer. He also has an alcohol problem. From what I understand, this goes along with the cocaine addiction. Using cocaine makes you unable to sleep...so they drink alcohol to help them sleep. From what I have read, the use of both these drugs combined is extremely dangerous. Moreso that either one used alone.
Please pray that my son will not hate me for doing this. If this doesn't work, I am afraid I will lose him again and never find him.
Please do EVERYTHING you can to get him in a REALLY GOOD rehab facility(preferably residential instead of outpatient) before he gets in as deep as my son is now.
I never dreamed in a million years my son would be in this horrific situation. It stills seems like a horrible nightmare that I keep hoping to wake up from.
cocaine is not phyiscaly addictive, it however may have a strong psychological addiction if someone allows that to happen.
most cocaine users, tend to out grow thier use. (notice i said use, not misuse or abuse)
those that misuse and abuse, are the ones to look out for and help overall.
most cocaine users, tend to out grow thier use. (notice i said use, not misuse or abuse)
those that misuse and abuse, are the ones to look out for and help overall.