Reducin Doses Helps A Lot

I am been an addict for almost 10 years or more, but since I ffind this forum, I start to thinking in quiting, I really need a lot of help, but I spoke with my wife about my addiction and she sorpraice me with her answer,This were hers words" What could we do to help you and what is your addiction,lets go and walk for a minute" We both went to walk and she start to encourage me to start quiting and been clean.

This was last Nov-26-04, and I started to reduce the doses,25 % every time,3 75% doses, then 50% doses for 5 doses, and lately I am been on 25%, btu I cann't do less than that, today for me suppost I will not have any doses but it was severals 25%,but it really make a difference since someone is helping you with the support, I have never been for this long in this doses, and I am starting to feel very few symptoms of the withdrawn, like feeling weak and sleepy,I just hope that tomorrow will be the day that I can stop.

Please send a support message .thanks.
But thanks to all of you I have fine the feeling of been clean, before it didn't care for me , but since I found this forum it relly helps.
Sounds like your on the right track and its great to have the wife supporting you, makes it a lot easier. Good luck and keep us posted to how its going.

You got a good start going there, keep it up. Be thankful for your wife. John is right it is good to have support on the home front.
One day at a time........
Good Luck,
Thanks, day before I was using my bathroom as place to us the drug,I am been trying but every time that I woke up my vision starts to get cloudy, I was only stil watching myself in the mirrow thinking not, I am not going to used nothing,my bathroom has to locks,one when you enter and other to get into the toilet, both I luck them, and always I was ending using my #$@%^ 25%, yesterday I was haveing and idea,so my wife could help me even more, and when I get home after my work, she said how was with the meds and also, I told her my idea, and she said OK, my idea is " every time that I have to go to the bathroom go with me, because I can be watching TV studying a book or playing with my kids, but when I get into the bathroom I start think shoul i use or should I wait a little bit more. but ending using it, I woke up every morning at 4:00 am and start working at 6:00.Today when I wopke up I was ready to go into the bathroom and I was feeling very bad a little dizzy, my vision cloudy my leg and all my bone hurting, I open my bathroom door and when I was ready to close it my wife was there,she sitted down on the floor also very sleepy and she told me, because I explain to her how I always feel when I woke up,she said hey I also see my vision cloudy,I will fix the ligth for you I guees the ligths are really stronge, I toke a shower, and before I read in this forum that getting a hot shower helps but for me was not working, but today while my wife was there watching me and I couldn't even close the door even from the toilet to use the drug, I get into the shower and it really helps to me, that hot water was getting all the pain relax, not really going away but, relieving me,I finally dress up and I went to the truck with out the medication, for almost 13 years I really do not remmember how many years rigth now, for all this time I was having my drug in the bag of my pants, I turn on my truck to get it hot and my wife was preparing to me cup of cafe, and get into the computer to check,if some of you had send message to get me support, and they you are, making me feel the wife that is helping me, that at first this morning I was heating because she did not let me alone, but after I read your message, open my eyes and see clearly,I am going to my work for the first time in 13 years with out the medication,I will come back at 2:00 but I really don't know how my day will be,thanks guys.

Please send a message of support. Thanks.

Congratulations on your first day of work clean! That's huge. You've got a good woman beside you too. That's sure worth fighting for. I don't know what drug you're taking, but I do know that with a hydro taper, my body seemed to fully adjust to a new (reduced) dosage after 4-5 days. It sounds like you're almost there if you're already down to 25% of your normal dose. Your courage and determination shows through your words. Hang in there and let us know how you're doing -- M.
Wow, CONGRADULATIONS!!!! Too make it too work, after 13 years with no meds, what a "Big Step"!!!!! It sounds like you have wonderful support from your wife. I am baffled how well you have done on your taper program. You are really close. I hope you had a great day at work. I hope you have a nice evening at home. My husband and I are both coming off of medication, after being in a car accident. So I know how lucky we are, to have our spouses for support. Take care, Best Wishes
Ivsubcut, You can do this...... This forum and all of these posts helped me through a few months ago.... Was better than any psychiatrist I could have seen. Every time I would get a weird symptom, I would post on here and sure enough, others had experienced it as well. I was not alone, which was comforting. Now I try to repay that kindness by helping others in their recovery (though I have just suffered another relapse myself)..... So you should do the same. Make it a point that once you get through this and you are clean, you'll stick around this website and help others who are suffering as well, okay?
HO this was , difficult I couldn' even move the pedal from my truck,I just want to go back into my hause and get the medication, but I told my wife that do not let me get into it againd, only if she see me very desperd or trying to kill,or doing something else very bad, jsut the start for the day was very difficul.The first think that I noted, was my vision,still once in my truck cloudy, my legs and arms hurting like, my eyes full of tears I really don't know where they coming from,my skin was like if the weather was very cold and I was with out a jacket, and also feeling like going better to bed, my mouth wide open every secound, after I wrote to this forum in the morning, was like about telling my wife forget about it just get you to sleep, but at the same time I was remmebering each word from you all guy saying that my wife was a very good support, I don't know how I did it, every minute is been less, only my back is hurting , it feels like a burning.I already pass my 24 hours, and I been more deperess that anything else.

Today to forget of everything I went to see my sister to other city almost ahour far, and in her house, they were a group of 4 people that were talking and singing sbout god,every singular word that they said were like if they knew what I was passing buy,after 4 hour been with my sister, every thing was going away, but after I have to leave her the simptoms started againd, my back, yawning a lot.and that bad feeling to be using that #$@%&^ medication,I am so sacre to do it againd,at this hour I just want to go and inyect the medication, I could tell you that I was having the medication in my hands but,I said let me see what they have post to me, and now, at this moment guy after been reading your letters something from you all give strength to not using the medication, but I am still scare of doing it latter, at this moment my wife is sleeping and that's my scare.I feel alone but at the same time I think I have to do this, but what is killing me is the feeling to get it,I just want to go and use, but I will try not to.

Thanks guys, I guess I need more support.or better saying I just need to be stroger.
Please if you could help me with support PLEASE just say any good word that can make my strength stronger.
Thank you guys, I don't know how will be tomorrow, I thougth before that if I just not use the drug for 24 hours I will do fine , but I cann't, I guess I am very weak,

Thanks to all of you.
Congrats on the progress you've made so far! That's great news! One other thing to consider - if you've gotten this far, can you flush the rest of the drugs down the toilet? If the drugs are still in the house then your mind will always be thinking of using. It's the mental part that drives us crazy and constantly tempts us. Whatever your decision I applaud your desire to get clean. Stay strong; Jim
I'm with Jim, great job. And I agree if they are around you'll take them, I would, it's the nature of our disease. It's as much mental as it is physical. Maybe even more so. I know when ever I had them and told myself I wouldn't touch them, that lasted about as long as it took me to justify taking it, which was the second after saying I wouldn't. It's nothing to be ashamed of it's just the way it is
for us.
Take care...................................God bless.........................................Bob
Jim and Bob

Thanks to write this to me, every time that I see a answer from this forum, my eyes get feel of tears.And I know what you mean by saying that I have to flush the meds to the toilet, but I am not sure if the withdrawn is finished or it will get worse, I am saying this because long time ago I could say a year ago, I have a difficult to fine the drug for almos 4 days, I did not was very clean at that time, because I use other medication for pain also inyectable, I was using that and then after the 3 day, was horrible I start having abdominal crampings, swetting, been on bed for long time, It was a very , but very bad feeling,but the next day I went to the Pharmacy and buy the drug againd.

I know ,that when I finaly will be end with this is when I will able to FLUSH THE @#$%&^MEDICATION on THE TOILET, but I am not sure, if am finished with the withdrawn yet.

Today the craving for the medication was sligthly less, but still have something in my body the would ask for it, and could make me go and ask or buy more, I still have it here because I have in there and my craving is less because I know that is there,I know that I have to flush it on the toilet that will be the end, but I still scare.

Thanks guy it really helps you, when some one is encourage you to get finish with this.

After I finish, I don't know when, but let me tell, I am sure, I will not do any ,even small doses today. I cann't tell you that I still have the feeling of using it, butI don't want, lately my braind is thinking more clear, during the day,but this 2 days after 6 pm , I am having strange feeling like, if some one was close me or want to touch my back, and I am getting scare, also I been having a ringing in my ear since I am not takeing anythig.

But today is less I do not feel that sensation of been using it, I still have sligth feel but I am happy because is not like yesterday, yesterday it was bad, after I woke up. I hope this day will be better.

Thank you all.

PLEASE I need your help, post just things to encourage me. Guys thank you all.

Hang in my friend. Today's a new day. You're doing great. What you said about going over to your sister's, how they were talking about God and stuff and it all kind of hit home with you......have you ever been to an AA or NA meeting? They offer the 12-steps as a way to achieve a spiritual solution to our addiction. Maybe you're ready for it now. M.
I was ivsubcut before but having difficult to log in I change my name to ivsubcute. What terrifying days, I could n't get a way to write back, and letteing you all know that I have fell againd, Constant craving making me very nervous,I was doing very well but I have been using still my 25% ,well it is less but,I WANT TO QUITE!!!!!!!!!!, I don't know if I will do it, this days, while at work my life was worse, I was just still thinking, I shuold? or I can wait? but the craving make me fell on it againd. What I know is that I have been almost 2 weeks, this week will be the secound one that I have not buy more medication, but I still have it in home,My wife is making more effort than me she is every single morning waiting until I finish the shower and leave home , going to my work is the worse travel I have ever done, running into my head,only that @#%$ med. should I or shouldn't,I am very tire I cann't even write any more,I have asked in my work for vacation so I can be at home, sleep well and then see if is the tireness that make me fell againd,I told my wife that this next friday will be the day that I have to flush the med. in th toilet even do, I have finish with it, my only scare is that after that i see that I don't have more med, the withdraw will start stroger, than the minimal feeling that I have have.I was very sad when I couldn't get log in into this forum, I have to register againd I was before Ivsubcut and now I have to put ivsubcute,because I forgot my pass word,I don't know the last day that I wrote here,but not getting into this forum, I get this as an escuse to use my$#@%^ 25% That I would like one day will end.

Please guys let me know what I have to do to get rid of this craving,I feel that I am close to finish with this but I also feel that I am very close to start againd with the same.Now that I can write againd to you all tomorrow will try harder to not use aNYTHING i HOPE TOMMORROW WILL BE TRUE.

Please if some one knows how to finish with the craving, please let me know. I need inmediatly help.

Please do not let me alone, write someone an encourage letter I need one.tahnks I don't know if someone will read all this but it is helping me today a lot.
My last dose of 25% was at 7:00 pm, and tomorrow I promess to my wife that will be only 15% or 20%, She have never see me doing drugs even I know that she knows, HELP< HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey IV,

Wish I had the magic answer for the cravings. They do get much better once you've quit and put some time between you and the last dose. Maybe you already said this somewhere, but what pill or med are you taking? If you can't -- or don't want to -- go to a doctor for help with your withdrawal, your idea for taking some time off work makes a lot of sense. Atleast for a few days early on. After that, if you're capable of showing up, you may want to in order to get some distraction. Any distraction. Nothing worse than just sitting around and feeling that grind of wanting more.

It sounds like you're really toughing this out. Showing a lot of courage. Your desire really comes through. I can only say that the payoff will be huge. Hang in my friend, and let us know how today goes. M.
Long time ago I had a car accident and when I was sent home I was taking Darvocet for almost one or 2 years, at that time I don't even know about been addicted or that this medication, was additive.One day my leg was hurting a lot and I was with 2 friends, one of them was using this medication, and he told me, you know use this medication,it will help you with the pain, I started using the medication IV, the pain was gone, I was walking, doing everything fine, it was for long time,then I realize that I was in drugs, without my self knowing, probable you all will not going to believed but I have never been involve with drugs before and when I find out in the problem that I was I started to using the drug sucutaneous, 1 ml every 4 or 3 hours,this medication very energetic for me,it make me feel better and also I I can do every thing easy, but I am spending a lot of money and my body is like starting to refusing to use it, lately my body was hurting even more that before I use the medication but the craving WAS THERE,I find in this forum one thing that I could ever said to anyone,because I always was trying to hide my addiction, I couldn't say to any one that I was addictive to this med, but know I am trying ti figth to get througth this.

Medication:Nubain (opio like morphine) bottle with 10 ml.
Use : 1 ml every3 or 4 hours, for almost 13 years
razon to use it :none, I have no pain but I do have to invent the pain to get the medication.

Today is been very productive for meI have use only 1 ml but only in 25 % of this doses in 4 times, I know that I have to end with thi but at this moment this is the far that I can get.I still have have of the medication in my house, but it make me more stronge I know that I have to finish with this but for me is not anyother way.

every time I have to prolong the times yesterday my last dose was at 7 pm and the next day the first dose was at 7 am, which is today and is already 5 pm my last dose of 25% was at 1200 pm.

I am feeling very well I have not having any craving rigth now but I don't know later.Today when I woke up my body was more strong eI did not feel as before like figthing with my self to not get the medication, but the last dose that I have use make me feel pretty bad, my head started to hurt, I could do anything, but I hope that this feeling were always when useing the drug, I know that I am not ready to flush the medication in the toilet, because my scare of feeling bad later.


Please send a encourage messages if you all could, do not let me alone , every time that i read somethig here make me stronger.
Thanks god,

Every day is getting easy,I am very happy because I have the feeling that tomorrow is the day,that I will be free of this, If by any chance I fail, I am going to mexico into a program call OCEANICA , they charge 15,000 for 1 month, and they come for me, I told them that I will try myself but if i fail sure I will be calling them,goal is to flush the medication on friday, even if don't get better tomorrow, Because I have to this , and I will.

Today has been my first 13 hours without this@#$% drug that I am tire.
Pry for me please tomorrow will be my day, I really don't know when the withdraw will be coming , but I know that before I had 4 or 5 without the medication , I started to get symptoms like swettying a lot abdominal cramps, and the craving, that was killing me, also yawing a lot tears , running nose, but at this moment I don't feel nothing don't even the craving, I FEEL VERY VERY HAPPY FOR THIS .
Thanks to all of you guys for your support.
If I get heal I will heal 20 people anywher4e that can.
Today is almost my 24 hour, without a drug, still I need 5 more hours to get the 24hr, I haven't felt the withdraw, thanks god,someone knows if I flush the meds to the toilet today, can I still get the withdraw? or should I wait until 2 or 3 days more. I already forget about the craving, I don't feel the need of getting the med.

My concerns is once you don't have the med in your house, so if you have the withdraw you can use it and avoid that,but how long it takes to get it,is hours, days, weeks, how long more?

Medication: Nubain (opium) analgesic(pain med) inyectable.

I konw that probable no one will answer but writting make me forget about the medication,well , anyway. Thanks it was very good to know people taht have to figth to get better.

decrease your dose every day, even the small amout that you can reduce but just reduce the dose and never get back to the initial dose,you wiil be feeling more alert once you get to the half of your dose, it happened to me it was hard because I want to use more, several times I felt,but if you fail, try againd until you get your lower dose and you will note the cange.
Buy never came back to the same dose never.
So you are almost 24 hours into it.....Don't know when withdrawl will hit.....not sure did you decrease to as low as you could go before jumping off. (Sorry if that answer is there and I missed it). Whats up with still having the nubain in the house.....can't you flush it now.....I think you can but do you. I know it is like security in case the wd's hit and hit bad. You seem like you want this, and you have the backup plan, don't talk yourself out of making that call if you need to............
Good luck to you and keep posting, you may not get responses but someone is reading and you could be helping them.

Ok....went back an re-read the whole thread again not just your new posts......don't know if you lucked out with the wds. You did taper to nothing, which would help.....
Hey IV--

You're a miracle my friend. I read your posts every day for inspiration. It's been more than 6 months clean for me, but your posts take me right back to when I flushed the remainder of my pills and began this road of recovery. I think it helps a lot that you tapered down your dose over time. That took a lot of willpower in and of itself. I pray you suffer little if any bad withdrawal symptoms, but if that's not the case, please hang in there anyway. You've come too far to go back now. Peace, M.