Red Sox Rule!

Dear KL63,

Enjoy the parade, tomorrow. I'm, unfortunately, not going to be able to make it. So, if you could, give the Sox a huge applause for me - they deserve this day so much!

Have a great night and an wonderful time at the parade!

c'mon now, even a blind dog can find 7 bones, & you guys gotta know that NY simply just felt sorry for y'all & gave u a break on those last 4 bones.. I mean u can't really believe that the sox could beat the yankees on the yankees worse & ur best day. I mean how many times have the Yankees won, its really not that big a deal to us & we knew you needed a break.

And the Pats, just keep ur pipe dream goin ( & i thuoght y'all were trying to stay clean but ur smokin somethin to think those kids r for reall) & is good as u think they are, remember u caught a big break from NY on that too I'm talkin the real NY not New Jersey Jets. Remember, Buffalo gave you Fred Smerlas a few years back & what do u give us in return, a tired Blesdoe.

Now before y'all have a heart attack, I'm playin here. Congradulations, its been a long time comin, so be loud and proud, but do remember, the Pats will be facing the mighty 1 & 5 or so Bills & u still got the mighty Dophins.
Dear Browndog113,

That was so funny! Thank God you wrote that last paragraph; otherwise, I may well have had a heart attack - LOL!

Have a great night!

Dear KL63,

How was the parade? I taped it, and thought it was absolutely awesome. I read in the Hartford Courant that something was thrown at Pedro. Any idea what happened? I hope you and Red Sox Nation had a great time. I know I did watching.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

To those who were interested, despite the rain the parade was UNBELIEVABLE! I really felt I owed it to my kids to get there and see this. Years from now when they are grown they will be able to look back and say "I was there!" There were people 15 deep on both sides of the road. We left at 6 AM to get there. Everyone was in a great mood and it was truly a phenomenal day. I didn't see anyone throw anything at Pedro and didn't hear about it either, so I'm not sure what happened there. We came home soaked and exhausted but it was a blast. I only wish my dad were alive to have joined us.

We had at least six little Johnny Damon's who rang our bell on Halloween...pretty cute. I couldn't get a newspaper anywhere the day after the sox won and heard they are now on Ebay for $10.00!!

Dear KL63,

Thanks for the information. I'll always keep that tape of the parade, as well as the 14 postseason games (ALDS, ALCS, and WS).

I think that was so funny about "Johnny Damon" trick-n-treaters. I'm sure MA was covered with kids dressed up as their favorite players!

Have a great night, KL63.
