Hi Redd,
I've been meaning to ask you, is that your dog on the avatar of yours? Its one of the cutest ones I think I've seen, what kind is he/she?
Hi Briar,
Yup, thats my new baby Bella. Shes a 10 week old golden retriever and just the cutest sweetest thing I've ever come across. But man, shes hell on wheels. Shes teething right now and just chewing whatever she can get to, including my sons power ranger guys, hes not too happy about it, but its better than my shoes.
Heres another picture of her after she played in some mud puddles.
Thanks for asking about her, I could brag all day about her.
How are you feeling these days?
Bella's a cutie, Redd. She couldn't have a better Mom! It's nice to hear you happier and yourself again. Hi to you too, Briar. Hey guys, keep Sharon in your prayers too, please. Her surgery was pretty tough and she's in alot of pain right now. Love, Kat
Please send Sharon my love Kat, I hope she feels better soon and gets her butt back here.
I will, Redd. I'm sure that will mean alot to her. This surgery was really a big one, so she will be a long time recovering. Her husband is going to try and get a computer near her when she gets home from the hospital so she can talk to all of us. Take care, Love, Kat