99.7 % accurate is pretty darn accurate. I don't know what I am feeling yet but it is alot like fear. All I can keep thinking is A: what happens to woman on benzos in "this situation" and B: now I have this in me and have to get it out ha! Damn, that is going to suck. I was soooooo young when I had my baby that I really don't remember much about it, only about being pregnant. I remember that very well. I suppose I shut down mentally to handle the situation back then. So there ya have it.
If you reply, please refrain from scaring me, as anxiety is my problem anyway. I haven't the balls to do research about my situation, just yet, mostly because it is a weekend and if I read something that freaked me totally out I would have to go to the hospitol to get honest answers and I don't want to put my family through all of that drama. Just accept this until Monday, then start my research.
However, if any of you have ever known anyone in 'my condition' that has conceived, please let me know their story. Just don't scare me to death. I am just realizing I can't even say "I'm pregn..... er, can't even say it!
Kaela, Congratulations!
I am not trying to scare you, just educate you. It's no longer about just you, it's about your unborn baby now. You need to get to a doctor ASAP and work out a plan to get off the Xanex QUICK.............
Pregnancy- Chlordiazepoxide and diazepam have been reported to increase the chance of birth defects when used during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Although similar problems have not been reported with the other benzodiazepines, the chance always exists since all of the benzodiazepines are related.
Studies in animals have shown that clonazepam, lorazepam, and temazepam cause birth defects or other problems, including death of the animal fetus.
Too much use of a benzodiazepine during pregnancy may cause the baby to become dependent on the medicine. This may lead to withdrawal side effects after birth. Also, use of benzodiazepines during pregnancy, especially during the last weeks, may cause body temperature problems, breathing problems, difficulty in feeding, drowsiness, or muscle weakness in the newborn infant.
Benzodiazepines given just before or during labor may cause weakness in the newborn infant. When diazepam is given in high doses (especially by injection) within 15 hours before delivery, it may cause breathing problems, muscle weakness, difficulty in feeding, and body temperature problems in the newborn infant.
Breast-feeding- Benzodiazepines may pass into the breast milk and cause drowsiness, difficulty in feeding, and weight loss in nursing babies of mothers taking these medicines.
Have a Happy Easter!
I am not trying to scare you, just educate you. It's no longer about just you, it's about your unborn baby now. You need to get to a doctor ASAP and work out a plan to get off the Xanex QUICK.............
Pregnancy- Chlordiazepoxide and diazepam have been reported to increase the chance of birth defects when used during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Although similar problems have not been reported with the other benzodiazepines, the chance always exists since all of the benzodiazepines are related.
Studies in animals have shown that clonazepam, lorazepam, and temazepam cause birth defects or other problems, including death of the animal fetus.
Too much use of a benzodiazepine during pregnancy may cause the baby to become dependent on the medicine. This may lead to withdrawal side effects after birth. Also, use of benzodiazepines during pregnancy, especially during the last weeks, may cause body temperature problems, breathing problems, difficulty in feeding, drowsiness, or muscle weakness in the newborn infant.
Benzodiazepines given just before or during labor may cause weakness in the newborn infant. When diazepam is given in high doses (especially by injection) within 15 hours before delivery, it may cause breathing problems, muscle weakness, difficulty in feeding, and body temperature problems in the newborn infant.
Breast-feeding- Benzodiazepines may pass into the breast milk and cause drowsiness, difficulty in feeding, and weight loss in nursing babies of mothers taking these medicines.
Have a Happy Easter!
K- Here is some more info. It's important to let your doctor know. He may be of more help than you know..
Update: Benzodiazepines in Pregnancy
Volume 7(4)
Kelly Ormond, MS, CGC and Eugene Pergament, MD, PhD
Benzodiazepines (BZDs) are frequently prescribed during pregnancy to treat anxiety or panic disorder. As a class, the BZDs are central nervous system depressants that have anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, muscle relaxant and occasionally anti-epileptic properties. They are well absorbed in the body and cross the placenta easily (Kanto, 1982); elimination half-lives for the BZDs range significantly (8-48 hours), with active metabolites often remaining in the body for longer periods of time (Gilman, 1990).
Initial concern regarding BZD exposure in pregnancy arose because they act upon GABA receptors; GABA is an amino acid neurotransmitter that may be related to palatal development (Kellogg, 1988). Early studies on Valium (diazepam), a commonly prescribed BZD, showed an increased risk for oral clefting in both animals (Zimmerman, 1984) and in retrospective and case-control studies in humans (Saxon and Saxen, 1975; Safra and Oakley, 1975). This has, however, been contradicted by several recent prospective and case-controlled studies and a meta-analysis that all uniformly found no association between diazepam use and clefting (Altshuler et al., 1996; Bracken, 1986; Czeizel, 1988; Ornoy et al., 1998; Pastuszak et al., 1994; Rosenberg et al., 1983; Shiono and Mills, 1984). In recent years, several prospective studies have addressed the potential teratogenicity of multiple BZDs. The association between BZDs and clefting, and birth defects in general, remains unclear, and it will be reviewed in more detail in this RISK//NEWSLETTER. BZDs were reviewed in the September, 1995 (RISK//NEWSLETTER 4(2)); this newsletter serves as an adjunct to that issue.
General studies on BZDs
Many of the studies on BZD exposure in pregnancy have lumped various drugs into a single analysis, making it difficult to determine if specific medications pose teratogenic risk in pregnancy. McElhatton (1994) provides an excellent review of many of the studies on BZDs. While there have been mixed findings, these studies do not suggest an overall increase in malformations after in utero exposure to BZDs. Pastuszak et al. (1994) prospectively ascertained 137 women exposed to BZDs, primarily diazepam (N=43) and lorazepam (N=33) and found no differences from control groups in frequency of malformations or miscarriage, birth weight, gestational age or measures of the Denver developmental scale at various ages. Johnson et al. (1995) presented an abstract reporting 272 women exposed to alprazolam, lorazepam and clonazepam; of the 186 liveborns, 15 had malformations, including four cardiac defects and six inguinal hernias, which the authors speculated may be secondary to the muscle relaxant properties of BZDs. In a separate abstract, Godet et al. (1995) reported on 187 malformed infants exposed to BZDs; while no anomaly was more frequent in this group as compared to a control group of over 10,000 malformed infants, associations between lorazepam and anal atresia and between bromazepam and urinary anomalies were noted, but there was no association between clefting and any BZD. Most recently, Ornoy et al. (1998) prospectively reported 460 pregnancies exposed to BZDs in the first trimester and found no increase in birth weight, gestational age or malformations, but more cardiac defects were present in the exposed versus control group; a slight increase in miscarriage and induced abortions was also observed.
Aside from the concerns regarding malformations after in utero exposure to BZDs, there are reports of transient neonatal withdrawal symptoms and even of a possible syndrome of BZD exposure after significant maternal exposure (Laegrid et al., 1989; Bergman et al., 1992). Laegrid et al. (1989) described facial dysmorphology similar to fetal alcohol syndrome, involving impaired growth, hypotonia, developmental and motor delays and transient neonatal withdrawal after significant maternal BZD exposures. Other studies have failed to support this association, suggesting that perhaps chronic use at high dosages is required to produce this syndrome. There has also been controversy about whether an autosomal recessive condition (Zellweger syndrome) explains some of the physical and developmental features noted. The confounding effect of other maternal drug use in Laegrid's studies has also been raised. Most recently, the Michigan Medicaid study (Bergman et al., 1992) looked at 80 women who filled over 10 benzodiazepine prescriptions during a pregnancy and saw no increase in malformations among those exposed in utero. Concurrent maternal alcohol and substance exposure in pregnancy significantly biases all of the above studies. While no long term studies have been performed to assess neurodevelopment in exposed children, the potential exists for neurobehavioral teratogenicity after exposure to BZDs, and this has been noted in animal studies (Schardein, 1993).
Reproductive Data on Specific BZDs
Alprazolam (Xanax)
Several human studies exist on alprazolam exposure in pregnancy. Postmarketing research of 411 women with first trimester exposure to alprazolam did not suggest an increased frequency of malformations (St. Clair et al., 1992). Separate prospective studies of 133 and 149 women, respectively, found no increased risk of malformations nor any pattern to the malformations described (Johnson et al., 1995; Ornoy, 1998). Neonatal withdrawal symptoms have been noted after exposure to alprazolam in late pregnancy (Barry and St.Clair, 1987) and breast-feeding (Anderson and McGuire, 1989). Alprazolam has a relatively short half-life (<12 hours) compared to other BZDs.
Update: Benzodiazepines in Pregnancy
Volume 7(4)
Kelly Ormond, MS, CGC and Eugene Pergament, MD, PhD
Benzodiazepines (BZDs) are frequently prescribed during pregnancy to treat anxiety or panic disorder. As a class, the BZDs are central nervous system depressants that have anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, muscle relaxant and occasionally anti-epileptic properties. They are well absorbed in the body and cross the placenta easily (Kanto, 1982); elimination half-lives for the BZDs range significantly (8-48 hours), with active metabolites often remaining in the body for longer periods of time (Gilman, 1990).
Initial concern regarding BZD exposure in pregnancy arose because they act upon GABA receptors; GABA is an amino acid neurotransmitter that may be related to palatal development (Kellogg, 1988). Early studies on Valium (diazepam), a commonly prescribed BZD, showed an increased risk for oral clefting in both animals (Zimmerman, 1984) and in retrospective and case-control studies in humans (Saxon and Saxen, 1975; Safra and Oakley, 1975). This has, however, been contradicted by several recent prospective and case-controlled studies and a meta-analysis that all uniformly found no association between diazepam use and clefting (Altshuler et al., 1996; Bracken, 1986; Czeizel, 1988; Ornoy et al., 1998; Pastuszak et al., 1994; Rosenberg et al., 1983; Shiono and Mills, 1984). In recent years, several prospective studies have addressed the potential teratogenicity of multiple BZDs. The association between BZDs and clefting, and birth defects in general, remains unclear, and it will be reviewed in more detail in this RISK//NEWSLETTER. BZDs were reviewed in the September, 1995 (RISK//NEWSLETTER 4(2)); this newsletter serves as an adjunct to that issue.
General studies on BZDs
Many of the studies on BZD exposure in pregnancy have lumped various drugs into a single analysis, making it difficult to determine if specific medications pose teratogenic risk in pregnancy. McElhatton (1994) provides an excellent review of many of the studies on BZDs. While there have been mixed findings, these studies do not suggest an overall increase in malformations after in utero exposure to BZDs. Pastuszak et al. (1994) prospectively ascertained 137 women exposed to BZDs, primarily diazepam (N=43) and lorazepam (N=33) and found no differences from control groups in frequency of malformations or miscarriage, birth weight, gestational age or measures of the Denver developmental scale at various ages. Johnson et al. (1995) presented an abstract reporting 272 women exposed to alprazolam, lorazepam and clonazepam; of the 186 liveborns, 15 had malformations, including four cardiac defects and six inguinal hernias, which the authors speculated may be secondary to the muscle relaxant properties of BZDs. In a separate abstract, Godet et al. (1995) reported on 187 malformed infants exposed to BZDs; while no anomaly was more frequent in this group as compared to a control group of over 10,000 malformed infants, associations between lorazepam and anal atresia and between bromazepam and urinary anomalies were noted, but there was no association between clefting and any BZD. Most recently, Ornoy et al. (1998) prospectively reported 460 pregnancies exposed to BZDs in the first trimester and found no increase in birth weight, gestational age or malformations, but more cardiac defects were present in the exposed versus control group; a slight increase in miscarriage and induced abortions was also observed.
Aside from the concerns regarding malformations after in utero exposure to BZDs, there are reports of transient neonatal withdrawal symptoms and even of a possible syndrome of BZD exposure after significant maternal exposure (Laegrid et al., 1989; Bergman et al., 1992). Laegrid et al. (1989) described facial dysmorphology similar to fetal alcohol syndrome, involving impaired growth, hypotonia, developmental and motor delays and transient neonatal withdrawal after significant maternal BZD exposures. Other studies have failed to support this association, suggesting that perhaps chronic use at high dosages is required to produce this syndrome. There has also been controversy about whether an autosomal recessive condition (Zellweger syndrome) explains some of the physical and developmental features noted. The confounding effect of other maternal drug use in Laegrid's studies has also been raised. Most recently, the Michigan Medicaid study (Bergman et al., 1992) looked at 80 women who filled over 10 benzodiazepine prescriptions during a pregnancy and saw no increase in malformations among those exposed in utero. Concurrent maternal alcohol and substance exposure in pregnancy significantly biases all of the above studies. While no long term studies have been performed to assess neurodevelopment in exposed children, the potential exists for neurobehavioral teratogenicity after exposure to BZDs, and this has been noted in animal studies (Schardein, 1993).
Reproductive Data on Specific BZDs
Alprazolam (Xanax)
Several human studies exist on alprazolam exposure in pregnancy. Postmarketing research of 411 women with first trimester exposure to alprazolam did not suggest an increased frequency of malformations (St. Clair et al., 1992). Separate prospective studies of 133 and 149 women, respectively, found no increased risk of malformations nor any pattern to the malformations described (Johnson et al., 1995; Ornoy, 1998). Neonatal withdrawal symptoms have been noted after exposure to alprazolam in late pregnancy (Barry and St.Clair, 1987) and breast-feeding (Anderson and McGuire, 1989). Alprazolam has a relatively short half-life (<12 hours) compared to other BZDs.
congratulations and be sure and see a dr asap and as danny says please be honest. also do what HE tells you to do after all he is the one with the degree. let him drive the bus for yours and your babies sake. i am telling you. i safely detoxed with dr supervision in 5 days. do it for your baby. also consider your drinking and marijuana habits as well. you should lay off those too. this could very well be gods way of getting you straight and giving you a huger incentive on living a clean and healthy lifestyle. be good to yourself and your baby as well. again congrats and good luck too you. oh and also you should really try and figure ouy a way to get proper nutroyion. GET SOME ENSURE. untill you can see your dr.
congratulations and be sure and see a dr asap and as danny says please be honest. also do what HE tells you to do after all he is the one with the degree. let him drive the bus for yours and your babies sake. i am telling you. i safely detoxed with dr supervision in 5 days. do it for your baby. also consider your drinking and marijuana habits as well. you should lay off those too. this could very well be gods way of getting you straight and giving you a huger incentive on living a clean and healthy lifestyle. be good to yourself and your baby as well. again congrats and good luck too you. oh and also you should really try and figure ouy a way to get proper nutroyion. GET SOME ENSURE. untill you can see your dr.
Dear K I just have to follow with thr rest.GET TO A DR DONT BE A DORK WITH THIS.Terri is right if anything can give you a push in the right direction this will take care mj
Congrats! I am sure you are still in shock, what does your husband think about it? This will be his 4th baby huh? Well, I don't want to scare you but sometimes the truth is the only way to tell it. I know a few girls that were taking xanax early in their pregnancy and had a miscarriage. I have had a miscarriage in the past and was not on xanax so you sometimes woman have no control over that. However, I would get off the xanax ASAP. It can relax your cervix enough to dilate you to miscarry. I have heard from a few different girls that have had this happen. So if you want this baby consider what could happen. I would go to the ER and tell them your situation. Just maybe they will help you come up with some options. Also that rotten tooth that has been causing you pain needs to be looked at now. You probably won't be able to have an x-ray done on it but you NEED to start antibiotic's along with vitamins. I heard you talking earlier about not eating, please start, your baby can't eat if you don't. I pray everything works out for you.
I have quit taking pills and smoking the day I found out I was pregnant. Granted it wasn't a benzo but I wouldn't have cared if it was. You baby has to come first now. If you need to talk, e-mail me anytime. It will all work out for you but you need to get in an Ob-gyn office as soon as possible and be under a doctor's supervision!! Rae
Congrats! I am sure you are still in shock, what does your husband think about it? This will be his 4th baby huh? Well, I don't want to scare you but sometimes the truth is the only way to tell it. I know a few girls that were taking xanax early in their pregnancy and had a miscarriage. I have had a miscarriage in the past and was not on xanax so you sometimes woman have no control over that. However, I would get off the xanax ASAP. It can relax your cervix enough to dilate you to miscarry. I have heard from a few different girls that have had this happen. So if you want this baby consider what could happen. I would go to the ER and tell them your situation. Just maybe they will help you come up with some options. Also that rotten tooth that has been causing you pain needs to be looked at now. You probably won't be able to have an x-ray done on it but you NEED to start antibiotic's along with vitamins. I heard you talking earlier about not eating, please start, your baby can't eat if you don't. I pray everything works out for you.
I have quit taking pills and smoking the day I found out I was pregnant. Granted it wasn't a benzo but I wouldn't have cared if it was. You baby has to come first now. If you need to talk, e-mail me anytime. It will all work out for you but you need to get in an Ob-gyn office as soon as possible and be under a doctor's supervision!! Rae
Now that I know, of course I wont be drinking (which I rarely did anyway, so no biggie) or smoking weed (which I did rarely because it usually resulted in a panic attack.
Thank you SO much for all of that information. It is so unfait to my baby that I can't just stop talking my medicine (xanax). I am going to a walk-in tomorrow to confirm through a Dr. I will explain that I had been in the tapering process already and he should be able to guide me through detox, either with staying on the Ashton or something.... I am sure I am not the first this has happened to. And like redd's Dr told her "If we did so many things we do while not being aware of our pregnancy initally, there would be ALOT of messed up people in the world.
I have heard something about a fast withdraw introducing phenobarbital for one week to prevent seizures. I do not think pheno would be very good for the baby either. I am just very ready to talk to a DR. Hey, maybe I should try a board relating to pregnany. Some of them actually have Drs. that return e-mails. I will keep you posted.
Thank you SO much for all of that information. It is so unfait to my baby that I can't just stop talking my medicine (xanax). I am going to a walk-in tomorrow to confirm through a Dr. I will explain that I had been in the tapering process already and he should be able to guide me through detox, either with staying on the Ashton or something.... I am sure I am not the first this has happened to. And like redd's Dr told her "If we did so many things we do while not being aware of our pregnancy initally, there would be ALOT of messed up people in the world.
I have heard something about a fast withdraw introducing phenobarbital for one week to prevent seizures. I do not think pheno would be very good for the baby either. I am just very ready to talk to a DR. Hey, maybe I should try a board relating to pregnany. Some of them actually have Drs. that return e-mails. I will keep you posted.
What ever happens PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure your upfront with the DR.I know how hard it is to fess up to a medical person about your drug habit but for the goodness of that little baby please do be.
As you said many others have gone through this so there is a way,you just havre to find yours
As you said many others have gone through this so there is a way,you just havre to find yours
phenebarbitol is what i tapered with off of for 5 days, i would think its better to take for 5 days then xanax to take for god knows hoe long. just something to think about.
phenebarbitol is what i tapered with off of for 5 days, i would think its better to take for 5 days then xanax to take for god knows hoe long. just something to think about.
Hey Boo hows budda doing?????
buddah was cool today, she musta did some funky happy dance meditational thing before we came lol cause she was pretty cool it went well. i got all my easter shopping done YAY FOR ME!!!! hehehe
Hey us 2.My oldest is AIMING me the turd
Boo: My husband is very excited. He is a baby lover. He would have a whole football team if I'd let him. Me, I am in shock, not really feeling anything right now but concern. From my research, miscarriage is our biggest worry next to getting clean fast as possible. My husband was able to talk to some Dr at a walk in and that is what he told him. I am going into the walk in tomorrow, can't believe this until it is confirmed. Also, my baby is addicted too *fights the tears. So my baby will be weening with me. So f***in unfair, really hate myself for that.
Also, my husband and I have decided NOT to tell the kids and family until my second trimester. So many things can happen during the first one, even to regular girls. Actually, I probably won't tell the kids until I start to show. The wait will be long enough for me and Daddy, no use in making them wait so long.
Also, my husband and I have decided NOT to tell the kids and family until my second trimester. So many things can happen during the first one, even to regular girls. Actually, I probably won't tell the kids until I start to show. The wait will be long enough for me and Daddy, no use in making them wait so long.
i understand what your saying and my point was the sooner you can come clean safely the better your chances of a healthy prgnancy will be. but your dr. will decide that. you just make sure you listen to the dr. and dont go thinking whatever his plan is , is whacked cause its not the one YOU want. like i said the dr is the one with the degree. you owe it too your baby. you will be fine as long as you do what the dr. tells you to do. it will all be ok.
Boo, I have cut from 4 mils to 2.5 in under three weeks, if a dr were to approve doing it faster I would. It is highly UNRECOMMENDED that I taper at the rate which I have. It is very unsafe and waaaaay to much waaaaaay too fast to be safe but I am doing it and functioning so I am not following Ashton to the t or I would be hooked for another 6 months. Following ashton, it would have taken me more than 5 months to have tapered to this amount.
as i said we all have our own experiences. unique as finger prints my dr recommended the 5 day thing i was on a much higher dosage as you and i did great. we all are different and we all have different stand points and physicians. i did actually use a detox dr. i was pretty confident he knew what he was doing and obviously he did cause i made it through unscathed and have shared and helped others with my experience and thats simply what it is MY experience and i am just passing it allong.
Boo, I am researching Pheno and prgnancy now.... maybe that is a great option. Certainly one I would like to participate in. I thought you never took xanax?
i took xanax vicidine and somas by the handfuls daily, i was up to about approx 12 mg of xanax a day, i took the combo of all 3 at the same time for approx 6 years, how i am still alive to tell about it i'll never know (yeah i do, its god) but man it was crazy thinking back on it now how much i took.
i took xanax vicidine and somas by the handfuls daily, i was up to about approx 12 mg of xanax a day, i took the combo of all 3 at the same time for approx 6 years, how i am still alive to tell about it i'll never know (yeah i do, its god) but man it was crazy thinking back on it now how much i took.
Er, Maybe it is Rea that has never used Xanax... sorry punkin.
no probs, as i said just be honest with the dr, your dr will know whats best and make sure you listen and follow your dr's orders thats all i pray/ask from you. i know its scary. you definately have to be careful. i know you will do the right thing : )