Relapse Again

i was trying to stay off of methadone i was off of it last wednsday then i had somebody give me a oxi and it took me two days to take it i felt guilty then an i stopped i didnt take anything all weekend but xanax then on monday i started taking them again not alot just little pieces but now i am right back where i started i dont know how to stop im scared i feel so much better on them i cant function without them
Do you want to stop or do you want to keep taking drugs? What are you willing to do to stop? If you stop you will feel bad for a short time but after a while you'll feel much better. Are you in therepy or going to any 12 step meetings? Most of us here needed help to stay off pills. We tried doing it alone and it didn't work.
I have been on and off a lot of pills--barbs/benzos are hell--its a matter of how tough you are MENTALLY as your going to feel like sheet.

Meetings keeping busy exercise hey its tough but if you want it bad enough you will suffer a bit.

Up to you.

At every Pills Anonymous meeting, we read the following from Dr. Paul O.'s story as it appears in the Big Book, 4th Ed. title Acceptance Was the Answer. BTW - Dr. Paul in a 1995 interview with the AA Grapevine was very instrumental in seeing the formation of Pills Anonymous. It goes like this:

... I had to get all the stuff out of the house and out of my possession. In the end I had to do the same with alcohol and all pills. I wasnt able to quit chemicals as long as they were in the house. If they were around, I always found a need for themespecially the pills. I never in my life took a tranquilizer, sedative, or pep pill because I was a pillhead. I always took it because I had the symptom that only that pill would relieve. Therefore, every pill was medically indicated at the time it was taken. For me, pills dont produce the desire to swallow a pill; they produce the symptoms that require that the pill be taken for relief. As a physician and pharmacist who had grown up in a drugstore-home, I had a pill for every ill, and I was sick a lot.

I know this applies to me, as well as many other pill addicts. Here is a link to Dr. Paul's story if you would like to read it.

Acceptance Was the Answer

Have you considered going into the hospital to detox? I had to put some distance between myself and the pills I was addicted too, in order to get clean. The solution that is held in the first 164 pages of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous helps me to stay clean.

Please write back and let us know how you are. You matter, my friend.

Namaste' ~


i wanna stop i just hate feeling like hell i dont feel like myself......but i really dont even know who i am anymore honestly i havent been to any meetings ive said im gonna go but havent been to any yet i think im scared i might see someone who knows me an that would ruin me but i think im gonna go to one tonight an check it out i do wanna stop im scared ive never been without drugs an when i was without them i was young an i cant even remember what it was like i cant remember anything my memory is shot i wish i could grasp that feeling again maybe that would help me get away from this nightmare
i think im scared i might see someone who knows me an that would ruin me

I don't mean this in a cruel way. What makes you think anyone cares that you are there? If anyone is at a meeting they are there because they are addicts or alcoholics themselves trying to stay clean one day at a time. Not to see who is there that they can talk about. Stop worrying about who is there. Worry about how they can help you. Stop making excuses and go. I know you're afraid but we all were.
you know what your right i dont know why i even said that i have never cared what people thought i guess im just scared because i have two girls!! im scared for them..and also being on these drugs has made me into someone im not im sure they do this to all of us but they make me a bad person im soo hatefull to people i love like my mom when im taking them im soo mean to her i take everything out on her , yea i know why? i dont know i try to keep my thoughts to myself an try not to be this monster i dont wanna be like this anymore i have tryed to get my mom to go to couseling with me but she never wants to i dont understand it but im gonna keep trying to get her to go with me...i need to go anyways
I live in a very small town and had those same feelings, what if someone knows me? Guess what, they didn't care who I was, they were just glad I was there. They are there for the very same reasons. I do get what your saying about your children although, as an active drug user, you are no good to them. You aren't being the mom you should be. Go for them.