
Congratulations...I hope you don't leave we need you here to share your experience, strength and hope with us. We care about you, my friend...

Dear Redd, congradulations on your thirty days. It's yours, you claim it. Hey, I have an idea for you. Maybe you can have two clean dates. First your clean date from your doc, then your second one when you get off the sub. The thing is though, it won't matter a month or two here or there a few years from now when you are clean, happy, and all this a mere memory. Feel good about yourself and your thirty days. (and don't cry, I hate to see anybody cry.....wink!)
Love, Kat

wooo hooo you worked your hind end off to be where you are today you better get your butt back here and claim these 30 days or i will take them and add them to my clean time!!! you got that??!! and no one can tell me i cant cause i can and i will!! plus i have been waiting all morning to hear how you did on your squares darn it!! i heard some where in the game there was a 7 and a 0 i got excited for you but i didnt know what quarter you had or how you bet or whatever. anyway you have till midnight to claim your 30 days or they are mine. i might split them up and give half to kat though cause she is so cool.

Redd, congratulations on your thirty days, some may have a different opinion but thats OK, I know what you did and should be proud.
I hope your just having an off day and reconsider coming back, we need you in this struggle were all in.
Please reconsider, if you need a couple of days to reflect thats cool. The girls in the coffee club will miss you and I'll miss you.

take care
Thank you Terrianne for my first grin of the day. Hey Redd, better listen to her here. That two weeks I'd get to claim of yours would kick me right into my six months. (my goal from the beggining) Now I'd hate to have to cheat and use yours, but you know how us addicts are, lol. So come on midnight, or tommorrow I want a thread of congradulations on my six months. (you know I'm kidding right? I wouldn't take your thirty days if it was possible, I'm proud for you.) Hope you're smiling. Love, Kat

kats too nice i'm not that nice. kat you make my teeth rot :P i will take all the clean days then and that means tonight at midnight i will have one year to the date tomorrow. wow how awesoem would that be? so are they mine or yours?

(and of course i am being playeful too) (((HUGS REDD)))

You better get your butt back here!! How will I ever know if ya win that van on the Regis and Kelly show that I searched for HOURS ;) to find the missing clue for you!!!

Seriously though, there is a saying I'm sure we have all heard "To thine own self be true" That's what you are doing, hold your head up high and be proud of yourself and don't let ANYONE take that away from you.

God Bless,
Hey, Redd, congrats on your thirty days. I feel as though you have your time. Sub doesn't make you high. And we are talking 30 days away from oxy. I am proud of you...
Keep your head up and don't let people take away from you what you have earned.
Hey buddy I know right where your comming from and the effort you have put ino getting on sub. I stopped 200 mgs morphine 3 months ago and got on 60 mgs meth, which by the way is an awaful drug, but it has kept me from getting high. Im tapering and am down to 35 mgsmeth and will go on sub once on 20. Ive been using for over 20 years and am only 40 years old. the most time I put together was 1 year , the other times 3 to 4 months, so I have no problem especially now that my wife is pregnant to use the sub . My original plan was to go on it for a short period but my shrink said with my tract record I owe it to myself to be on it at least 6 months mabery longer so I can learn how to live life without the need to get high. Im required to see a psycologist once a week and attent a couple meeting ,and also submit to drug tests. Im like you and Im learning to change in respect to not letting other peoples opinion deter me in any way. I would like to suggest a couple books which you might find helpful The first is the four agreements By Don miguel Ruiz , to give a short synopsys the first is Be impeccable with your word, 2dn DONT TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY, 3rd Dont make assumptions, 4th always do your best, 5th breaking old agrements, 6th heaven on earth and ther is one more. this is based on ancient toltec spiritual principles. The other book is By Wayne Dyer, the power of intention, some of the chapters are respect myself at all times, live my life on purpose feel successful and attract abundance into my life. I think for the small price of these books you will grow greatly. Congrats on you 30 days clean.I am very emotional also especially when I stop using and have found in life and on this board that there are things I dont get involved with. Remembr we are all sick to a ceertain point and just because someone has whatever clean time they have doesnt mean they are well yet. We have all seen the person with 5 to 8 years or whatever clean and sober who lack compassion andunderstanding and are self ritches and so forth. If one has a good heart which it seems you have it it will always be there , if one doesnt then it doesnt mean sobriety will necessaryily give them one. Please hang in there , if you run across a post or responce you dont care for pass it up you will notice over time who you feel a good feling from and whom you dont . stick with the ones who give off an good and loving vibe. Best wishes hope your feeling better and to thy own self be true Much love and respect Ramon

Hey Ray......saw your post and wanted to are going to make a great dad! I hear the excitement in your writing everytime you mention it.;re gonna love it!

I am happy to see you continuing to work towards your goal of getting down to 20 mg. I know you'll make it! Stay strong.

BTW....... we made an appt. for my daughter at Emory with the only dr. in town who does surgery for her problem. not that we are leaning towards surgery, but we'd like to have his opinion. Can't get in until end of March.
Also, they gave her some Darvocett. Tks again for your help!

Take care!

ramon gave some awesome advice, i was given the book called the 4 agreements passed down to me by a recovering alcoholic when i was only about a month clean. its a short book packed with alot of great wisdom.its not even recovery related.but i know so many people in recovery who have recommended that book. i'd even meet you for coffee anytime you'd like and bring the book and pass it along to you :) i hope you are enjoying some superbowl winnings. hey and i'd even buy your coffee if you ever wanna meet up.

Wow, that was a great post Ramon. Great advice. Redd, if your here, please listen to your friends. You help them just as much as they help you. We all need you here. You know that everyone has their own opinions on things, but this should not upset you so to make you leave this board. You are needed here just as much as anyone else is. Please reconsider and come back. You dont want Kat and Teri to claim your days, now do you:o)???? Much peace to you. Hope youre feeling a little better.

and redd....we need you just as much as you need support...
you are a kind lady!!!!!!!
Ray, I am reading that book